Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Federation News Network › = 44th State of the Fleet, April 2018 =
April 8, 2018 at 11:54 am #204334
Greetings fleet,
First weekend of the month, here is your monthly State of the Fleet.
As usual, first a welcome to our newest members:
@Vert8472 (Chris) from Australia
@tank615#4633 (Chris) on CST
@imnotadonor (Donny) from Lithiuania
@stefanpersson85 (Stefan) from Sweden
@aebright28 (Andrew) on CST
@onearmedecon (Walt) on US Eastern
@snarcher (Steven) from the UK
@kurn#5133 (Harold) from central Illinois
@Samanth0r (Samantha) from Australia
@peradomon (Pajo) from Croatia
@chippa1902 (Clare) from the UK
@czepard (Matthew) from Poland
@G4vnor (Gareth) from the Midlands, UK
@pyromaniac271 (Patrick) from Florida
@justinmusix (Justin) from Kansas City
@guicel (William) from Argentina
@lemonblossom#4439 (Stacy) from UtahAnd a warm welcome back to some 44th veterans who have returned after a long afk from the game. Good to see you again ! We have quite a lot to cover so fire up the impulse engines.
STO News
We’ve seen the Renegade’s Regret, the first of a number of featured episodes already, and it’s no secret we’re going to see the Gamma quadrant as as the new expansion “Victory is Life” will be centered around Deep Space 9. A large part of the original cast will do voice over work. VIL will aire around June 3rd, so we will get back on this later, since too much is still subject to change anyway. Just a few notes on what you can expect.
There will be a new playable Jem’Hadar faction for you to command, which will have its own unique faction ships (number still unknown). Your new Jem’Hadar will also choose a Fed or KDF faction allegiance, similar as what the current Romulans do know. There will be about 6 unique Jem’Hadar episodes in a single faction arc, again similar to the current Romulans. The new Constable Reputation is already live – it’s a combined space and ground Rep which focuses on a single target – jury is still out if that’s a good thing, as most PVE content is AOE and NPC mobs. More to come later.
Fleet Activities
We have a record number of fleeties competing in the annual 44th PvP Tournament, even some veterans returning and jumping straight into the fray. With the powercreep, new traits, new ships, new sneaky combo’s it’s a vicious battle to see who ends up on top. A salute to all contenders for their sportsmanship in victory and defeat. I suspect many notes are taken for next year. It’s going to be interesting to see who will earn the coveted Red Squad ribbon this time. Bets are taken at the starbase bar.
Speaking of ribbons, if battling beyond the stars isn’t your forté, then fellow fleetie Loki has a challenge for you in the true style and spirit of the Federation, which will earn you a unique ribbon. Translate, extrapolate and/or guess the right answers of that alien thing called Aussie Slang and earn a unique ribbon. This contest is good fun, but prepare for some serious head-scratching and head-shaking in wonderment. Contact Loki on Discord and be amazed. Or confused. Well, probably both.
You can earn another yet another unique ribbon on April 24th: our fleet-mate Veratisu has some ideas about a fleet get together to commemorate Anzac Day. See details here.
We are also going to start (live) streaming our STO shenanigans ! Once a month we will stream/record some of our Fleet’s adventures, such as episodes, training guides, foundry missions, pvp matches or just getting down on Risa. We are currently looking for 2 more fleet-members who are able to stream, preferable in the US and/or EU timezone(s).
Have any ideas about a fleet event ? Restart Role-playing stories with the 44th ? Let us know !
The 44th wants you !
It is and always will be my goal to keep this fleet as egalitarian as possible. We really don’t care how rich/poor, good/bad you are in this game. You can be a fanatic min-maxer or a casual lurker, we welcome all. This fleet’s sole purpose is to provide an enjoyable and safe environment for you to play your STO, Neverwinter or StarCitizen with kindred madmen-… err, Trekkies. Any form of harrasment, shaming or trolling has never been tolerated and I’m proud to say we’ve been pretty much drama free since our founding in 2009.
