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April 16, 2019 at 1:59 pm #422800
Now if I am reading this right and please feel free to correct me, this offer of collect vouchers towards a free T6 ships already has a major issue.
According to this post https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/11138023-execute-operation%3A-riposte%21 there will be three events where we can collect vouchers and the usual project in the rep system to claim it.
The major issue I see it that if you miss a few days you are then screwed, the article says you get 50 vouchers a day and will need a total of 3000 to claim the free T6 ship coupon, Featured TFO last 21 days so that’s 1050 possible vouchers, times by three events, that’s 3150 total vouchers.
Assuming that these numbers are correct, as it does not say how long these new FTFO’s will be, but the in game calendar shows the upcoming event running for 21 days then if you miss 1 day of each event you only just have enough vouchers, if you miss 4 days in total then no ship for you.
50 x 21 = 1050, 1050 x 3 = 3150 – 200 = 2950
To me this seems deliberate , they know full well not everyone can play everyday hence why the normal FTFO reward requires 14 days to complete but runs for 21 days giving you 7 extra days to complete if you miss a day or two.
All other events are the same, I.e. Risa, Winter, Anniversary you get a leeway to collect enough vouchers.
I suspected there would be a catch to this free T6 ship voucher as it seems too good.
Anyone want to bet there will be a pack in the z store to purchase vouchers that you missed
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April 16, 2019 at 2:23 pm #422804Yeah there might be a bonus pack in the c-store, but I do expect that these carry over to the next (year) one, so there’s that.
It’s a steep time requirement to be sure but it is a Tier 6 ship afteral and that is still a big money maker for Cryptic.
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."April 16, 2019 at 2:45 pm #422805They also mention there will be times when you will receive double the vouchers (special weekends I’m guessing). That could help at least, though I do see your point.
aka @rathemagius
April 16, 2019 at 4:01 pm #422807I know I seem to be evolving into a moaningminnie but this is a move I’m not impressed with.
I’m not certain retorts like ‘well it’s free’ or ‘well it’s optional’ or ‘it’s for players that can’t afford ships’ or ‘stop wanting something for no effort’ are valid.
It’s a poop move and (despite assurance to the contrary) may include reskinned/modified content. Whichever, 60 attendances (max) is a large investment over a significant period of time. The only reason for it is – imo – keeping bums tied to seats… not the ideal strategy for fun.
There are more imaginative and fun ways to engage players and give access to a c-store ship. But then. I’m a moaningminnie.
aka @Nubia
April 16, 2019 at 5:00 pm #422808They also mention there will be times when you will receive double the vouchers (special weekends I’m guessing). That could help at least, though I do see your point.
Yes that will help, thanks for mentioning it, i saw that after I had done my first post 🙂
As usual lack of detail from cryptic does not clarify when these bonus days will be and how many bonus days will happen, if there is say 5 bonus days per event then that should alleviate the situation a bit but it will probably be 1 day that falls on extended maintenance day lol.
The post also say the 3 events will take the game up to fall 2019, so are the events going to be once every 2-3 months or something, dunno what they classify as fall but isn’t it something like middle of September, that’s give or take 6 months, we get 1 event now then have to wait 3 months till the next, then another 2-3 months, maybe. That’s not really going to help people who cant buy stuff to get a ship anytime soon.
Kinda sounds like another way to push people to buy the inevitable z-store voucher pack.
I know I seem to be evolving into a moaningminnie .
No problem I will join you lol
April 16, 2019 at 5:20 pm #422809I wonder if events are talking about the larger story and not the single TFO. Like Pahvo, for instance, had multiple TFOs associated with it. Perhaps each “event” will be a series of related TFOs like that. Then there would be plenty of time to collect the 3k.
You’re right about the lack of clarifying details, but it seems, from my short time playing, they tend to roll details out slowly. I’m sure we’ll get more in-depth details soon I’m guessing.
aka @rathemagius
April 17, 2019 at 8:03 am #422817Well speaking as one of the ones who cannot afford to drop a lot of money in this game (or any game) I happy they are at least trying. I am saving up my extra change for the Gamma Vanguard Starter Pack.
