Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Holodeck › [RP Signup Thread] – Star Trek: Into the mouth of madness
February 27, 2015 at 4:59 pm #154758
Hello my fellow fleet colleagues and our respected forum guests!
As you could tell by the name of this thread and this sub-forum’s nature, this is signup thread for my oncoming play-by-post roleplay.
Before we start with posting our character’s bios and starship’s specifications, I’ll lay some basic rules everyone should get familiarized with and respect them accordingly. But even before that, let’s first discuss what kind of RP this is going to be, or better said, in which direction we would want it to go. Fist and foremost you should know that the storyline I’m planning to introduce to you was roleplayed before, back in 2010. on official STO forum, so this should be its respectful remake with only some minor changes. I’m not going to describe into the details how that was going, but it was a lots of fun, and I had many excellent participants involded in its development. It had everything a good storyline should have, from action to romance, from uncertainty to unexpected solutions, and so on. Now, the general idea is that storyline of this RP will be somewhat different from the most of Star Trek stories. But don’t worry, I’m not talking about some major changes, but about major element involved in this storyline. And that is the element of horror. So yeah, lots of blood, gore, nasty deads as well as brutal and fearsome horrifying aliens
Keeping that in mind, I was thinking about how we should name this RP. My first idea is already in the subject of this thread, while my second idea is to call it ”Beyond insanity”. However, the name from the thread’s subject is a little more appealing to me. Therefor I am eager to hear your thoughts about the name of our upcoming RP
Anyway, I’m going to write the introduction post into our RP shortly, so that might give you even more ideas.
Now, let’s get back to rules:
1. No godmodding – this basically means you cannot have overpowered ships and/or characters, and that you cannot kill characters of other participants anytime and anyhow you want to.
a) For characters: Assimilated species 8472-Jem’Hadar hybrid with highest levels of telepathic and telekinetic abilities, as well as with night vision, eidetic memory and ability to throw lightning balls at large distances will not make it into game because it will kill everyone and destroy anything in his/her path without getting scratched.
b) For ships: Federation-Klingon-Dominion-Borg hybrid super-battleship carrier armed with 5000 omega-phased positronic polaron beam arrays and 1000 torpedo launchers loaded 20000 omega-gravimetric polaron torpedoes won’t make it into game beacause it would destroy anything in its path without a scratch to it’s hull paint.
2. No oneliners – posts that contain nothing but a single sentence should be avoided.
Example: ”USS Phoenix drops out of warp and destroys alien station.” – such kind a post gives a little to no details what and how exactly has happened. Where did USS Phoenix came from and where exactly she dropped out of warp? How did it managed to destroy alien station and why? You see, it seriously lacks details so please refrain yourselfs from such posts or I’ll be forced to remove you from RP.
3. Stick to the storyline – this one should be fairly simple. For example if majority of players goes into combat with Borg on the edge of Romulan border, do not suddenly relocate the fight to Cardassian DMZ, or do not suddenly involve some other enemy or several of them without proper explanation for it. So anything that strays too much from storyline and its plots will be ignored.
4. Specially notify anything that is out of character – when you do want to say something that is not being said by any of your character or that has nothing to do with in-game storyline, please make an OOC abbreviation before writing that.
Example: When you want to ask something about storyline, other characters, ships, places… – (OOC: When we are going into some action?). That is the example of properly written OOC question, which should be responded to accordingly – (OOC: As soon as we finish the debriefing first).
5. Game leader (in this case that would be me) always has a final word – this should be more than obvious so I guess there’s no need for further explanations. However, as a game leader with lots of experience I can assure you that I’ll be as flexible as possible and always at your disposal if you need help about anything from creating believable character and starship specifications to direction in storyline and creation of new plots and subplots if necessary.
6. Specify the current location of your character/ship at the very top of your posts – this is one of the easiest rules to follow and it should be self-explanatory.
That’s it, these are only rules (besides the standard forum ones) you need to follow and respect. Now if you unintentionally break some of these rules I will going to forgive that and give you a chance for correction, but if you are going to do it on purpose continuously than I’ll have no choice but to ask to you to leave the RP. However, I do hope that it will not come to that, ever.
I’ll post details about my character and ship right after this post as an example to you how to do it after me if you wish to participate in this upcoming RP. I hope many of you will join me in this horrifying adventure and have as much fun as I and other participants had during the first roleplaying of such storyline.
