44th Fleet Foundry Mission

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  • #155131
    Fleet Member

    Okay so I always seem to get bored, woot…and completely pure thought…why not I create a foundry mission that be more like, an advertisement of the 44th Fleet.

    So I figured I’d create a topic here for some key elements for such a thing.

    A. Some combat involved, maybe a ship from the 44th is under attack or comes in to assist. Could be attacked by any vessel. Honestly, I would recommend to keep it down to Klingons and Gorns. (so no ‘level restriction’ is added to the Foundry Mission, so anyone at any level (like level 1) can enter this mission.)

    B. Execute Ground combat as well. The 44th Ship or an allied ship has been boarded, and are tasked to assist in repelling the enemy forces. Some elements will be applied, like lowering force fields or raising force fields, etc.

    C. Upon completion of saving such ship, the player will be asked to board the 44th Command vessel, which ever class ship it will be, arrive at the bridge and have a number of consoles about with interaction options, for players to access information about the 44th Fleet, like it’s history, number of ships, members, etc.

    D. Upon completing the history lesson of the 44th Fleet, player will be asked to speak to the leader of the 44th Fleet or one of the Admiralty (NPC of course, so someone can volunteer their character as the NPC and choose whatever messages that NPC will say and responses the player will make) and basically be like, if you wish to learn more or visit the 44th fleet website, here it is, blah blah blah and go on about their business. Thus, end of mission :P.

    Unless Cryptic has a policy of no fleet advertising via foundry missions, which I have not found yet, then we’ll see. Suggestions??

    Yup, I made this 😛

    Fleet Member

    Beginning Production – Decided I would write a report of the foundry mission progress. Right now it is 0% complete, as I have yet to get started and there are some key elements I am waiting on.

    Key Elements:

    — What 44th fleet ship that will be in trouble? (I am currently experimenting a ship dropping out of warp and engaging in combat with a vessel. Though it may be a Legacy Contact, not actual combat of what we are used to. Or it will be a 44th ship that was caught by surprise and disabled, thus under heavy fire of enemy vessels.)

    — Depending on the ship, the commanding officer/admiralty will greet and speak to the player who successfully assisted the vessel.

    — Consoles that player will interact with on board the bridge of the fleet vessel, which will contain some history of the 44th fleet, and whatever else be willing to share. Fleets in the Armada, base/facilities levels, etc. Whatever that is not exactly ‘critical info’ if there is such a thing, that is okay to share.

    The Foundry mission as stated above, will be restricted to races that do not restrict players to certain level. (Heralds would be nice but then players would have to be level 55+ in order to see and activate the Foundry Mission. Wouldn’t we want newbies to see this mission as well?) I could however, recreate an identical mission with an ‘Advanced’ level to it, with Heralds attacking an such. Thus requiring a player to be lvl 55+ in order to play the foundry mission.

    First progression: (Overall Progression… assuming 10% Completion)

    Project Description:

    [MissionInfo]While on patrol, your ship picks up a distress call coming from a nearby star system. It is Starfleet’s abligation to respond to all distress calls and assist in any way possible. Further more, you discover it is a distress call coming from a sister ship in Starfleet but you do not recognize the name of the vessel nor the commanding officer. Either way, you reply to the ship in distress and inform them you are on your way to assist.[/MissionInfo]

    [OOC]This mission is a basic introduction of the 44th Fleet. +More to add at some point.[/OOC]


    Grant Mission Dialog:

    “[MissionInfo]Incoming Distress Call…[/MissionInfo]

    This is -name- of the -ship-. We under attack from a rogue group of Klingon warships. Our shields and Weapons are offline, engines are down, and sustaining heavy damage. We need immedia– [OOC]TRANSMISSION LOST![/OOC]”

    Transition from the Beta Quadrant at Beta Lackal System to the LF 91 Star System:

    “Sir, it appears the transmission is being jammed at the source. But the computer was able to locate the origin of the transmission. It is coming from the LF 91 Star system, sir.

    [OOC]Please proceed to the Beta Lankal System, where you can reach the LF 91 Star System.[/OOC]”

    Button: “Helm, lay in a intercept course. Maximum warp!”

    JF 91 Star System Status- 15% Complete

    So far I have the Warp Stream Effect in place, so when you enter the map, it appears you are still at warp, until you reach a specific point and then your ship drops out of warp inside the star system. I have yet to set up the effects, planet, and other elements to appear and disappear when such effect happens.

    Still waiting on which 44th Fleet vessel it will be that will be under attack. Dialog will be added as things go. There will be 3-4 Klingon Attack Groups, possibly 1-2 Gorn Attack Groups as well since they are with the Klingon Empire. Will decide on level of the groups, from Ensign to Captain. (Indicating how many ships of what size. Ensign be mostly Birds of Prey, as Captain’s will have Negh’Var or other type of Dreadnought that fits to player’s current Level.)

