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April 10, 2019 at 9:18 am #422570
I just thought I would share this link, I have signed it just because I would like to see the Enterprise back.
Millions of Trekkies, both young and old, have absolutely loved Anson Mount’s (Pike) and Ethan Peck’s (Spock) portrayal of these iconic Star Trek characters. While we’ve enjoyed their performances on Discovery – we know its coming to an end…and we want more! Consider adding another Star Trek series to your line up starring these two great actors.
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This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
April 10, 2019 at 11:15 am #422580Warning, small rant ahead.
I like Pike and Spock as portrayed, but I keep getting more and more annoyed with the story, and especially their ‘liberal’ use of story continuity – and I mean within Disco itself. Don’t get me started about the overal Trek canon. Disco -for me- has definately moved from SciFi to Sci-Fantasy.
Anyone who has seen youtuber Doomcock knows what I’m talking about.
I watch Discovery, but I doubt I’m rewatching it, like I still rewatch older TOS, TNG/DS9/Voy episodes. Disco just doesn’t stir me.
I really would like a continuation of the Star Trek canon. The next generation *after* The Next Generation, not a continues reboot and rewrite and redcon. So I’d rather have a “Pike-like” captain from even further in the future than another reboot of pre-TOS…
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."April 10, 2019 at 12:05 pm #422584I really would like a continuation of the Star Trek canon. The next generation *after* The Next Generation, not a continues reboot and rewrite and redcon. So I’d rather have a “Pike-like” captain from even further in the future than another reboot of pre-TOS… /rant.
Yeah I have to agree, while I do like Discovery I do not feel like watching it over, and over again like I do with TOS or any of the other series. And I would LOVE for the Next, Next Generation idea happen.
But I do not think it will ever happen, IMO with Gene gone and his family, CBS, etc. are only worried about cash, that his “world” can make them.
As far as canon, I can remember when people complaining about the changes to Klingons in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, so I normally stay out of the whole canon debate.
So I guess I am trying to be a moderate again, seeing both sides of the debate.
So if this post was out of line just take it down.
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
April 10, 2019 at 3:14 pm #422590My wife and I love Discovery. We think the new Pike and Spock are great as well. I would not mind a series based on the Pike/Spock era. I think it would make more sense to move forward.
The only Star Trek I can watch over and over is TOS, including the movies.
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Sargon. Reason: spelling
April 11, 2019 at 1:42 am #422606Agreed with all of the above. I like Discovery, but I don’t *love* Discovery, like I do the rest of Trek. I’d dig seeing more of Pike/Spock, but I could do with less Burnham – the character just isn’t doing it for me. Storylines are ok, but like Marcase said, it’s starting to be a bit more fantastical than I enjoy. Hopefully the Picard series brings more adventure/exploration.
April 11, 2019 at 3:19 am #422609Apologies for the rant but I fear someone’s taken their finger out of the dyke. Whoosh. Flood warning.
“Disco -for me- has definitely moved from SciFi to Sci-Fantasy.”
… and moved far, far away from ‘Star Trek.’
You can call things ‘U.S.S.’ and ‘Warp Drive’ and ‘Phaser’ and ‘Tricorder’ and ‘nacelle’ but that doesn’t make it ‘Star Trek.’ You can use elements of Courage/Goldsmith’s iconic score liberally but that doesn’t make it ‘Star Trek.’ You can sprinkle SFX throughout, throw in starships, ranks, planets, races and even call characters (gasp) Pike or (even larger gasp) Spock… but none of this makes it ‘Star Trek.’ All of this is just… costuming.
Each of us has a Trek. They are different, sure… yet with some important things in common.