So let the adventure begin! 😎
February 27, 2015 at 5:08 pm #162131Sounds really cool sovereign. I’ll wait until your next post so I see what format you are presenting your own character’s in.
February 27, 2015 at 6:11 pm #162132@horridperson wrote:
Sounds really cool sovereign. I’ll wait until your next post so I see what format you are presenting your own character’s in.
Thanks! I was just writing it when you posted
So as I promised here it comes. But before that, I should inform you that the period of events in this RP isn’t the current one as in STO, but one long ago before it’s timeline while still about decade after events of Nemesis (year 2388.). I hope that’s ok with you, because the things back in that time aren’t as nearly complicated as they are during STO’s timeline. All those conflicts between Klingons, True Way, Borg, Undine, Voth, Vaadwaur, Iconians and other species are giving me headaches and are not a good setting for the intended storyline. However I’m giving you a flexibility when it comes to ships, so you may even use a Guardian, Odyssey and similar classes and even make them more powerful than Enterprise E which is still around and Picard is still her captain (ok, he is admiral now, but he retained command of his beloved ship
). Anyway, please try to at least stay with canon weapons such as phasers, photon, quantum and transphasic torpedoes. If you know what I mean ofc
Now onto my character bio:
NAME: Sirius Crais Verax
SPECIES: Hybrid (half human-half cardassian)
PARENTS: Erem Verax (Cardassian father) and Tyffany Crais Verax (Human mother)
BIRTH DATE/STARDATE: 04 h 08 min 47 sec, 07. August, year 2352./stardate 29598.832
BIRTH PLACE: Sigma Draconis Capital
AGE: 36
HAIR: Shoulder long, black
SKIN COLOR: Between white, pink and grey
BUILD: Medium height and weight
HEIGHT: 185 cm
WEIGHT: 90 kg
RANK: Captain
SPECIALIZATIONS: Command, tactical and helm
SPECIAL TRAITS: Eidetic memory, night vision, high endurance, high pain threshold and resistance to some toxins and illnesses
PREFERRED WEAPONS: Phaser assault rifle, two phaser guns and combat knife, sometimes a bat’leth as wellSERVICE RECORD:
– Joins Starfleet Academy in 2366.
– Graduated Academy in 2370. (certified in command, tactical and helm)
– being one of the better academy cadets, Sirius was assigned to the USS Raptor (Norway class) as her helm officer
– during 2371. acquired rank of lieutenant junior grade due to the exemplary piloting skills during an skirmish with Orion syndicate ships
– in 2372. USS Raptor was destroyed by Klingon forces while defending one of the Cardassian outposts; Sirius is promoted to Lieutenant because of his extraordinary tactical skills in battle against several Klingon vessels; reassigned to USS Saratoga – Miranda class destroyer as her tactical officer
– promoted to lieutenant commander and senior tactical staff due to his dedication to the crew and his ship in battle for Tyra system during year 2374.
– in 2375. reassigned to USS Relentless –Excelsior class refit cruiser; promoted to commander and junior commanding staff; USS Relentless was destroyed in Second battle for Chin’Toka system; reassigned to USS Avenger – Akira class escort cruiser as her first officer
– at the beginning of 2380. granted command of USS Avenger; later that year he was promoted to captain and senior commanding staff
– 2386. after six years of successful service in command of USS Avenger, Sirius has been given command of USS Dragonstar – Sovereign class battlecruiser
– at the very beggining of 2388. USS Dragonstar is fully retrofitted with new technologies, weapons and defensesEND OF FILE
And now it’s time for my ship:
TYPE: Sovereign class retrofit battlecruiser/carrier
COMMISSIONED: 2386. – present
LENGHT: 700 m
BEAM: 250 m
HEIGHT: 100 m
DECKS: 26 habitable
MASS: 3 300 000 metric tons
CREW: 800 (700 enlisted and 100 marines)
PROPULSION: Overcharged warp core type XIII feeding two warp engines; Combat Hyper-impulse engines mk XIII
WEAPONRY: 16 phaser arrays type XIII, 10 retractable dual-cannons pulse phaser turrets, 6 forward and 4 aft rapid firing torpedo launchers type XIII (400 photon, 200 quantum and 100 transphasic torpedoes)
SPECIAL WEAPONRY: 2 spinal phaser lance cannons located at the ventral side of Dragonstar’s saucer section
DEFENSE SYSTEMS: High capacity regenerative shields type XIII, Heavy structural integrity, Tetraburnium/tritanium double hull, ablative armor (30 cm)
