Drozana Disaster Contest

Drozana Disaster Contest

0 Points

Despite your best efforts, your wardrobe is truly a malfunction. As a consolation prize for bravely stepping out of the replicator room looking like Tuvix’ less attractive cousin and joining your fleetmates on Drozana, you have earned this ribbon. Grats? Costume Contest on Drozana.

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Akula2045
  • Profile photo of Veratisu
  • Profile photo of Balthazar
  • Profile photo of Robert Coe
  • Profile photo of Gallifrey Captain
  • Profile photo of Kwolves21
  • Profile photo of Shohom
  • Profile photo of RedShirtJohnson
  • Profile photo of MrIncredible
  • Profile photo of SgtKen60
  • Profile photo of horridperson
  • Profile photo of Toadslayer
  • Profile photo of Phoenix
  • Profile photo of TBjarnason