Stupid Ship Question

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    Fleet Member

    I’ve been flying the Temporal Dreadnought Cruiser but for some reason I took an escort out of dry dock last night. Honestly, I forgot how fun they were! The main drawback I found is the escort doesn’t mesh with my playstyle at all. My ships need to be able to take somewhat of a beating, but escorts are very “glass cannon”. I’ve been saving for the Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser, but after last night I’m not sure. Is there a ship that mixes the speed/firepower of an escort but can stand up to beam/projectile damage? Are science vessels the way to go? Thank you in advance for your advice!

    Fleet Member

    Just speaking from my own experience, I was all about Escorts right up to Rear Admiral. I played around with science and cruisers but loved the hit an run approach. But I also loved the 3 nacel Enterprise from TNG All Good Things so when I got the chance I bought the fleet dreadnought. I have great fun with it and can load all the same weaponry as the escort, namely cannons if I wish. Between that and an EPIC RCS accelerator and a few other bits an pieces to increase turn rate I feel I am getting the fun of the escort with the tankiness of the cruiser.

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Everything is mix/match to your preferences. Too slow? Try EPTEngines. Along with cycling evasive maneuvers and or batteries.
    If you are not able absorb enough damage, then then keep EPTS up all the time, along with hazard emitters and or more defensive traits/powers. Personally I don’t fly escorts much at all anymore because other ships can approach the maneuverability and well because cannons suck in beams easystreet online.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    In one word: Battlecruisers. Pack a wallop and can take decent damage, have more hull than ‘glass cannon’ escorts and often have better turn/inertia than standard cruisers.

    The T6 Presidio Command Battlecruiser is really good just because its AHOD starship trait, the (Fleet) T6 Arbiter battlecruiser (aka Avenger on steroids) is another that can hit hard and as I mentioned earlier the (Fleet) T6 Eclipse Intel Cruiser is another beauty for its cloak and Intel powers while still packing a big punch. There are some others but these 3 are my top three Fed battlewagons.

    On turn/handling, slotting EPTE helps, keeping engine power level at +55 (minimum) increases turn a smidgen, slotting 2 copies of Aux2Dampeners (for running those 24/7) also does wonders (and Battlecruisers have the extra Eng Boff slots to accomodate those). Traits and Reputation options galore to boost turn even more.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

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