DEFLECTOR: Graviton deflector dish mk XIII
WARP SPEED: Normal cruise – warp 8, maximum cruise – warp 9.9999 for 24 hours, maximum speed using quantum slipstream drive – approx. warp 20 for 2 hours
CARGO CAPACITY: Approx. 50 000 metric tons
AUXILIARY AND SUPPORT CRAFT: 10 Workbees, 6 Type 9 shuttlecrafts, 4 Type 11 shuttlecrafts, 4 Delta Flyers, 2 Yellowstone Runabouts and 20 Gryphon fighters stored in two shuttlebays + 1 Captain’s yacht located at the ventral side of Dragonstar’s saucer sectionHIGH OFFICERS ABOARD DRAGONSTAR:
First officer/Executive officer (Commander) – Lissan Endilev (Andorian female)
Chief tactical officer (Lieutenant Commander) – T’Luminareth (Vulcan female)
Chief security officer (Lieutenant) – M’Toui (Klingon male)
Chief engineering officer (Lieutenant Commander) – Daniel Sheppard (Human male)
Chief medical officer (Lieutenant) – Ashley Keller (Human female)
Science/Operations officer (Lieutenant) – Scarlett Miyazaki, 3 of 8 (Liberated Borg drone/human female)
Helm officer (Ensign) – Bronar Lukin (Cardassian male)END OF FILE
So this is how your character’s bios and ship’s specifications should look like. Now I’ll be awaiting for your applications to this upcoming RP
February 28, 2015 at 7:07 pm #162133“…b) For ships: Federation-Klingon-Dominion-Borg hybrid super-battleship carrier armed with 5000 omega-phased positronic polaron beam arrays and 1000 torpedo launchers loaded 20000 omega-gravimetric polaron torpedoes won’t make it into game beacause it would destroy anything in its path without a scratch to it’s hull paint…”
Note to Devs, I really, really, really want this in my next lockbox.
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."February 28, 2015 at 8:17 pm #162134Name: Black jack Geary
Rank: Commander
Gender Male
Race Romulan
DOB: March 13 2350 (earth calendar)
Age: 38
Hight: 190cm
Weight: 90kg
Specializations: Command, stealth operations, cloaking technology
Special Traits: High strength, endurance (aprox 3x that of a human equal to a Vulcan)
Preferred weapons: Plasma rifle and pistolService Record
-Graduated form the Imperial military academy in 2335
-Assigned to the IRW Dividices (D’deridex class) Engering section
-Promoted to subcommander and chef engeneer in 2370
-Survived the destruction of the IRW Dividices in the second battle of Chin’toka 2375
-Promoted to commander and assigned to the IRW Dauntless 2375
-Was assigned to evacuate sevral Romulan senators before the destruction of Romulus yet defied orders to leave immediately (buy said senators) ignored said orders to rescue as many civilians as possible 2387
-Currently trying to do everything he can to help Romulan civilians despite a constantly changing leadership that won’t stop giving out conflicting ordersIRW Dauntless Technical specs
Class : D’Deridex class
Commissioned: 2375
Length: 1040M
Wingspan: 770M
Mass 4,300,000 metric tonnes
Crew: 1500 1000 enlisted 500 shock troops
Propulsion: Thoron-Infused Singularity Cores powering 2 nacelles
Weapons: 18 disruptor beam arrays 12 forward 6 aft
1 heavy plasma torpedo launcher forward
3 forward torpedo launchers forward 2 aft firing photon torpedoes
Torpedo compliant 500 phonon torpedo’s 200 plasma
normal torpedo complement of 500 plasma torpedos
Max speed: warp 9.99 for 24 hours cursing speed of warp 7.8 (6.0 under cloak)
Auxiliary and support craft: 6 kestrel class runabouts, 10 Tiercel shuttles, 1 commanders gig
Cloaking device (detectable at short range if traveling faster than warp 6)Command staff:
First Officer: H’val (Romulan male)
Chef engineer: Jerem (Romulan Male)
Operations officer: Mamek (Reman male)
Science officer: Dinius (Romulan Male)
Medical officer: Kamnil (Reman female)
Tactical officer: Venal (Romulan Male)
shock troop commander: sekar (Romulan female)
Mess hall attedent: Tovan Khev (tried to remove him form duty after the Klingon incident but he has family connections) 😀 (Romulan Male)aka @armageddon771
February 28, 2015 at 6:31 am #162135@Marcase wrote:
“…b) For ships: Federation-Klingon-Dominion-Borg hybrid super-battleship carrier armed with 5000 omega-phased positronic polaron beam arrays and 1000 torpedo launchers loaded 20000 omega-gravimetric polaron torpedoes won’t make it into game beacause it would destroy anything in its path without a scratch to it’s hull paint…”
Note to Devs, I really, really, really want this in my next lockbox.
