44th Gamma Colonizer

44th Gamma Colonizer


Congratulations !

You earned the Gamma Colonizer Ribbon for moving your alts to our 44th Gamma Fleet, and bolstered the ranks of our youngest fleet so it can boldly grow and expand in the STO universe.

1 Required Steps

  • Earn Have a character in the 44th Gamma Fleet 1 time.

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Sapper
  • Profile photo of aFuzzyWuzzyBear
  • Profile photo of Akula2045
  • Profile photo of Allen
  • Profile photo of Ashrak1
  • Profile photo of baldrick8
  • Profile photo of Doug Kent
  • Profile photo of Clare
  • Profile photo of Fourtwenty
  • Profile photo of djf021
  • Profile photo of Reynolds
  • Profile photo of Scott \"Sivot\"
  • Profile photo of Hadron3000
  • Profile photo of David C. Coe
  • Profile photo of Adamus Kane
  • Profile photo of jao
  • Profile photo of Jucy
  • Profile photo of Kelldar
  • Profile photo of Theodore Richardson
  • Profile photo of Arcelia
  • Profile photo of Nineline
  • Profile photo of Patrick
  • Profile photo of Padom
  • Profile photo of Phoenix
  • Profile photo of Matt
  • Profile photo of AzureRaven
  • Profile photo of Seraph
  • Profile photo of Thomas M.
  • Profile photo of Harley
  • Profile photo of Spartacus
  • Profile photo of Chuck
  • Profile photo of Keever
  • Profile photo of Dewkie Brownn
  • Profile photo of Jumblo
  • Profile photo of Jess
  • Profile photo of thecaeliargestalt (aka RunePenrod)
  • Profile photo of Stefan
  • Profile photo of TBjarnason
  • Profile photo of Acoustic Rob
  • Profile photo of acranger
  • Profile photo of Toadslayer
  • Profile photo of Andrek
  • Profile photo of AnganySamavu
  • Profile photo of Anukis
  • Profile photo of ApNTerra
  • Profile photo of Arkmot
  • Profile photo of Daryl
  • Profile photo of Astinious
  • Profile photo of Bazz
  • Profile photo of Beorngar
  • Profile photo of Chris
  • Profile photo of Blackwood
  • Profile photo of Blunttag
  • Profile photo of Moninja
  • Profile photo of Boogaloogaloo
  • Profile photo of BreakingForce
  • Profile photo of J A Cook
  • Profile photo of CastWorf
  • Profile photo of Chanfron
  • Profile photo of SgtKen60
  • Profile photo of Chris
  • Profile photo of CJ
  • Profile photo of Andy
  • Profile photo of CodeWarrior316
  • Profile photo of Connfire
  • Profile photo of CrazyEyedPanda
  • Profile photo of critter79606
  • Profile photo of Cross82
  • Profile photo of Kevin
  • Profile photo of Jack
  • Profile photo of Cyberin
  • Profile photo of Jeff
  • Profile photo of Damix
  • Profile photo of Ryan Smith
  • Profile photo of Brandon
  • Profile photo of Desaer
  • Profile photo of Devildog246
  • Profile photo of Dime_407
  • Profile photo of Dirk
  • Profile photo of Duzell
  • Profile photo of Endorfinator98
  • Profile photo of Fanorn305#8163
  • Profile photo of Femerov
  • Profile photo of John
  • Profile photo of Fortinbras
  • Profile photo of frostisk
  • Profile photo of Hollywood_NZ
  • Profile photo of fuzzyrobo
  • Profile photo of Gallifrey Captain
  • Profile photo of Kirby
  • Profile photo of Gilles33366
  • Profile photo of G’Luv
  • Profile photo of @hammbone2005#9720
  • Profile photo of Slethth
  • Profile photo of Scott
  • Profile photo of horridperson
  • Profile photo of Hunt@handle
  • Profile photo of iustin
  • Profile photo of RatheMagius
  • Profile photo of Jalification
  • Profile photo of JamesX
  • Profile photo of Jameson
  • Profile photo of Soap
  • Profile photo of REDPAW70
  • Profile photo of jedidiahocd
  • Profile photo of Jehens
  • Profile photo of Jintso Chen
  • Profile photo of Dave
  • Profile photo of jtuyajr
  • Profile photo of hokc
  • Profile photo of kermy@ladykermy
  • Profile photo of Kellthar Brenn
  • Profile photo of KirksFavoriteSon
  • Profile photo of Kuldraca
  • Profile photo of Luke Skywalker
  • Profile photo of Inferno
  • Profile photo of Kevin Grate
  • Profile photo of Bleyde
  • Profile photo of John
  • Profile photo of ls4ava
  • Profile photo of Jim
  • Profile photo of madmax4916
  • Profile photo of Wally
  • Profile photo of Robert
  • Profile photo of @clockwerk08
  • Profile photo of Adam
  • Profile photo of M.Y.
  • Profile photo of Mark L-M
