= 44th State of the Fleet, January 2018 =

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Main Deck = 44th State of the Fleet, January 2018 =

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  • #195402
    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Greetings 44th !

    Happy New year, and best wishes to you and yours ! Also welcome to Star Trek Online’s 8th (!) year wich for a free MMORPG game is quite a feat. As always this monthly fleet review starts with a quick summary and a welcome aboard to newest fleet members who joined last month:

    Joined December;
    @VainEldritch (Lyndon) from Portugal
    @absolution#9566 (Kai) from Hawaii
    @clickertheawsome (Andy) in Mountain Standard Time
    @Laviceron (John) from Texas
    @headwound68 (Larry) in Eastern Time Zone
    @pappy367 (Glenn) from Pennsylvania
    @shadowdrake8 (Zekeriye) from Singapore
    @AdmiralEpic236 (Dawson) in Eastern Standard Time
    @Rotsaw (Joel) from Minnesota
    @Arkk01 (Andy) from Georgia

    1st week of January:
    @bannsidhe (Ralph) from Pennsylvania
    @captsilva80 (Edwin) in Central Timezone
    @afdian (Bryan) in Central Timezone
    @stu999man (Stuart) from the UK

    This is going to be a very short Fleet Review because most of December was fairly regular, and unfortunately all the usual STO leaks have been quiet on what is to come. Safe to say that Cryptic has finished all of 2018 already and is working on 2019. In fact, according to Maria Rosseau (Cryptic Dev) most of what is to come was already finished during last year’s summer event.

    STO News

    Finaly, it is here ! We can soon(tm) determine our own Mods for weapons, shields, kits and what not. Read Here ! This is something we have been waiting and badgering Cryptic with for a long, long time. Yes, I’m doing the Happy Dance in my Space Pants !

    This year we can also look forward to the usual season expansion 14.5 and probably Season 15, including a number of new featured episodes. It’s more than likely that the next season will focus on Deep Space 9 and the Gamma quadrant. The devs have been hinting that the Gamma Quadrant will be unlocked ‘soon’. There is a new developer at Cryptic who apparently is working on new and very different gameplay, perhaps new mini-games. Take it at a grain of Salt, but there you have it.

    We can also look forward to at least one, perhaps two new Reputations this year. Cryptic understands that especially for starting players it can be a little overwhelming, they they believe players are “eased into the Rep system while leveling” to prevent overload, hence only 1-2 new Reps per year. From someone who juggles a ‘mere’ six toons I thank you kindly.

    Some quality of life improvements are also on the horizon, among them a new Inventory/Bank sort option. When grilled by Priority One, the Devs admitted that cross-faction teaming, cross-faction fleets and a cross-faction Armada is something they really want, but is physically impossible due to hard coding in the base software mechanic. STO was originally developed a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away as a Blue Team/Red Team ‘and never the two shall meet’ system and breaking that open would, well, break the game.

    Q’s Winter Event ends January 18th, and most of you should have collected the new T6 Breen Plesh Tral raider by now. It’s a good zippy escort with plenty of potato options, and especially for Federation captains without KDF or Romulan toons it’s nice to have access to a free ship with raider flanking. For a good budget build look at Timberwolfs youtube >here<.

    Any questions or advice for this one or any other ship and/or ground builds will always be handled best here on this forum, as ever maintained and supported by Palcioz – thanks once more sir !

    Btw, once you finished the WE ice-run, it’s still a good way to get those hard to fight Reputation marks; you can turn in Q’s vouchers for 40 marks of choice. Both winter and summer event are good for completing Reps on your “stephchild alts”.

    As I mentioned above, this month STO will celebrate its 8th anniversay, and that means we can look forward to some daily give-aways and other freebies end of January / early February. Precise date is unknown as of this writing, but we’ll keep you updated.

    Nice thing of a relatively quiet and regular month is that there are no new bugs in game (that we know of yet).

    Fleet news

    We need more provisions for our fleet colonies, on Main, Delta and KDF fleets. Again, we focus on the 44th’s Main fleet Dranuur colony holding first, with Delta and KDF to follow at their own pace, so donate your materials there first, either directly or via the handy coffer system. You can collect materials from the three “squiggly lines” game at the colony grounds, play the Tzenkethi Red Alert, but the most lucrative is still the ground Colony Invasion map. Join the Invasion channel for some ground combat fun – it’s easy and everyone can join, and for +3,000 materials it’s a good farm map. Failure is an option, but rare. 🙂

    Btw, we unlocked the tailor on Main fleet, so get your Lukari outfit !

    If your character is in Delta fleet ask in 44th-diplo for a map invite. (Thanks Damix)

    Our resident road warrior, and one of the fleet’s Vice Admirals Paradoxical is returning in full force to the game, and with it a chance to win some nice rewards. Starting off with his January Birthday location event – and your chance to win 10x lockbox keys !

    He will also spearhead an potato effort to make some new instruction videos for beginners and veterans alike to get a firmer grasp on STO’s combat mechanics, which can be quite elusive and confusing at times.

    The usual weekly Search for Soolin is on a potato break, but may pop up at irregular intervals. As with all contests just keep an eye on the fleet fly-in messages in STO.