😆 well, as long as I get a credit for it, since I came with that crazy idea
@KYLAR: That’s all good, just try to fix your characters age and service record so it matches with the year in which this RP’s events are supposed to happen. That year is 2388., so your character would be 38 years old if I’m not mistaken. The reasons why I choose this particular year are explained in my previous post. I hope that’s ok with you. Just modify your bio and ship specification a little so it could they could fit into this storyline. Thank you for applying to RP. I will wrote an introduction post today or tommorow (today is more probably) 🙂February 28, 2015 at 8:29 am #162136sorry I started thinking about my character in game and might have gotten carried away I’ll chance it.
aka @armageddon771
February 28, 2015 at 2:10 pm #162137Sounds good! I’m signing up.
I’ll edit this post tomorrow to write about my character and ship. This will be great opportunity to develop my newest character as she doesn’t have any background story.
== CLASSIFIED INFO/Bajoran Intelligence ==
Name: Chalan Yumi
Gender: Female
Species: Bajoran
Parents: Chalan Aroya (mother) and Chalan Tusin (father)
Birth date/Stardate: 11 July, 2356. /Stardate 33525.710
Birth Date: Jalanda City/Bajor
Age: 32
Hair: Brown
Eyes Color: Brown
Skin Color: Pink
Build: Average female
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Rank: Chief Medical Officer
Specialization: Doctor, Biochemist
Special Traits: Spiritual, Emotional
Preferred Weapons: Bajoran PistolSERVICE RECORD:
– 2373-2376: Bajoran Agricultural Ministry, Research and Development division. Worked on implementation of Soil reclamators in Dahkur Province. Project was part of Government’s plan of post-war recovery, and urgent need of food supply for planets population. Yumi and group of scientist were conducting tests on ground samples in order to make sure it is suitable for growing crops. After initial phase, when crops were ready for use – they needed to make sure it was safe to distribute them to Bajorans. First generation of crops were not ready so further detoxication of ground was needed, as well as enrichment of ground with minerals, and right mixture of oxygen and nitrogen to grow boton, moreka, katterpod, salam grass and alva fruit.
– 2377-2381: Bajoran Institute of Science. Yumi’s work was recognized by Doctor Cul, director of Institute. Singha refugee camp had to be turned into quarantine due to breakout of virus (ZX147b). Abandoned True Way bio-weapon storage was hidden in the close variety of Undalar Cliffs. Because of the deteriorated bio-containers found there, toxic substance got in contact with cliff fungus. Mutation process activated the virus that evolved into ZX147b. Virus was spreading through air and was dangerous to nearby population. Antivirus was developed by Doctor Yumi and Col, distributed 3 years after the breakthrough.
– 2382-23xx: Bajoran Intelligence. Increased True Way activity demanded new personnel in various divisions to uphold BI cause and support their objectives. Yumi was given opportunity to get the position of Chief Medical Officer at their Headquarters. She underwent their advanced medical training program to be qualified for away team missions, as well as various critical situation scenarios (ground and space) and basic combat training. In year 2388, Yumi has taken part of new Bajoran space program – first Bajoran warp-capable starship.BMS PERIKIA:
Type: Bajoran Assault Vessel
Commissioned: 2382.