  • Profile photo of Michael
  • Profile photo of EmptyOwl
  • Profile photo of Jake
  • Profile photo of Nrzloork
  • Profile photo of Galen
  • Profile photo of Olwin
  • Profile photo of palcioz
  • Profile photo of Prime7619
  • Profile photo of RAMJB
  • Profile photo of Chris
  • Profile photo of Rayden
  • Profile photo of Ryan
  • Profile photo of RedShirtJohnson
  • Profile photo of Paradoxical
  • Profile photo of Ricky
  • Profile photo of Roberthf7
  • Profile photo of Charles Moreau
  • Profile photo of Roy Mustang
  • Profile photo of GogetaSilver7000
  • Profile photo of Sargon
  • Profile photo of Arafan
  • Profile photo of Shanater
  • Profile photo of Shohom
  • Profile photo of Singhsational
  • Profile photo of Slayer1189
  • Profile photo of Smokey
  • Profile photo of Sniperspice
  • Profile photo of SolusVael
  • Profile photo of Sovereign47
  • Profile photo of Solius
  • Profile photo of Alexander Uzunov
  • Profile photo of Starhawke
  • Profile photo of Strikedeacon
  • Profile photo of Sulem@Sulem76
  • Profile photo of SypherZ
  • Profile photo of Tama
  • Profile photo of Tasherian
  • Profile photo of Thalyos
  • Profile photo of Robert Coe
  • Profile photo of Anthony Sanford
  • Profile photo of Krueger
  • Profile photo of TheOmenn
  • Profile photo of Josh
  • Profile photo of @cantoneverett
  • Profile photo of Viktor Mace
  • Profile photo of Davis
  • Profile photo of wrangler
  • Profile photo of Mark
  • Profile photo of Matthew
  • Profile photo of Gabe
  • Profile photo of ZaProks
  • Profile photo of Marcase
  • Profile photo of CyJags
  • Profile photo of Brian
  • Profile photo of Nico101
  • Profile photo of JD
  • Profile photo of Josh
  • Profile photo of Penny
  • Profile photo of T\'Sal Srini
  • Profile photo of Issit
  • Profile photo of Augustin
  • Profile photo of cousincoffee
  • Profile photo of korhol
  • Profile photo of Daniel B
  • Profile photo of Stuart Pocock
  • Profile photo of Dusty
  • Profile photo of Wedge Antilles
  • Profile photo of RabidSnowman
  • Profile photo of Wildcard Wilson
  • Profile photo of Boom
  • Profile photo of Wells
  • Profile photo of Incorpul
  • Profile photo of Vala Rhan
  • Profile photo of benny
  • Profile photo of Ryoken
  • Profile photo of Memmnon
  • Profile photo of Rob
  • Profile photo of Roeratt
  • Profile photo of Pryce
  • Profile photo of Hedgehawg
  • Profile photo of Arkanaan
  • Profile photo of spartan7828
  • Profile photo of Kepler
  • Profile photo of Jeff
  • Profile photo of sdshow
  • Profile photo of Epsilon
  • Profile photo of Daniel Gray
  • Profile photo of egeteo
  • Profile photo of Tezbak
  • Profile photo of RichSimmons
  • Profile photo of b.e.tech
  • Profile photo of Sukobi
  • Profile photo of calvak
  • Profile photo of ETK
  • Profile photo of Morris
  • Profile photo of Greyhocke
  • Profile photo of Jimmy
  • Profile photo of Glongorr
  • Profile photo of patplay
  • Profile photo of CaptObvious
  • Profile photo of Theblitz117
  • Profile photo of James
  • Profile photo of Avallac\'h
  • Profile photo of silvergrace
  • Profile photo of Tyrone Alfonso
  • Profile photo of Gerould
  • Profile photo of Tyler
  • Profile photo of Marcus Sateda
  • Profile photo of Neut@earthluner
  • Profile photo of Chevaux
  • Profile photo of Apollo Inkunen
  • Profile photo of Legendros
  • Profile photo of Rob
  • Profile photo of Traiash
  • Profile photo of Jayhawk226
  • Profile photo of Jordan
  • Profile photo of Onariz
  • Profile photo of cpugeek
  • Profile photo of Lukasz
  • Profile photo of GandalfTheGrey
  • Profile photo of aeowolf359
  • Profile photo of max40watt
  • Profile photo of Ryan
  • Profile photo of Eldon
  • Profile photo of Patrick
  • Profile photo of Sabre
  • Profile photo of Lost Kitten
  • Profile photo of Har
  • Profile photo of Zim Drex
  • Profile photo of Dexxis
  • Profile photo of Thorsten
  • Profile photo of Daniel
  • Profile photo of Ilyari
  • Profile photo of Manus
  • Profile photo of Rob
  • Profile photo of Christopher Diethiel Elkarr
  • Profile photo of Jason
  • Profile photo of Jun lucky walker
  • Profile photo of Nonarei#0
  • Profile photo of Michael R
  • Profile photo of Geogron
