Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Recruitment Academy › Application for Loya@zion#5603
October 3, 2020 at 2:33 am #429336
- Real name: Joey
- Age: 20
- Location: USA
- Characters: (FED) Torrence, Loray, Six of Thirteen, Mordu the Magnificent, Barbossa, Robert, Ayerdi, Newsome, Kylo Ren, Narora, Ulmek, Tehel, Kurso’Taral@zion#5603. (KDF) Loya, Vorak@zion#5603
- Previous fleets: This character hasn’t been in any other fleets. I have other characters in other fleets, such as Fleet-Marine-Force and Exile Alliance.
- Why join the Mighty 44th? It was recommended to me by someone in one of your sub-fleets (Abominationz@picm from .MMFWCL.) as one of apparently very few KDF fleets with a T5 shipyard. Abominationz was very nice and spoke fondly of the armada, so I thought I’d join. And any fleet with “The Mighty” in its name must be good.
- Tell us about yourself: I’m an animation student. I’ve been playing STO since 2018. I am currently trying to solve life’s greatest myteries, like why on Q’Onos does a B’Rel Bird of Prey need a T5 shipyard when it is a 130-year-old design? 😉 (I’m not just in it for the ship though, I actually do think this seems like a great fleet)
- Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by
BreakingForce. Reason: edited to add character names
October 3, 2020 at 3:33 pm #429342Hi Joey!
We’re happy to hear from you about your interest in joining our fleet!
There is one issue we have, though.
This is from our fleet rules (which you acknowledged at the end of the application). In particular, the last point.
If you want to enroll all of your characters with us, we’d be happy to have you join! We are still active (all characters in all 5 of our fleets have been logged in within the past year (with a couple exceptions for good reasons), and there are usually a fair number of folks on and talking). We do have two Fed and one KDF fleets with fully upgraded holdings (with a third fed fleet getting very close to colony and starbase tier 5). And all members LT ranked and up have full fleet store access, so even if you’re not in one of our fully upgraded fleets, we’ll make sure you have access to the fleet stuff you want to buy.
As stated elsewhere in the rules, all new members do have a two week “trial period” at Ensign rank (with no access to fleet stores). If you’re still interested but not sold on going all in with us, we can offer that two weeks to be a part of the 44th and see if you want to become a full member.
For that reason, I’m going to accept your application here, which will prompt our standard application acceptance/welcome post, and I’ll send you an invite to our kdf fleet ingame, and if you choose to join our discord server, you’ll be given fleet member access for those two weeks. If by the end of those two weeks, you decide you want to join us fully, then great! As said before, we’d be happy to have you as a full fleet member. If you decide you’re not sold on the 44th, then we’re sad to see you go but wholeheartedly wish you the best in your future STO/life endeavors.
October 3, 2020 at 5:23 pm #429344Hi Joey, welcome to the 44th.
Feel free to look around and check out the KDF fleet holdings. When you are at our KDF starbase, please tip the Targs and feed the Orion girls while you’re there. Err, wait…
As BreakingForce stated above, we do have a no-multifleeting rule, so we look forward to your final decision. Make sure to join our 44th-diplo channel in-game, as that’s where both all the 44th Feds and KDFs hang out – we are and act as one fleet regardless of faction.
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."October 4, 2020 at 8:36 pm #429345Sorry about the multi-fleeting, it was 3 AM when I signed up so I must have missed that! Most of my characters are in whatever random fleets invited them first when they first set foot on Spacedock, so I wouldn’t mind moving them to the 44th. I’m a little sentimental about the ones I listed since I’ve actually participated in those fleets and I kind of know the admirals there, but they’ve grown pretty stagnant and I rarely see anyone in the fleet chat anymore (not even the admirals in question), so it would be nice to be part of an active fleet again. I’ll check it out with the two-week trial and see what I think. Thanks for the invite!
October 4, 2020 at 10:13 pm #429346Welcome aboard, hopefully you will decide to join us full time
It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose
October 4, 2020 at 10:26 pm #429349Hi Joey, welcome to the 44th! Hope you decide to stay.
The longest journey is the discovery of oneself
October 5, 2020 at 8:29 pm #429351Awesome! Welcome to the 44th! You’re gonna love it here
(aka @piett777)October 5, 2020 at 7:09 am #429364Real name: Joey
Well welcome to the Fleet, and I hope you stay and bring on all your toons. I think you will find that this Fleet is one of the best (IMO THE best) player gaming groups you will find online.
While I am one of the more quiet members in fleet chat, but this just due to my own hang-ups. I sure you will find that everyone in this Fleet is willing to help each in their own way.
From grouping up for TFOs, to making items for your ship/crew, to giving advice on builds, to just having fun this Fleet has it. And perhaps the biggest reason to make this Fleet Home – NO PRESSURE.
Not once in my time here in the 44th have I ever felt pressured to do anything.
So once again, hope you stay. 07
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
October 7, 2020 at 4:06 am #429383Welcome aboard! I think you’ll find the 44th a friendly and helpful lot. Hope you decide to join our Fed side as well, and feel free to ask any questions you have in the meantime.
aka @phoenix#6622
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