Our ranking system has always embodied that, allowing everyone to level up automatically with no real requirements, including easy and early (just 2 weeks probation) access to all the shiny goodies that a maxed fleet has to offer.
This system has worked brilliantly for several years, creating a solid membership and long-time friends who meet up almost daily (sometimes even in real life). This success has however also a downside.
We have grown so large that managing even this simple setup is becoming a full day-job, and then some. This is why there is a large overhaul underway of your fleet’s leadership structure. First I’m happy to announce that the current Commodores in the fleet; Akula, Sensei-Krieger and Stompar will be elevated to the fleet rank of Vice-Admiral. These three veterans have earned their spurs by both time served and time invested in the fleet, generosity, good nature and leadership qualities and have been an asset to the 44th. It’s long overdue they are officially recognized for it. Congratulations gentlemen, you deserved it.
This means we have some Commodore positions vacant. We have someone in mind to fill them though, namely – you.
We are starting a leadership experiment, where we offer the option for you to have a direct influence in running your fleet in day-to-day operations. You will receive directions from the Fleet /Vice admirals, but you will be the one with the finger on the button.
A Commodore position can be yours for a period of about 4-6 months, afterwhich someone else gets a chance. If you just completed a successful Commodore tour, you can in theory still apply for another one but perhaps in a different field if there is a lot of interest. This so every candidate has a shot at their favorite job.
See the details on this experiment at this seperate post .In anticipation of the new expansion and create room for the new Jem’Hadar alts, we will soon be changing the 2 week period which allows new Lieutenants to move from Delta to Main to 6 weeks, at the rank of Commander. Our new focus in Delta Fleet will be finishing the last Tier 5 of the Starbase, so keeping new members there a bit longer will aid in its completion. After that is complete Delta fleet will pretty much be maxed. The Delta Fleet Colony doesn’t need to be updated as we already have one Main fleet side, and Deltas can easily move there.
This will be one of the jobs of the new Commodore 🙂
A lot to cover, so I’ll keep it short for now. Further details will posted either here or on a seperate post.
Questions, comments, let us know !
Previous State of the Fleet (April)
Steady and straight ’till morning,
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."April 8, 2018 at 6:16 pm #204354Who do we talk to about the RP?
April 8, 2018 at 6:21 pm #204356You can just start a thread on this website under https://startrek.44thfleet.com/forums/forum/public-lounge/holodeck/ and call for folks to join. We can also send a fleet-wide mail as a ‘call to arms’. I know Nonarei and Zeetra would be interested for one, I’m sure there are others, depending on the type of RP.
And yes, there’s a ribbon for that too 🙂 https://startrek.44thfleet.com/forum-ribbon/roleplayer/
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."April 9, 2018 at 6:28 am #204379Congrads to the new VA’s and glad to see that one name has remained! Good Luck to the up and coming Commodores.
Where Knowledge is Power, Truth is Withheld.
April 10, 2018 at 11:07 am #204430a test submission
Loki - Inspired lunacy, est 1973
April 18, 2018 at 1:55 am #204915Update on the ranks, we now have six additional Commodores in the fleet:
Stewart/@Stu999man, Jon/@BreakinForce, Rune/@theCaeliargestalt, @Phoenix, @Veratisu and long, long-time veteran @Cross.
They will assist running the fleet in the coming months. We decided to skip the originally planned voting round this time as this is still an experiment, but will adjust and evaluate along the way.
Also more news on the coming Victory is Life expansion Level Cap increase to lvl 65 and Mk XV ! Playable Cardassians !
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."April 18, 2018 at 4:16 am #204917April 18, 2018 at 9:12 am #204923Yeah the cardies are gonna be fun with that new space skill. I just hope the cardie boffs are not from a fleet holding.
April 21, 2018 at 1:42 am #205161New Delta Recruit event, here’s the Reddit link to (previous year’s, but still valid) Temporal Orb locations (thanks Sighion) –
Temporal Orb Locations [Minor Exploration Puzzle Spoilers]
by insto
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..." -
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