See I am the only one working in my family (due to medical reasons), so this will at least give me a chance for a T6 ship BUT I know my playing schedule is not that open to spending a lot of time in game so most likely I will not get one this way.
But (IMO) at least it is a step from right direction from Cryptic for players like me, and as a “cyber – refuge” from World of Warships, it is better that a lot of the stuff Wargaming does to WoWs.
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
April 17, 2019 at 10:38 am #422827I agree it is a good gesture and a step in the right direction to help out people who cant drop lots of money on the game I just don’t like the idea of them making it deliberately hard for said people to get the free ship and then pushing them to buy something to be able to get the free ship.
As long as there is enough of these “bonus days” so everyone has a good chance to collect enough vouchers then that’s ok, I just wish they would be more clear on things, instead of bonus day they should have given everyone an 200-300 extra vouchers for the first play of the event.
April 17, 2019 at 10:43 am #422830Yeah, like I said it is good step. BTW Chanfron are you a Blood Angel Player?
Former Chaos Space Marine here.
Lol 🙂
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
April 17, 2019 at 11:03 am #422834Looks like it’s kicking off with a bonus weekend!
aka @rathemagius
April 17, 2019 at 11:26 am #422836COOL!!!!!!!
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
April 17, 2019 at 11:49 am #422838BTW just thought of a Newbie Question: What would be the best choice for a T6 Cross faction ship for Engineers (the main type I play)?
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
April 17, 2019 at 12:37 pm #422841OK. So.
Award a number of coupons from doing ALL episodic content. You know, like… the actual content. The fun stuff. The storyline. The meat of the game. Award double coupons for completing an entire storyline. Episodic content does not reward any amount of coupons for repetition.
Have, say… event TFOs reward double coupons for the first completion and double coupons for the final completion (normally after 14 attendances or whatever to get the event reward) and a few for each completion in-between, perhaps.
Normal, non-event TFOs might even reward a coupon. One. Or a quarter-coupon. Whatever. Something. Just not a lot.
Get a few coupons for hitting 15 and/or 20 in each R&D school. Maybe.
Get a few more for hitting reputation T6. Perhaps.
Have a coupon exchange for rep marks/Advanced TFO doodads, GPL and excess sperm. I apologise wholeheartedly for that last concept. A cat walked over the keyboard. Honest.
Integrate the c-store coupon system into the game with as little need for repetition or daily attendance as possible.
DON’T (whatever you do) make it a repetitive grind tied to months and months of repeating one, two or three event TFOs (or whatever) over and over and over with little option to miss a day. That’s just unimaginative and soul-destroying.
AKA @MoaningMinnie
aka @Nubia
April 17, 2019 at 12:49 pm #422842My first reaction was to be discouraged at yet another long grind of mindless daily tasks clicking at reputations and running time-gated auto-win TFOs where action don’t matter. Their current strategy of these back-to-back “events” is getting a bit draining and not very much fun.
After giving it some more thought this idea seems to me a move in a positive direction. Most people are already doing 14 each of these TFOs for the reward anyway, so this is just a bonus on top of what we are already getting for doing just a few more TFOs, especially with the double coupon days. Cryptic is already pretty generous with 3 annual free T6 ships during the Winter, Summer, and Anniversary events. This will give active players another free ship each year so that everyone can choose a ship that fits their preferred play style.
In terms of being just an excuse to sell tokens on the C-Store, I don’t really see that as an issue. People already can buy the ships, so being able to earn part of a ship with coupons and buy the rest is better than no option at all. I don’t expect this will be a big money maker for them, more of an incentive to keep more players active.
April 17, 2019 at 1:07 pm #422844Heya @G’Luv!
“… this idea seems to me a move in a positive direction.”
I agree. It just needs to be better implemented, imo.
The fleetiefriend that I play with most simply cannot play consistently enough to get even the T6 ships during winter (etc) events. She has the bajoran interceptor and the firey-vessel-of-fire but that’s it. She missed out on the tommygun and the armour, recently. 14 days out of 21 is too hard for her to find the time for. Now she isn’t complaining (and neither am I)… but IF you’re going to be generous enough to give away T6 ships and IF you’re going to implement a coupon system… then tie the coupon rewards to current content too and not just to time-gated events. Just my opinion. Is all.
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aka @Nubia
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