    Edit: I was still typing this post out while working on the project at the same time and will likely post an update very shortly as well. But I played a foundry mission called 404: Admiral Not Found (I do recommend giving it a try) and what happens is, when you arrive at the said system/map of the system, it appears you are still at warp, with the warp streaks. I recreated that feeling, and when you reach a certain point, the warp streaks disappear and the elements of the map, planets, asteroid field, etc, appears. I did just that, but with a nebula weather effect that covers the entire map, so far. I will be adding planets and such soon.

    Yup, I made this 😛

    Fleet Member


    JF 91 System (Map Progression 90% Complete; Overall Mission Progression 20% Complete)

    Warp Streak appears when you arrive in the system. Disappears when you reach a certain point. Are instructed to initiate scan. Upon completing scan, a group of klingon vessels decloaks. There is a point in the system you will reach, and upon reaching it, another group of klingon vessels decloaks. Once you arrive at the disabled 44th Fleet vessel, you are tasked to destroy two klingon groups attacking it (not really attacking but you get the idea.)

    Once the two groups are destroyed, you are tasked to hail the vessel then transport troops to assist in defending it from Klingon boarding parties. As soon as you do, one last Klingon group decloaks (battleship or dreadnought) and would require to destroy the group before proceeding to assist the 44th Fleet vessel.

    Remaining: Which vessel it will be (could use one of my own but figured if anyone likes to be involved 😀 they can, woot?) and the name of the Co of the vessel.

    Yup, I made this 😛

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Nice idea.

    I dabbled with foundry missions before (I wanted to create one to use as a recruiting tool) but I never got it right, at least not at the quality level I wanted it to be. Lots of improvements and changes since then, though.

    So, as troubled “44th flagship”, I suggest one of the T6 Oddys, or just the plain-Jane basic Odyssee since that’s available to all (foundry) players.
    I still think the Oddy bridge is one of the nicest bridge-maps in the game.

    Alternatively you could do a Galaxy if that one has more attraction for TNG-era players and use the (generic) Conference Room ship-board map as contact.
    But the Oddy has been marketed a lot so for STO players that’s arguably the current ‘top tier’ Federation model (heck, the current ‘canon’ Enterprise is an Oddy).
    Besides, Sargon and I both have them. 😎

    I can send you the face-maps for my Admiral toons, but I guess anything goes – take some credit, use your own main toon ! 😎

    As a background storyline for the rogue KDF faction; interfering with internal KDF politics is a no-no in the Federation, but some Klink houses are secretly planning to overthrow the chancellor, making this “of special interest to Federation security (que Section 31 if it hasn’t been over-used already).

    I like what you’re doing here, if the Fleet can help in anyway, let us know.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    A ship disabled by the enemy? Surely it isn’t one of mine :). This is an awesome idea. I always wished I could do something like this but I can’t do anything with foundry.

    I’m not sure how clearly the “history” of the 44th was stated but I always wanted to build the story around the player using a holoprogram during a crucial period in the fleets history (formation, epic battle). I think my attachment to the idea comes from the Enterprise ep where Riker was Cook.

    Fleet Member

    @ Marcase: The Oddy can be done for sure, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be the flagship either. But in this case I have decided that the ship in trouble will be one of mine, but when the situation is cleared up and all that jazz, you all will eventually find out during progression, but the Flagship will eventually appear and thus the player would be asked to board and be thanked personally for assisting a 44th Fleet vessel in need.

    But about interfering with internal KDF politics, oh no no. The idea is that the 44th Fleet vessel was on a patrol mission or survey or whatever it may of been. And the vessel was ambushed, caught off guard, by rogue KDF vessels against the Chancellor and the ruling council. And such vessel was able to get out a distress signal before all transmissions were jammed, and thus, as we all know when a Starfleet picks up a distress signal, especially from one of their own sister Starfleet ships, it is Starfleet’s policy to answer a ship in need.

    I will work the Admiral off of the image you gave me of Soolin, Marcase. Though I will ask you in person for the name of the Oddy ship 😛 Unless it is somewhere in the 44th Fleet Ship Roster… *looks*

    @horrid: Haha probably not! But as I stated towards Marcase, the ship could of been on some routine mission of sorts and was ambushed. I think the map itself where the ship is disabled will be a perfect system for a Rogue faction to ambush any unexpected vessels.

    As for history, that information probably can be taken from the ‘About Us’ on the website, History, Charter, Rules and Regs, as well as the Armada’s, Fleet’s supporting 44th and 44th supporting them, as well as the Klingon Fleets that the 44th is allied to (haha our own right? :P) and which they support.

    Yup, I made this 😛

    Fleet Member


    JF 91 System (Map Progression 100% Complete! Overall Mission Progression 25% Complete)

    {*Classifed – No Player but 44th Fleet will know o: *} 44th Fleet vessel in distress was selected as the USS Galiant, Defiant Class Escort, modified to exact standards (excluding paint color) to the USS Galiant under Phoenix’s command. Phoenix, me, is in command at the time the ship was conducting secret intelligence mission on a Klingon House that was growing rapidly in power and ships, House highly against the Alliance with the Federation. Was then ambushed and disabled before shields could be raised.


    USS Galiant Engineering Deck (Map Progression 5% Complete)

    Player will start on the transporter pad of the main deck of the ship.

