Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Main Deck › = 44th State of the Fleet, October 2017 =
October 1, 2017 at 7:19 am #191571
Greetings 44th !
October has arrived, here’s your monthly State of the Fleet. A short one this time, but first as usual a welcome to our newest fleet members:
@desertbear360 (Alex) US East Coast
@miciociccio (Luca) from Italy
@Traleron (Rick) from West Michigan, USA
@gorathar (Logan) from Indiana, USA
@nilson613#9557 (Andie) from the UK
@lenpup (Lenny) on PST
@chanfron (Jason) form the UK
@akanaro (Hennie) from South Africa
@painoboy121 (Mark) on CSTIn a few days Season 14 “Emergence” will launch, kicking off with the featured episode ‘Melting Pot‘, once more starring captain Geordie LaForge as voiced by LeVar Burton. As a TNG Trekkie myself I really think he nailed it, like he’s never been away.
As with any new STO update, season or expansion launch, expect some bugs and even extra server/patch downtime during this week, in addition to the usual Patch Thursday ‘break’.‘Melting Pot’ will introduce and tell the backstory of the Lukari/Kentari joint colony which will become our newest 44th Fleet holding. And it’s going to be a big one, with no less than five (!) full tiers to complete. This will take a fleet like ours a year to fully provision and finish, so this will be a long-term project. There will be some interesting kit, weapons, items and other unlocks to be earned there, but I will discuss them at a later post – the stats of the new S14 stuff will no doubt be adjusted after launch due to glitches/bugs/exploits. It’s the nature of (any) game.
Unlike the previous fleet holdings like the mine, embassy and research lab, the Dranuur Colony will have its own ‘farming’ maps. Some of which you can solo and others that can only be triggered by the fleet leader (in the 44th that’s either me or Sargon) in order to progress or earn unique marks to unlock next levels. Depending on how they work out we may make this a regular fleet event on Fridays or Saturdays – this will be in addition to the ground ‘capture the flag’ missions we can run everyday whenever there is interest.
We may even combine this with an Armada-wide event, where we’ll join a fellow Armada fleet on a Dranuur derby to support some of the smaller fleets.
The 44th will host an official Dranuur Colony Event saturday Oct 7th at 20:00 UTC. I will obviously attend but it will be helmed by our fleet commodore Sensei_Krieger (link). By just attending you will receive a lockbox key for you to use or sell (4-5 mil ec) and you will receive a unique forum ribbon for your collection. We’ll also take a ‘before’ fleet picture – it will be interesting to compare and see who will be present on the ‘finished’ picture when the Colony is finally complete ! Last month’s impromptu fleet fest was a success so I hope we can repeat that.
So the Dranuur Colony holding will be a serious effort (everyone collected their free doffs ?) and as such we are going to repeat the strategy we used before: all Colony holding efforts will go into our main 44th Fleet first, followed by our KDF 44th Assault Squadron and finally Delta fleet. 44th Delta Fleet’s Tier 5 starbase is still not complete after a year – and truth be told it was never a real goal as main 44th has one fully completed and stocked already – but it does give you an idea what a Tier 5 fleet holding takes to complete.
This means that if you have a main/active character at minimum Lieutenant (fleet) rank still in the 44th Delta fleet, we will move it to main. If you have dormant alts in Main 44th then those will be moved to 44th Delta (and all keep their ranks obviously). Contact a fleet admin if you want to be moved. New recruits will continue to be posted for 2 weeks in Delta and move their (active) toons to Main after. Delta toons can still cross-donate directly to main fleet holdings, so that’s a nice extra.
Small forum updates, the main fleet officers page has been updated and now includes links to all 44th Fleet members and the fleet ship registry – the latter is forever a WIP and will be updated as it goes along. Submit your favorite ship(s) of the moment here. You can now also just click your ribbons and see its description and who else has earned it.
Things to look out for in the month ahead are the Dilithium weekend Oct. 12th (use your mining claims !) and of course the Item Upgrade weekend Oct. 19th – that is the time to upgrade your equipment. It will also be the time to sell Superior Tech Upgrades (ec hint) on the exchange and keep an eye on the dili/zen market as it will yo-yo up, down and back again during the Upgrade Weeken as the demand for dilithium will be highest.
New featured episode ‘Search for Soolin’ will also return later this week so you can win some of those techs.
Special mentions this month to Damix for behind-the-scene fleet assistance (and grats on being an official STO-wiki admin now!), Sensei_Krieger for stepping up on fleet affairs and Palcioz for keeping the website running smoothly at warp speed as always. 🙂
That’s the short monthly fleet review, a follow-up with more in-depth Colony holding news and kit details soon(tm).
Edit: Season 14 early thoughts can be found > here <.
Carry on captains !
Rock the skant ! 🙂
Oct 3rd – Launch of Season 14 “Emergence”, feat. ep. “Melting Pot”
Oct 5th – TNG 30th Anniversary ends
Oct 7th – 44th Fleet Colony Holding event
Oct 12-16th – Dilithium Weekend
Oct 13-14 – Hearts and Minds (creepy missions, earn a unique Doff)
Oct 19 – 23 – Item Upgrade Weekend !
Oct 31-Nov 1st – Hearts and Minds (repeated)Summer 2018 – Expansion Four “Victory is Life”
Podcast – Priority One
Previous State of the Fleet – September 2017
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."October 2, 2017 at 12:35 am #191597Thanks for the update. I’m definitely excited for the new fleet holding, just too bad I can’t make it to the colony event this weekend.
October 2, 2017 at 2:44 pm #191640Thanks for the welcome shout out. Looking forward to getting to know some folks and learning to be a better player over the next few months. My online time is a bit limited until November and the snow starts flying, but once winter is here I’ll be on a bit more.
I’ve been contributing a few DOff to indicate activity and get a few fleet credits, but should I even be putting anything into the Delta fleet projects at this time, or just hold out for what is coming up?
Thanks again for the friendly welcome, and have a great week everyone!
aka @Traleron
October 2, 2017 at 3:44 pm #191655Hi Rick. although we will focus on the Main fleet colony holding we expect the first ones will be filled quickly; it’s the ones after that that will grow in requirements. In the meantime you can donate to other projects in either Main, Delta, KDF/Assault and even Armada – your choice. We understand that there will always be a need for fleet credits so we will have some ‘gapfiller’ projects available. And as always, all contributions are voluntary.
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."October 26, 2017 at 8:21 am #192989Hello fleet,
Just a recap of some of the easy ribbons you can still earn on the 44th forum:
The ‘Golden Accolade’ ribbon, for showing off your accolade points, and which will be replaced by a higher version as you earn more points (2,500-20,000). The ‘Search for Soolin’ ribbon, awarded once for ‘finding’ Soolin during one of the weekly screenshot contests. The ‘Reported for Duty’ ribbon, awarded once for submitting your ship(s) for the 44th’s Fleet registry. The ‘Discord’ ribbon, awarded once for signing up on our discord server. The purple ‘Reply’ ribbon, awarded once for replying to a forum post (not including your app form). The ‘made a unique post’ ribbon, awarded once for posting a unique topic on our forum (not incl. your app form). You can find the full list on top under Forums/Forum Ribbons. Have an idea for something that needs to be awarded or recognized, or think you are eligible for one ? Let us know !
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..." -
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