    Other News

    Hey Trekkies, Discovery has resumed from its holiday break, and episode 10 has aired by the time of this writing. Like ? Love ? Hate it with a passion ? Let us know ! STO-related, Cryptic is in talks with CBS and it’s ‘fairly probable’ that a potato Discovery ship will go live this year. They managed to get both JJ’s Enterprise and Vengeance, so hopefully both USS Discovery (as an über sci-ship ?) and the USS Shenzou (a personal favorite) may go live on STO soon(tm). Heck, we already got the uniforms !

    That’s it, short and sweet. Big thanks to Sargon, Palcioz, Paradoxical and Damix for their tireless work for the Mighty 44th !

    See you, out there.


    Zen rate: 278

    Calendar (in-game calendar is conspicuously empty)
    January 18th; End of Q’s Winter Event
    January: STO’s 8th anniversay last week of Jan.

    Podcast: Priority One (interview with STO’s Developers)
    Video #1: ST: TNG Offline (STO Machinima TNG tribute, must watch!)
    Video #2: Timberwolf’s Breen Budget Build.
    Previous State of the Fleet: December

    (PS anyone seen my potatoes ? I lost a few. The first one that finds/posts the correct amount wins 1 million ec. Thanks Balthazar for the suggestion). 😉

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    Notice to the Agricultural team:

    All of Marcase’s missing forty (40) potatoes have been safely located on the Fleet Starbase.

    Yellow alert has been canceled.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Where Knowledge is Power, Truth is Withheld.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Alas, nice try, but no cigar. There are potatoes in my blog above, just need to find them 🙂
    That’s an easy 1 million ec to win folks ! First one to post the correct number wins.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Novellus Caine
    Fleet Member

    4 taters in the text, 5 if you count the PS.


    Also, thanks for the update!

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Hehe nice one, 1 million ec coming your way. 😉

    (Potatoes found and frying, so this little hunt is closed)

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Captain Huckabee
    Fleet Member

    Thanks for info as always.

    As for opinion on Discovery……I cancelled my sub for CBS after the finale for first half.  I just couldn’t get into it overall for many reasons I’ve already shared before.  I curse like the sailor I never was (Go ARMY!), but it didn’t sit well with me dropping the F’bomb on the show.  That took away the family, moral high ground feeling the other shows give off.

    Also not really excited about Tarantino for directing the new movie.  Never cared for any of his stuff, especially after all his cop bashing he did.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    ((( Breaking News ! )))

    Finaly, it is here. We can soon(tm) determine our own Mods for weapons, shields, kits and what not. Read Here !

    We’ve been waiting for this a long time; this will save us so much dilithium, resources and frustrations. Will crash the weapons/consoles market, so STOP buying weapons on the exchange.

    This will also make our already available Fleet Elite weapons much more attractive; their current Dmg/Acc mods are okay-ish but not great, but if they can get the much better (ac/dmg), CrtD, Pen and anything of your choice the Fleet Elite kit can make more use of their innate unique capabilities. This is going to be such an improvement…!

    Yes I’m excited 🙂

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Marcase.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Captain Huckabee
    Fleet Member


    Chief Engineer

    Nice to get that capability — it’s been on the wish list for a long time.

    But…salvage? Do we need yet another currency to manage? Especially another one that is primarily generated by vendor trash? It looks like the system will also cost dil, so what’s the point of introducing an EC-analogue too?

    Novellus Caine
    Fleet Member

    If I interpreted the animation correctly, it looks like it might be a slot-machine type re-roll.  So, yet another dilithium sink.

    Chief Engineer

    From the discussion on r/sto, it sounds like the difference between EC and salvage is that the latter is character (or account?) bound. So, the idea is that the main source of EC flowing into the economy (vendor trash) gets diverted into salvage, thus reducing the inflationary pressure on the EC economy. It’s a reasonable theory, I guess.

    I’m sure hoping that some devs have a plan in the medium/long term for eventually consolidating all of the currencies again, though.

    Team Player

    There are some real life Ferengi on STO. I’m almost willing to bet the price of said “vendor trash” weapons and items will go up on the exchange. Bad news for people like me who uses the exchange and real life money to circumvent grinding to make builds.

    As for farming salvage, I’m thinking the best way to do so is to craft items and salvage. I’ll have to do the math with Mk items to see the best cost vs salvage. Although this may incentivise more elite runs due to the boost of loot drops. (midnight elite anyone?)

    This looks very very promising.


    Hello everyone, new to the game and not sure if this is where I should be posting. Apologies if this is wrong place.

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Yes its a slot machine type gamble at the moment, that’s assuming nothing changes, you can unlock the mod you want to change and spin for a random new mod, you can get lucky and hit the one you want first try or not ,as I found on tribble while testing it took 17 rolls on one weapon to get the desired mod, hovering over the mod shows you what mods are possible to get but when you roll the list is bigger with multiple copies of the same mod.
    So you could try and change an acc for say critD and roll and the roll list shows

    or something like that, you may get lucky and get critD first go or have to spend many rolls possibly getting acc again multiple times, you can also unlock multiple mods and spin them all at same time, costs more dil and salvage and you can lock down the each individual one if you get the desired mod on that one, the cost then go down on the next one you roll.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Chanfron.
    Chase Quinnell
    Fleet Member

    Why am I not surprised the slot machine roll is spammed full of [acc]

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