Length: 140.72 meters
Beam: 221.76 meters
Height: 51.76 meters
Decks: 1
Mass: 96,500 metric tonnes
Crew: 12 flight crew; 200 troops
Propulsion: Prototype Matter-Antimatter Warp Core Mk x, Microfusion Impulse Engine Mk X
Defense System: Resilient shield array Mk X, Standard structural integrity with Duranium Alloy hull
Special System: Information Classified
Deflector: Positron deflector dish Mk X
Warp Speed: Maximum warp factor 8
Auxiliary and Support Craft: 1 Bajoran cargo shuttle, 1 WorkbeeHigh officers aboard Perikian (all Bajorans):
Captain: Kala Anjar
First officer: Shakaar Julis
Chief security officer: Lenaris Camos
Chief engineering officer: Kubus Keston
Chief medical officer: Chalan Yumi
Helm officer: Surmak Benjarvi
Engineering officer: Haznir Dilar (have to decide his position)=END of FILE=
OOC: it would be great if Kylar and me don’t have same engineering specialization. I could change it to make my skills more useful for the story.
Edit: change my profession from mechanic to medic
February 28, 2015 at 6:44 pm #162138@Kylar wrote:
sorry I started thinking about my character in game and might have gotten carried away I’ll chance it.
It’s ok now. Good to have you onboard 🙂
@Damix wrote:
Sounds good! I’m signing up.
I’ll edit this post tomorrow to write about my character and ship. This will be great opportunity to develop my newest character as she doesn’t have any background story.
Nice, I’m looking forward to our upcoming RP and character developments
Btw, I’ll write that prologue tommorow. Too tired now and with a lack of inspiration currently.
March 2, 2015 at 6:20 am #162139@Damix wrote:
OOC: it would be great if Kylar and me don’t have same engineering specialization. I could change it to make my skills more useful for the story.
True, that would be better. Talk it out with Kylar so you could decide what specialization your characters will have.
As for the story prologue, I’m sorry for being late (got occupied with omega stabilization
), I’ll try to come up with something most probably today. Again, I’m sorry for delay.
So I might be a little late, but I have finally managed to write a decent prologue (at least I think it is decent
) to the RP storyline I promised we will create and here it is:
STAR TREK: Into the mouth of madness (open RP thread)
I hope you’ll like it, and if you need to ask questions about it or share some impressions about it, do it here in this thread. The thread in the link above is only for the storyline (ofc, here and there some OOC questions are welcome if marked properly as I explained in the introduction post of this thread.). I’m looking forward to your participation in our exciting RP 🙂
March 3, 2015 at 2:54 pm #162140Name: Chris Iildin Edemann
Rank: Admiral
Gender Male
Race Human
DOB: July 10 2350 (earth calendar)
Age: 33
Hight: 196cm
Weight: 101kg
Specializations: Intelligence, Tactical
Special Traits: Lucky, Techy
Preferred weapons: Borg prosthetic cannon he liberated from a droneService Record
-Graduated form Starfleet Academy and was assigned a Tactical station onboard the USS Merrimack.
-Numerous tours of duty took him through Alpha and Beta Quadrants, finally gaining his own command of the USS Aquitaine in 2381
-USS Aqitaine heavily damaged in [REDACTED] after [REDACTED]-class temporal event [REDACTED] Borg ships and [REDACTED]
-Captain Edemann promoted to Admiral after the incident, for “valiant dedication to duty” and given command of the refitted USS Acquitaine under the the covertly-formed Intelligence divisionPersonnel note: Adm. Edemann underwent psychological evaluatuon after the [REDACTED] away team mission. His away team were ambushed by a tacital drone and he lost his left arm just above the elbow after taking fire from it’s kinetic cutting beam. As shock and his armour’s painkiller syetems took hold, Edemann went into a rage and bull-rushed the drone, imparting massive kinetic damage to it’s cranium and surgically removing it’s cannon arm with his handeld phaser.
