Sunday Supplemental #42

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Main Deck Sunday Supplemental #42

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  • #432418
    Fleet Admiral
    Team Player

    Greetings 44th!

    Here is your 42nd Sunday Supplemental for April 25th 2021.

    First up is the traditional welcome to the newest 44th Fleet Members. Thanks for choosing the Mighty 44th!

    New Members

    @sunarax#3637, @Dramis, @Newpoint38, @ben#2883, @autumnseid, @zwory1, @drakenblaster, @radigast629, @someonejr#2201, @grizzedinmypants#6530, @horrorscope#1633

    Welcome aboard and feel free to ask questions! Again, thanks for flying with the Mighty 44th! Also, don’t forget to join the 44th-diplo channel by typing: /channel_join 44th-diplo

    This is how we communicate between our (4) Fed and (2) KDF fleets. It isn’t a rule or requirement, but things will seem very quiet in the fleet without it.

    Also, here is a way for you guys to track the promotion schedule:

    It viewable by anyone and you don’t need to sign in, create an account or download an app.

    Fleet Housekeeping

    Heya 44th! I don’t have a whole lot as far as housekeeping this Sunday, however I am happy to announce that the date is set for our Corona Breakout Event Part II.

    Plus Sukobi has been busy writing his latest technical guide regarding the Photonic Officer 1 Cooldown Reduction Solution! Check out the link below:

    Photonic officer 1 cooldown reduction solution (Quick + Beginner)

    JJ has also been hard at work on some additional dps guides for fleeties and I for one am looking forward to those.

    We’ll probably be reorganizing our Fleet Forums sometime soon so that guides and build mechanics are easier to access instead of getting buried or lost in the shuffle.


    Check out the details for our 2nd Corona Virus Breakout Event in the link below:

    Corona Breakout 2 Event May 8th 2100 UTC

    Lastly, the Admiralty has been discussing the running of weekly and or monthly fleet events. Maybe even Armada events. If you have new or interesting ideas on fleet events, feel free to bring them up below or in a private / direct message.

    And that wraps up fleet housekeeping.


    PC Patch Notes from April 22nd 2021


    The Galaxy Goes to Red Alert!

    This two week version is live and runs to May 4th!


    The Delta Quadrant Needs You!

    The special Delta recruitment event is now live through May 13th on PC.


    Bonus Dilithium Weeks!


    Special Phoenix Prize Pack Event!

    During this limited time event, the Experimental Starship Upgrade tokens are returning to the Phoenix Prize Pack! You’ll be able to claim them in the Ultra Rare tier, and power up one of your T5-U or T6 ships with a new Device Slot, a New Console, and a special Trait slot! These tokens will only be available in this pack during this event, so don’t miss your chance.


    20% Bundle Sale

    =Not Sponsored=



    Wrap Up

    I just want to say thanks to everyone who chose to fly with the 44th Fleet! You make the 44th Fleet what it is! And I want to thank everyone (these wonderful people here) keep the 44th Fleet running smoothly.

    Note: If you have a topic you would like to see in the Sunday Supplemental, feel free to let me know and I’ll see what I can do about including it.

    Thanks everyone and cheers!


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Akula2045.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Akula2045.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Veratisu. Reason: Shark added wrong link. Koala may have fixed?

    aka @akula2045, @hadron3000#5120

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Couple months ago some of us sporadically did an impromptu photo op by meeting up at Fleet Starbase, in orbit.</p>
    As Space Barbie is the true endgame and everyone loves a ship photo; maybe we could have occasional ‘Fleet Manuevers’ + a couple of TFOs after 😋

    I can’t get enough of Angany’s photos so any opportunity for Angany to snap some more 😁

    aka @jj_jiminey

    Team Player

     I can’t get enough of Angany’s photos so any opportunity for Angany to snap some more 😁

    Not that I’m against this idea😉

    aka @anganysamavu#4972, @kjoiner#6008

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Oh need to get my ship cleaned and buffed if Angany gets her camera. Now where can I find some “volunteers” for that job…?

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Acoustic Rob
    Fleet Member
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019

    “Not on your goddamn life.”

    aka @acousticrob#2239

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