Forum Replies Created
February 23, 2022 at 6:48 am #436233
“game changes implemented on the 15th… how many others in this fleet have been forced out the game” For those of us not on discord, could someone please explain what this is about? (I know, I know, I need to get on discord.)
Cryptic decided to ban all windows 7 users from the game, which went live on the 15th
February 21, 2022 at 6:57 am #436221Hmm, I am disappointed but not surprised about the non mention of the game changes implemented on the 15th, I don’t know how many others in this fleet have been forced out the game.
In fact I withdrew all my characters from the fleet just over a week ago and as far as I can tell no one has even noticed.
have fun all
December 16, 2021 at 8:10 am #435621anime rogal dorn, nice
October 25, 2021 at 7:03 am #435034out of interest, what is classified as an Active character, dont know how the in game stats are generated but I assume its a character that has logged on within a set period, this cant tell the difference between a played character and a dil farming alt that only logs on for 10 seconds, or does it take into account amount of time online too.
September 23, 2021 at 5:24 am #434461In keeping with our tradition, I voted for Zeta Fleet.
All our “expansion fleets” have followed the letters of the Greek alphabet, as far back as when even the very idea of ever needing a “Gamma Fleet” third expansion fleet seemed both absurd and arrogant to many of us.
It’s not lost on me that the 44th has never been about hard-core recruitment or Fleet expansion, and yet we have expanded beyond the point anyone here expected.
I guess the idea of an easy-going Fleet where the point is having fun, and playing in a way you personally find enjoyable, with no demands on members beyond: “Be friendly if you can: but at the very least, don’t be a dick”, plus the whole “no discussions of religion or politics in non-private chat” has resonated with a lot more people than we ever expected it would.
Anyway, I feel it’s helpful to stay with the Greek alphabet letters we’ve been using thus far. It’s a vaguely Star Trek-ish thing to do, plus it’s a recognizable pattern for those in the game. As a bonus, Zeta is only the sixth letter of the classic Greek alphabet, so we have a lot more letters left to us if we keep making new STO friends in the future.
Lastly, thanks to Marcase and the volunteer Admiralty staff of the 44th for keeping the Fleet operational in the day-to-day. I know you folks do a lot of work behind the scenes to keep the 44th running. Please know that it is appreciated!Cheers,
100% agree with this, I voted Zeta too, also as Horid pointed out there are not many people voting, we have, what 500+ members but only over a tenth have voted, either the others don’t know or don’t care about the poll.
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September 10, 2021 at 3:05 pm #434144you made it
August 16, 2021 at 7:12 pm #433872I think most if not all Eaglemoss star trek ships are reviewed here plus others
August 12, 2021 at 5:53 am #433845lol, I got most of these from the original run from when they were released in the UK several years ago, I stopped collecting mostly due to the fact nearly every new release was some shitty one episode freighter from voyager that I had no interest in, not looked at eaglemoss’s website in a long time, good to see they got nice collection of STO ships.
I not got any of the disco ships or any of the XL ones, do have most of the special edition ones, got two Borg cubes and two Vengeance’s one of each was free due to their cock ups.I see they got a sweet looking Space 1999 Eagle up for preorder but want £60 for it.
April 7, 2021 at 6:01 am #432111Thank you for the explanation, you did the right thing if it was bringing unwanted attention to the Fleet/Discord
April 5, 2021 at 4:00 pm #432089Regarding the Betarad, I am sure we are all grateful for the time and effort that went into moderating that channel and removing anything that may have been too spicy etc and I for one am very grateful they the Admiralty chose to share the discussion they had regarding said channel and posted on the forums for us too see.
It was very good to have a vote that allowed the fleet members to have a say in what happened instead of just nuking the channel and saying tough targ poop.
But I must point out for all the talk of giving people a vote the thread was locked in just over 24hrs
The poll opens up for voting on 31 March 2021 @ 0700 UTC. It ends on 07 April 2021 @ 1900 UTC. <–Taken from the thread
certainly less than advertised (see above)
And a total of 37 votes were counted even though our discord has 420+ members.
Would all 420+ members have voted and/or commented, No 100% definitely not.
Would the outcome of the vote been any different, No 100% definitely not.
Is betarad being removed a problem for me, No 100% not, yes I was a member and posted a few things and viewed the room for amusement, that being said if it needed to go because to was becoming a possible problem for the fleet discord then that is what needed to be done.
Locking the thread so quickly kinda seems like you got the result you wanted and locked it to prevent that altering, I am 1000% sure that was NOT the intention, I was intending to comment in the thread but was thinking what to but then didn’t get the chance.
I was not sure if I was going to even post this or not but decided to in the end.
This is not a criticism of anybody and please don’t take it as one but I felt it need to be pointed out.
Regards Chanfron
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
March 21, 2021 at 6:25 am #431818I copied my character to test server just in case, thought it might be a good way to prove I had said Boff and if anything went wrong and that they might be able to copy character back, no idea if they would but thought it cant hurt.
Personally I think cryptic handled it very poorly considering its a one off unique Boff on KDF side that you cannot reclaim if dismissed.January 27, 2021 at 6:56 am #430943nice, thanks for the info
December 16, 2020 at 11:00 am #430319One of Us, One of Us, One of Us
Something you get in your stocking if you been naughty
No entry required, just for fun
December 15, 2020 at 12:07 pm #430294oh look, I was right but at least they didn’t release it this time
December 14, 2020 at 11:24 am #430287The first reset I re-did skills on three characters, second reset I did one, now not bothered, doing dailies and event don’t need skills reset, the fact that on three occasions now craptic has not even bothered to inform the playerbase that these were happening kinda shows how much they are about game.
I am sure beer bug is not helping but that’s no excuse, I am sure it will happen again so am not going to bother to do any resets for a while, the poor people who have a huge amount of characters must be pissed. -
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