

0 Points

This ribbon is awarded to those who are serving, or have served in their nation’s military. Apply for the ribbon here.

Thank you for your service.

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Antimatic
  • Profile photo of Chris
  • Profile photo of Bazz
  • Profile photo of Hargrave@tirynian#0811
  • Profile photo of SgtKen60
  • Profile photo of CrazyEyedPanda
  • Profile photo of Cyberin
  • Profile photo of Sapper
  • Profile photo of Dirk
  • Profile photo of Ed
  • Profile photo of Kirby
  • Profile photo of Doug Kent
  • Profile photo of Jameson
  • Profile photo of jtuyajr
  • Profile photo of Wally
  • Profile photo of Mark L-M
  • Profile photo of Jake
  • Profile photo of Paradoxical
  • Profile photo of Stone Gold
  • Profile photo of Strikedeacon
  • Profile photo of Andrew
  • Profile photo of Vexor
  • Profile photo of Matthew
  • Profile photo of Marcase
  • Profile photo of davidhensonUK
  • Profile photo of Josh
  • Profile photo of Jeff
  • Profile photo of
  • Profile photo of Greyhocke
  • Profile photo of LordShankMaster
  • Profile photo of Traiash
  • Profile photo of Luke Skywalker
  • Profile photo of Dennis
  • Profile photo of John Woods
  • Profile photo of Veilwolf
  • Profile photo of Manus
  • Profile photo of Michael R
  • Profile photo of Roy
  • Profile photo of Jazzaroo
  • Profile photo of Kwolves21
  • Profile photo of Crypto 136
  • Profile photo of Pandracones
  • Profile photo of Lunatic
  • Profile photo of Necronin
  • Profile photo of Shauncb
  • Profile photo of Geno Weiss
  • Profile photo of PhilDelta
  • Profile photo of Tossai
  • Profile photo of Akulla
  • Profile photo of Kildynn
  • Profile photo of Keldon Seranas
  • Profile photo of WickedPhreak
  • Profile photo of MrIncredible
  • Profile photo of Josh
  • Profile photo of RedShirtJohnson
  • Profile photo of Alan
  • Profile photo of Jabari
  • Profile photo of Wingedmedic
  • Profile photo of BrightBlade
  • Profile photo of Ghostshark
  • Profile photo of Wraithii
  • Profile photo of Mesteria
  • Profile photo of Ochosi
  • Profile photo of DaveB
  • Profile photo of Ventura
  • Profile photo of Sarge Fifth
  • Profile photo of SupremeDoughnut
  • Profile photo of Brian
  • Profile photo of Dbombtek
  • Profile photo of Alan
  • Profile photo of uh60james
  • Profile photo of Eagle_301
  • Profile photo of Kayamone
  • Profile photo of Dinamo
  • Profile photo of Cadaren
  • Profile photo of Storms
  • Profile photo of Andy Reed
  • Profile photo of Kevin Nelson
  • Profile photo of Titanroller
  • Profile photo of Heshya
  • Profile photo of Kyle
  • Profile photo of Kildar
  • Profile photo of Yiadri Lux
  • Profile photo of Qsept
  • Profile photo of Raynn