    Future Additions: They will have to head towards main engineering, while also disabling a couple forcefields and defeating a couple Klingon/Gorn intruders. (No gorn vessels were present but Gorn troops are one of a few Klingon ships use for boarding parties for the obvious reasons, brute force.)

    Upon arriving main engineering, disable forcefield blocking them from entering and find only a few of the engineering staff is alive. Forced to stabilize the warp core before it goes critical, a series of triggers will be required. Four consoles with 3-4 sequences will be added for the player to interact and try to stabilize the core. Heavy research will be involved to ‘make it realistic’.

    A Fifth console will be available, giving the player a chance to repair the internal communication system and contact the Bridge. Story will continue on from there.

    (Future FUTURE time, 44th Flagship will arrive to assist the Galiant some more, after a Communication jamming satellite is destroyed/disarmed.)

    Yup, I made this 😛

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Nice 😀

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    I’m not reading the story cause I don’t want spoilers.

    But you requested that some of us post their ships and name.

    Well, mine is the t6 galaxy andromeda and the name is U.S.S. Amsterdam (D) under the command of captain jalif

    Fleet Member

    Overall Progression 75%

    JF 91 System Map – 100%

    USS Galiant Engineering Deck Map – 100% – Additional Content may be added.

    Galiant Bridge Map – 100% – Additional Content may be added.

    JS 91 #2 Map – 100%

    Oddys Bridge Map – 5% Started working. There will be interactions with a number of consoles for players to read up history on the 44th Fleet, 44th Fleet’s Charter, Armada, Etc. Then the full ‘appreciation’ from the Admiralty to the Player before mission ending.

    Yup, I made this 😛

    Fleet Member

    Overall Progression 100%!!! CURRENTLY BEING PUBLISHED!!

    JF 91 System Map – 100% Finished!

    USS Galiant Engineering Deck Map – 100% Finished! – Additional Content may be added.

    Galiant Bridge Map – 100% Finished! – Additional Content may be added.

    JS 91 #2 Map – 100% Finished!

    Oddys Bridge Map – 100% Finished!

    Yup, I made this 😛

    Fleet Member

    … For the time being the project keeps stopping at 50% published…then fails…I have no idea why …

    Yup, I made this 😛

    Fleet Member

    So i have reason to believe that because the patch is coming tomorrow, it is refusing to publish the mission, as it continues to give me ‘publish failed’ after it sits at 50% for a few minutes

    But to test it, after work in going to create a test mission with only a tiny bit to do but fills all the necessary tasks to publish and then try to publish it. If it fails then I’ll assume that it won’t publish until the 11.5 is released and probably patched on Thursday. In which case, I’ll just keep working on the mission, fine tune it, maybe add more to the story.

    Sucks though, really wanted to get it out. But if i can’t yet then I’ll work now on the warp core issue. Maybe reword it a bit since the Galiants warp core is over loading, not really a breach, not until it goes critical xP. Or something.

    Maybe even place the jamming satellite on another map that you warp to or whatever. Just anything to expand the mission.

    Hell, I’ll probably add more info when player looks up the 44th fleet in the Necheyev’s (Oddys bridge) database. Just something while i wait to publish the darn thing. 🙁

    Yup, I made this 😛

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Regardless, looking fwd to it James 😎

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    Futher Additions *ADDED*


    Added some more effects to Engineering Deck. My poor ship D:

    The Defiant Interior Map had a second portion to it (If you go into a Defiant map interior, you would know what I mean.) So I decided to create another map, so instead of going directly to the Galiant’s Bridge from the Engineering Deck, you would have to use the Jefferies tube, instead of the turbolift, to reach Deck One. You will then walk past my ready room, and other things as well.


    YUP!! That is correct!!! I added Easter Eggs 😀 There is 1 for each map!!! Total of 6 EASTER Eggs!!

    It does not matter if you know how many there are or not, it is finding them ALL that will be tricky. Some of them will be easy, some of them not so much. There are almost NO hints to any of them. (maybe one will have a hint, I mean…a flashing console pillar to a room sealed off by a forcefield, to lower the forcefield…to a room with nothing in it…that’s probably a hint, no?)

    Either way, not ALL of them will be easy to find. But I will say this. Two of them may lead to FUTURE Missions!! That’s right!! Two of those easter eggs may lead to future missions! I will gladly disclose which ones they are later when some if not all members of the 44th have found the correct Easter Eggs :D.

    Though I think one of them you guys might question my mental state, haha. Either way, there are definitely easter eggs in every map. Two of them would require quite a bit of deviation from objectives, lots of traveling.

    At the end of the mission, I will state that there were Easter Eggs in the mission and how many there were. This will encourage players to play the mission AGAIN to find the easter eggs, or all of them, if they have found some already. And if they cannot find them all and would like to know, I will tell them they can mention if they found them all or not in the REVIEW and ask where they all are in the REVIEW. I will of course, Mail them privately, and give them hints ;). But I will also ask that they do NOT disclose the locations of those easter eggs in the REVIEW of the mission. As that would not be fun at all!!

    Can’t wait to upload this mission, hope you guys enjoy it!!

    Yup, I made this 😛

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