Here are some things that ‘Star Trek’ is… for me… encountering the unknown and exploring under an umbrella structure with a moral and ethical core. Relationships, strained at times… yet vital and foundational. An oft-stated belief in progress and an ability to overcome challenge while venturing out, like a Wagon Train to the stars, to see what’s out there and deal with the frontier and whatever it contains… and deal with it well and to the best of our abilities. Humour… quippy (McCoy), without being slapstick kitsch (Tilly). The ability to shine an irreverent, hopeful light on current reality and issues without coming over preachy, or politically-correct, or alllll SJW on our asses. Storylines that ask questions of ourselves as individuals, families, communities and structures… both at home and in space (the final frontier)… and in a TV series that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
I won’t bring myself to the glaring plot/canon/science insanity that Discovery is. I dare not. I’d be lost for months trying to put out the raging brushfires of indignation in my brainpan. Each series has it’s howlers… TOS Season 3 and the influence of Freiburger (who would take a hatchet to Space: 1999) gifting us ‘Spock’s Brain’ for example… but Discovery is, as Marcase said… science-fantasy.
It’s a TV program with bells and whistles and crackle and pop, is all… but it ain’t Star Trek. Nohow.
I have no faith that Discovery-era ‘Star Trek’ can be saved by Piking, Spocking, or Picarding the franchise. It would take a team of writers and film-makers that can craft something recognisably Trek and then clothe it, beautifully. Pigs may fly, ofc.
Go to the frontier… not back to the farm.
aka @Nubia
April 11, 2019 at 6:07 am #422613I agree, mostly, with Anukis post above.
I quite like Disco, and I even like Burnham’s character as well as Pike and Spock. I like Stemts a lot and also Saru.
I would love to see a Section 31 series. Michelle Yeoh’s Georgiou is really good and interesting.
What I really want though is a post-Voyager series. Move forwards, not these seemingly endless prequels.
The new Picard series might be good in that regard.
My own personal favourites are DS9, Voyager and TNG.
April 11, 2019 at 6:25 am #422619Well as far as the Picard Series, I might start a small brush fire with this statement but here goes.
Patrick Stewart is great actor so I want to assure everyone that I am not knocking him. And love the basic idea of Picard coming back —– BUT it is CBS, and they did come up with/launched Discovery.
So it going to be more NextGen like or more Discovery like? That is my worry.
This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
April 11, 2019 at 7:05 am #422622Yeah, I must admit I’m a little worried too. Still, it’ll be worth a look.
April 11, 2019 at 7:42 am #422626Brush fire? Let’s go blazing in a firestorm of glory!
TOS set the precedent. It baked the mould. It was fun entertainment. Unique. Episodic in structure, with each episode telling a different and unrelated tale… held together over the seasons by character and relationship development. Quintessentially Trek.
NextGen (borne out of an abortive PhaseII that eventually became ST:TMP) was hobbled by ‘fluffypinkdom’ and a hollow Captain in generic plotlines that inserted a giant superior stick up it’s own arse… but it still managed to shine, occasionally. And it was still Trek… even if Roddenberry had drunked too mucho of the aspirational, inspirational fizzpop.
Deep Space 9 went even further down the stick-up-arse rabbithole with the addition of pompous religion, mysticism and reality-tv style romantic attachments. I had hopes. They were dashed. Tons of Trek simply dripped through the grate.
Voyager went back to the frontier concept and despite the humourless Captain and sewn-together episodes again managed to shine at times, this time (perhaps) more consistently. Someone, somewhere, at least seemed to want to hold on to whatever vestiges of Trek they could find. I still struggled to care about anyone. Oafs all.
Enterprise, with it’s appalling intro tunelette and the miscasting of the horrendous Bakula… and the blatantly nutty concept of a sexy vulcan and (I could go on lotly)… at least fleshed out TOS time-period interestingly, even if (yet again) it morphed into one… big… long… plotline with the inevitable threat to all humankind mania parked at the end. Perhaps Trek’s last, feeble gasp.
Discovery… awful. Just. Awful. Thoroughly Trekless and incredibly insane.