His team had to drag him off the remains of the drone and attempted emergency medical beam-out, but he over-ruled them and continued with the mission
The drone’s cannon is now his personal weapon on all away missions.(Details redated by Intelligence/S31)
USS Ghostrider Technical specs
Class : Intrepid (refitted)
Commissioned: 2380
Propulsion: Solanee-class Overcharged Warp Core powering 4 nacelles
Weapons: 8 antiproton beam arrays (4 forward 4 aft)
1 Experimental Omnidirectional Antiproton Array
1 [CLASSIFIED] Omnidirectional Kinetic Beam Array
1 rear-facing MKXIII Biomolecular Photon Torpoedo arrayMax speed: warp 9.99 for 48 hours cursing speed of warp 7.5 (6.9 under cloak)
March 3, 2015 at 6:13 pm #162141That’s good, just try to fix your characters age and service record so it matches with the year in which this RP’s events are supposed to happen. That year is 2388. The reason why I choose this particular year is that during STO timeline universe is far too chaotic for this story to work. I hope that’s ok with you. Just modify your bio and ship specification a little so they could fit into this storyline. And thank you for applying to RP. Hope you’ll join us soon in our horrifying adventure
March 4, 2015 at 3:48 am #162142(Oops! I did the draft, saved it, modified it a little and then forgot to actually look at the dates *facepalms*)
Changes made to the application 🙂March 4, 2015 at 6:11 am #162143It’s better now, just correct ship specs commissioned line, since it would have been a little odd for your ship to be constructed in 2410. while the events of the story happen in 2388. Unless your ship is from future
😆 Everything else is more than fine 😎
March 4, 2015 at 2:28 pm #162144== CLASSIFIED INFO/Personnel File, Starfleet Intelligence ==
Name: James Washington
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Parents: Frances Castro-Washington (mother) Elwood Washington (father)
Birth date: 21 June, 2344
Age: 44
Hair: Black, Greying
Eyes Color: Brown
Ethnicity: African
Build: Athletic; Think an aging cruiser weight boxer
Height: 6’1″
Weight: 210 lb.s
Rank: Captain
Specialization: Command, Security/Intel
Preferred Weapons: mk 2 phaser pistol, mevak (Klingon knife)Service Record:
– 2360-2364:Attended Starfleet Academy. Major in Xeno linguistics. Excelled in Tactical Analysis, Survival Strategies, Hand to Hand Combat
– 2364-2366: Assigned to Starfleet Security, San Francisco, Earth. Promoted to Lt. jg.
– 2366: Attended Advanced Tactical Training Course. Promoted to Lt. on completion.
– 2368-2370: Posted USS Champlain as Security Chief. Patrols Cardassian border.
– 2370: Establishment of DMZ and treaty with Cardassians. On Dorvan V Washington leads a Federation hazard team in ending a Maquis hostage crisis. 34 Cardassian government workers are rescued from their besieged consulate. Lauded as “Defender of Dorvan” by Federation and Cardassian governments.
– 2371-2373: Posted to the newly commissioned USS Curtana as Executive officer. Shortly after arrival Washington becomes suspicious of Commanding Officer. Commander Vonda Chauvin is exposed as changeling. James assumes command.
– 2373: Answering a distress signal from Sector 001 the USS Curtana joins the fleet and engages the Borg at the Battle of Sector 001.
– 2374-2376: The Dominion War. The Curtana spends much of the war in an adhoc Federation/Klingon formation nicknamed the “veqlargh nawlogh” (demon squadron). Light vessels from both factions engage in raids on Dominion shipping and perform escort duties for larger ship formations. Washington develops a lifelong friendship with his Klingon counterpart Captain Q’orr. Wash relishes Klingon tactics and learns the language during the conflict.
– 2376: A Starfleet Intelligence inquiry into the hostage crisis at Dorvan V questions the actions of the hazard team. A Cardassian Gul was the single casualty and the inquiry questions delays the team made that may have contributed to his death. The investigation stalls inconclusively but serious damage is done to Washington’s reputation. He is snubbed for promotion to Captain where it might have been a foregone conclusion for his efforts in the war.
– 2377-2387: Frustrated by the turn of events Washington takes leaves and visits his friend Q’orr on the Klingon home world and enjoys the hospitality of House Q’SoD. Upon returning to the Curtana he begins a series of on ship programs designed to increase the efficiencies and performance of his crew. Two standing hazard teams designated veqlarghs are formed. By 2382 the excellence Washington has cultivated on board can no longer be ignored. He is promoted to Captain and the Curtana is recognized as an excellent posting for promising young Starfleet graduates. Over a period of 6 years the Curtana grooms and distributes highly competent officers to serve throughout the fleet.
2387: USS Curtana undergoes an extensive refit at Utopia Planitia. Her weapons systems and engineering sections are retrofitted and the ship is outfitted with holo emitter technology throughout to assist in it’s role as a training vessel.
2388: Having recently completed her post refit shakedown cruise the USS Curtana responds to distress signal in the vicinity of Deep Space 3.=END of FILE=
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