Application for Tymine8199

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Tymine8199

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  • Author
  • #426603
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Ty
    • Age: 20
    • Location: Indiana, USA
    • Characters: markus@tyvoyager – Federation
    • Previous fleets: Sinfully Sexy, Task Force Phoenix, Task Force 44
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I started playing STO in 2012, and a lot has happened since then. Right now, I’m finishing up my junior year in college (studying Engineering Physics). I have loved Star Trek since I was 8 years old and was blown away when I started STO. As I take my academic career very seriously, however, I’ve had to dial back my participation greatly during my high school and college career. As a result, I hopped around a few different fleets due to my inactivity. With my senior year coming up, my schoolwork is largely scaled back (thanks to a proactive first three years) and I’ve looked forward to returning to STO and finally kitting out my character the way I’ve always wanted to. The fleet I’m currently with is honestly fairly dead, and your website impressed me. I look forward to an active fleet of people who Star Trek, enjoy role-playing, and like to have fun with the game. On the bit more selfish side, I’d also like to get a few Vulnerability Locators for my starship and work towards getting a Fleet T6 Arbiter (I plan to try for the Z-store one during the upcoming Event Campaign for the trait). Given the opportunity, I look forward to spending time with a fleet that seems to enjoy having fun with the game, and all things Star Trek, and help others pursue their own goals.
    • Tell us about yourself: As I said up above, I’m currently studying Engineering Physics and am entering my senior year. My goal is to graduate Summa Cum laude from my college and go to graduate school. At college, I’m a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity and have served as Risk Manager, and currently, Treasurer. I also enjoy playing music: I’ve played the piano ever since I was 5 and took up the Viola during middle and high school. Currently, I enjoy singing in multiple choirs (university and local) and am also the Treasurer with my College’s Drumline. Star Trek has always been a fascination to me – I remember growing up and watching Star Trek Enterprise on TV, then watching TNG, VOY, TOS, (and just recently), Picard. I am currently watching Discovery (S1E10) and am finishing up DS9 (just finished the baseball episode). Star Trek has served as an inspiration for me to study Physics and has shaped my morals and values while I’ve grown up.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes

    aka @tyvoyager

    Fleet Admiral
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Hi Ty,

    Thanks for applying to the mighty 44th! You will receive your in-game invite next time you log in.

    Join our 44th chat channel “44th-diplo” by typing the following into the chat window: /channel_join 44th-diplo.

    This is used to communicate with our 44th Fleet, 44th Delta, 44th Gamma and our 44th Assault Squadron (KDF) – we don’t use the in-game fleet channel. We are four fleets acting as one.

    As a new 44th Fleet Ensign, you will be stationed for 6 weeks in the 44th Delta Fleet (KDF’s go directly to our 44th Assault Sqn). For a promotion to Lieutenant and fleet store unlock, you just need to meet 2 requirements:

    1) Must have either logged into the game or posted on our 44th forum at least once during the review period of 2 weeks (which starts today);
    2) Must be in good standing with the fleet.

    The fleet rank of Commander can be reached after 6 weeks, after which you can move up to 2 alts to 44th main fleet and/or 3 alts to 44th Delta. Additional alts may go to 44th Gamma as well. Promotion schedules can be viewed on our Trello board, with dates marked on the calendar.

    Full access to the 44th forum has now been unlocked, feel free to look around. Please bookmark this forum to keep up with Fleet news, and see the most recent quarterly State of the Fleet to catch up.

    We are on twitter and use Discord for voice (not a requirement, but recommended).

    Need some help with STO? Check out our FAQ, starting ship builds and mechanics guide to help you on your way.

    As a mature, no-drama fleet the 44th caters to casual and hard-core players, so I’m sure you’ll fit right in.

    Welcome aboard!

    aka @phoenix#6622

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Welcome aboard.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Welcome aboard Ty!

    The longest journey is the discovery of oneself

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