So here’s a thoughtlette…
Klingons and Romulans. Well-conceived, non-exorbitant or superlative enemies that nevertheless brought credible threat and a sense of danger to the quadrants. The Borg were a mistake… they began the slide to overkill… and illustrated the dumb misconception that threat and danger must rely wholly on size and a supreme lack of emotion; a misconception that persisted throughout all series after TOS, as well as in the movie franchise… where enemies simply got bigger and bigger and meaner and meaner. Overkilled. That is no moon. Mega-weapons and ultra-capabilities set on a path that now has the uber-time-travelling-space-traversing-stealth-suit of Discovery. FFS. Don’t even get me onto the movie reboots. Think Thanos.
I don’t know what the answer is… I really don’t. All I can say is that there are some superb episodes, characters, and concepts strewn throughout the whole gamut of Trek (for me, the vast bulk in TOS and not once in Disco) but most of it after TOS is just (mostly poor) kindasortameh sci-fi.
The only saving grace left… is that it’s not Star Wars. Albeit barely.
I hope you took all that waffle with the tongue-in-cheek sarcastic silliness intended
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Anukis. Reason: Sp. See me later
aka @Nubia
April 11, 2019 at 7:43 am #422628Yeah, I am concerned too. Like the other thing I hold close to my heart – the works of Tolkien. When Lord of the Rings came out I was happy, and enjoyed the movies (for the most part), BUT I did drive my wife nuts with my “canon talk” with it.
But still over all I was happy with it!
Then the Hobbit came out, lets just say I hope in the name of all the Seven Seas and all the Gods and Goddess of the Heavens that CBS does not do to Picard what Jackson did to the Hobbit!
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
April 11, 2019 at 7:54 am #422631The only saving grace left… is that it’s not Star Wars. Albeit barely.
Barely? In many ways Discovery has more Stars Wars in it than it does Star Trek. I think that is what happen to Discovery, CBS wanted Star Wars like money Series. Not a “Cult” Followed Series, as far as the Rest of the Trek series I will not go down that rabbit hole of debate.
Each one of them has their good points and bad points just like TOS.
But what I wonder most is there a way to “save” Discovery, or would it even be able to be save or should it be?
This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
April 11, 2019 at 8:08 am #422634When Jar Jar Binks makes an appearance in Discovery, I’ll agree with you. Star Wars… one kindergarden plot told every which way repetitively up and down over and over. Again and again. With Ewoks. And a cantina tune.
Discovery… use the Trek brand for purely merchandising purposes and give little thought to anything Trek beyond costuming. Unsalvageable. For many reasons. Section 31 being just one.
Just imagine how good a sci-fi-fantasy series perhaps could have been made had it been forced to stand on its own merits, sans anything Trek. I (for one) wouldn’t be waffling on so critically.
But what do I know… I liked Caprica. Go figure!
aka @Nubia
April 11, 2019 at 8:38 am #422636Well seeing a Star Wars like character in Discovery would not surprise me. LOL
But Star Wars has never been my “thing”, I have only watched the 1st three original movies. I thought they told their story well and that was that for me.
So the rest, (except for YouTube shorts), I have never seen and have no interest to see.
I have one friend who is so hooked on Star Wars it is scary, quote him “George Lucas is a God“!
LoL, He is still thinks I am strange for not seeing the rest of the Star Wars, but he does not understand Lord of the Rings/Hobbit (the books) and why I love them so much.
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
April 11, 2019 at 11:08 am #422652We all like the Star Trek franchise. I find it interesting that we each see it a little differently in some respects.
My favorite is and always has been TOS. I thought Voyager was great, although I could have done without Neelix. I could do without him in the game too. I think Neelix is Star Trek’s version of Jar Jar Binks.
I rank DS9 at the bottom and I am often surprised it is so popular with others in the fleet. However, that hot kiss between Dax and Lenara was memorable.
I really liked the first Stars Wars that came out in ’77 I think? Never saw anything like that in the movies. People standing up clapping and cheering in the theater. People would watch it dozens of times.
I walked away from Star Wars and never looked back after Ewoks and that idiot Jar Jar. Ruined it for me they did.
Anyway I like seeing everyone’s opinions.
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