Application for vonvelton

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for vonvelton

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  • #427591
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Neil
    • Age: 34
    • Location: Monterey bay valley
    • Characters: Von Velton
    • Previous fleets: 32nd Fleet, FOP, some others i can not remember that fell apart
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? Thought it might be neat to meet new people & share my expertise.
    • Tell us about yourself: I used to join fleets, rise up to near fleet command positions & somehow never manage to get to manage a whole fleet while reporting to one of the top command officers. So much about star trek that I love & always willing to learn new things with star trek or fleet operations of sorts.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes

    Von "Ace" Velton

    Fleet Admiral
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Hello Neil!

    Thanks for applying to the mighty 44th. You will receive your in-game invite next time you log in.

    Join our 44th chat channel “44th-diplo” by typing the following into the chat window: /channel_join 44th-diplo.

    This is used to communicate with our 44th Fleet, 44th Delta Fleet, 44th Gamma Fleet and our 44th Assault Squadron (KDF) – we don’t use the in-game fleet channel. We are four fleets acting as one.

    As a new 44th Fleet Ensign you will be stationed for 6 weeks in the 44th Delta Fleet, (KDF’s go directly to our 44th Assault Sqn). For a promotion to Lieutenant and fleet store unlock you just need to meet 2 requirements:

    1) Must have either logged into the game or posted on our 44th forum at least once during the review period of 2 weeks (which starts today);
    2) Must be in good standing with the fleet.

    The fleet rank of Commander is earned after you’ve been with us for 6 weeks. Upon earning this rank, up to two of your characters can be transferred into 44th Fleet, and up to three can be put into 44th Delta Fleet at your discretion. Any additional characters can be placed in the 44th Gamma Fleet. Our promotion schedule is hosted publicly at our Trello Board.

    Full access to the 44th forum has now been unlocked, feel free to look around. Please bookmark this forum to keep up with Fleet news, and see the most recent State of the Fleet to catch up.

    Need some help with STO? Check out our FAQ, starting ship builds, and mechanics guide to help you on your way.

    We are on twitter and use Discord for voice (not a requirement, but recommended).

    As a mature, no-drama fleet the 44th caters to casual and hard-core players, so I’m sure you’ll fit right in.

    Welcome aboard !

    aka @phoenix#6622

    Fleet Admiral
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Hi Neil, unfortunately I was not able to locate your account in game. Please post your full in-game account name including any training # and numbers (for example, mine is @phoenix#6622).  Also, please list any character names that that you would like added to the fleet.  Thanks in advance.

    aka @phoenix#6622

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Hello Neil, welcome aboard.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Welcome aboard Neil!

    The longest journey is the discovery of oneself


    Welcome to the 44th Neil

    Fleet Member

    Hello Neil! Thanks for applying to the mighty 44th. You will receive your in-game invite next time you log in. Join our 44th chat channel <span style=”color: #e4c173;”>“44th-diplo”</span> by typing the following into the chat window: <span style=”color: #e4c173;”>/channel_join 44th-diplo</span>. This is used to communicate with our 44th Fleet, 44th Delta Fleet, 44th Gamma Fleet and our 44th Assault Squadron (KDF) – we don’t use the in-game fleet channel. We are four fleets acting as one. As a new <span style=”color: #e4c173;”>44th Fleet Ensign</span> you will be stationed for <span style=”color: #e4c173;”> 6 weeks in the 44th Delta Fleet</span>, (KDF’s go directly to our 44th Assault Sqn). For a promotion to <span style=”color: #e4c173;”>Lieutenant</span> and fleet store unlock you just need to meet 2 requirements: 1) Must have either logged into the game or posted on our 44th forum at least once during the review period of 2 weeks (which starts today); 2) Must be in good standing with the fleet. The fleet rank of <span style=”color: #e4c173;”>Commander</span> is earned after you’ve been with us for 6 weeks. Upon earning this rank, up to <span style=”color: #e4c173;”>two</span> of your characters can be transferred into <span style=”color: #e4c173;”>44th Fleet</span>, and up to <span style=”color: #e4c173;”>three</span> can be put into <span style=”color: #e4c173;”>44th Delta Fleet</span> at your discretion. Any additional characters can be placed in the <span style=”color: #e4c173;”>44th Gamma Fleet</span>. Our promotion schedule is hosted publicly at our Trello Board. Full access to the 44th forum has now been unlocked, feel free to look around. Please bookmark this forum to keep up with Fleet news, and see the most recent State of the Fleet to catch up. Need some help with STO? Check out our FAQ, starting ship builds, and mechanics guide to help you on your way. We are on twitter and use Discord for voice (not a requirement, but recommended). As a mature, no-drama fleet the 44th caters to casual and hard-core players, so I’m sure you’ll fit right in. Welcome aboard !

    🖖 vonvelton#3322

    Von "Ace" Velton

    Fleet Admiral
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Invite sent to 41BCCO@vonvelton#3322. If you have any other characters, just post the names here or in Discord to receive additional invites.
    Once you have accepted the invite, try adding the 44th-diplo channel in the in-game chat window. This is how all fleet members communicate. You can do this by clicking the gear icon in the chat window, then “Chat Settings…”.  After that use the “Channels” button next to “Tabs” to join by typing in 44th-diplo as the channel name to join.

    aka @phoenix#6622

    Fleet Member
    Fleet Member

    Welcome Aboard, @Neil, from the Fleet’s Grumpy Old Sailor 🙂


    aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian

    Fleet Member

    Thank you Marcase, Shohom, Ken &  Hollywood_NZ   

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by 41BCCO.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by 41BCCO.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by 41BCCO.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by 41BCCO.

    Von "Ace" Velton

    Mares Guyver
    Fleet Member

    Little late to the party, but just wanted to also say “Welcome to the 44th,” Neil!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Mares Guyver. Reason: Updated
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Mares Guyver. Reason: Removed image

    "You can't kill me . . . I've been rejected by death!" ~ Sean Barker, The Guyver/Mutronics

    aka @mguyver315#5365

    Fleet Member

    Thank you; appreciate that late or not.

    Von "Ace" Velton

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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