  • Profile photo of Prymus82
  • Profile photo of Carlos
  • Profile photo of Janice
  • Profile photo of Cyan
  • Profile photo of Rick E.
  • Profile photo of CDog
  • Profile photo of Korbaan
  • Profile photo of Jazzaroo
  • Profile photo of Kurgh
  • Profile photo of mehmedbb
  • Profile photo of Malo
  • Profile photo of Roquendur
  • Profile photo of Volidon
  • Profile photo of fatman592
  • Profile photo of MianenCZ
  • Profile photo of 41BCCO
  • Profile photo of JJ
  • Profile photo of Tennents
  • Profile photo of Firelobo
  • Profile photo of Josh
  • Profile photo of Buck Huckle
  • Profile photo of Crypto 136
  • Profile photo of Arublue
  • Profile photo of Naros
  • Profile photo of atobo
  • Profile photo of Brian
  • Profile photo of captainnemojr
  • Profile photo of awsome665
  • Profile photo of Tankenstein
  • Profile photo of Kwolves21
  • Profile photo of Lunatic
  • Profile photo of Philem
  • Profile photo of Adam W
  • Profile photo of aceofw
  • Profile photo of Dcoy76
  • Profile photo of MrSkull
  • Profile photo of rgmen1907
  • Profile photo of Lordlife
  • Profile photo of Mynthaour
  • Profile photo of Balthazar
  • Profile photo of arkhammer
  • Profile photo of Josh Lipe
  • Profile photo of ScottL
  • Profile photo of Geno Weiss
  • Profile photo of @brumby
  • Profile photo of Lazarus
  • Profile photo of James
  • Profile photo of Chipster
  • Profile photo of Roy
  • Profile photo of Nathan
  • Profile photo of Hazard
  • Profile photo of Wingedmedic
  • Profile photo of Mr Strange Guides
  • Profile photo of Nyght
  • Profile photo of laspartan
  • Profile photo of Styles
  • Profile photo of Frostgroove
  • Profile photo of Christopher Kearney
  • Profile photo of Tarikla
  • Profile photo of Vic
  • Profile photo of Kat
  • Profile photo of Wraithii
  • Profile photo of Ochosi
  • Profile photo of Senseikrieger
  • Profile photo of Crimson
  • Profile photo of Talley
  • Profile photo of DarkaideBlues - Trilly
  • Profile photo of Paul Cannon
  • Profile photo of Kallon
  • Profile photo of George
  • Profile photo of bobthewormf2p#6902
  • Profile photo of absurdium
  • Profile photo of Andrew
  • Profile photo of Saek
  • Profile photo of BJ Blankinship
  • Profile photo of Nayoko
  • Profile photo of MrIncredible
  • Profile photo of Alpha087
  • Profile photo of Andrew
  • Profile photo of @Viper99991
  • Profile photo of Olavur
  • Profile photo of Sharkcura
  • Profile photo of Aashara
  • Profile photo of Efren
  • Profile photo of Chipster2
  • Profile photo of Tallasha
  • Profile photo of Todd
  • Profile photo of VulcanMindMeld
  • Profile photo of Diego
  • Profile photo of Sam
  • Profile photo of Devix
  • Profile photo of pythonpoto
  • Profile photo of Pat
  • Profile photo of Rends
  • Profile photo of Cluelessn00b
  • Profile photo of Tehmay
  • Profile photo of blue511
  • Profile photo of Captain Nemo
  • Profile photo of GunsNroses61
  • Profile photo of Woodstock Fury
  • Profile photo of Tom
  • Profile photo of RoaDKiLL
  • Profile photo of Michi
  • Profile photo of JokerD03
  • Profile photo of @TheAkkadian
  • Profile photo of Smannesman
  • Profile photo of Cimax
  • Profile photo of Sovereign001
  • Profile photo of Coffee
  • Profile photo of Chell6
  • Profile photo of Joel
  • Profile photo of IamKhronos
  • Profile photo of Shawn
  • Profile photo of Justin
  • Profile photo of Sahto
  • Profile photo of Frarry
  • Profile photo of Seraphina
  • Profile photo of Max
  • Profile photo of Robert
  • Profile photo of Skeen
  • Profile photo of Vindleth
  • Profile photo of Cole
  • Profile photo of Kingmj4891
  • Profile photo of Atomix
  • Profile photo of Melock
  • Profile photo of one of romulus
  • Profile photo of Miakoda
  • Profile photo of Fabrice
  • Profile photo of NatMan
  • Profile photo of Charles
  • Profile photo of ReeseW
  • Profile photo of Nick
  • Profile photo of Zack
  • Profile photo of Paradym
  • Profile photo of markoph
  • Profile photo of Jordan
  • Profile photo of Xithl
  • Profile photo of Red
  • Profile photo of Zeva
  • Profile photo of Neko
  • Profile photo of Michael Castricano
  • Profile photo of Charles
  • Profile photo of James
  • Profile photo of Dontray