Amazed and Intimidated

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  • #388554
    Fleet Member

    No worries, STO can often be overly (and unnecessarily) complicated and vague. You can begin by posting screenshots.

    Okay well that leads to a question – I know how to take screenshots, but it cuts out the HUD/Skill table so I will have to find what to change/buttons to push first, so off to STO Wiki I go.


    Found it:

    You can take a <b>screen shot</b> in-game by hitting the <i>PrtScn</i> (“Print Screen”) button on your keyboard. A compressed JPEG image file will be created. If you press <i>Alt + PrtScn</i> an uncompressed TARGA (.TGA) image file will be created. In either event, the screen shot images are stored in the <i>{Local path to program}\Cryptic Studios\Star Trek Online\Live\screenshots\</i> directory. The image saved does <i>not</i> include the User Interface, however.

    To take a screen shot with the User Interface, use the command <i>/screenshot_ui</i> (for TGA) or <i>/screenshot_ui_jpg</i> (for JPG) in the chat box. You may also bind a key to this — <i>/bind P screenshot_ui</i>, for example, will bind the <b>P</b> key to the <i>/screenshot_ui</i> command.

    The option <b>/renderscale #</b> will scale to some multiple # of your monitor’s screen resolution (<i>/renderscale 1</i> is default). Thus, <i>/renderscale 2</i> will be an image 4 times as larger as it doubles the width and height. Running renderscales much higher than 2 or 3 can result in crashing the game. Resizing these later to your screen resolution can provide a type of antialiasing.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by SgtKen60.

    aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    It was in the FAQ 🙂

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    It was in the FAQ

    Yup just found it there too 😉

    BTW @Marcase

    FYI – I have him (my Admiral) Mogai Heavy Warbird Retrofit – I like this bird the best because of its turn rate, the D’deridex feel so slow.

    And is there anyway to get a Free Skill Reset token will out spending Zen/Cash? I know with Champions Online you get a free one at max level.

    aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Unfortunately no, free-to-play players have to buy them. it’s 300 zen which you ‘could’ grind for, though it will take a bit, especially with the atrocious dili/zen rate right now. But can be done. I’m still F2P myself and I manage to collect enough zen for keys etc, just takes time.

    (PS you don’t have to post a quote each time) 😉

    And yeah, the Mogai is a vast improvement over the Double-D (which I still love dearly myself), it’s one of the best Rom Warbirds out there.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Admiral
    Team Player

    And is there anyway to get a Free Skill Reset token will out spending Zen/Cash? I know with Champions Online you get a free one at max level.

    Unfortunately no, free-to-play players have to buy them.

    not entirely true…you can get 1 from each rep when you hit t6 (i understand that’s probably not a nearby prospect for you, but it is possible :D)

    also, don’t forget you can convert refined dilithium to zen to purchase one if you so choose. at current exchange rate, it’d take about 101,100 refined dil to get the 300 zen you need. as you can refine 8500 dil/day now per character (8000 base, 500 extra at our fleet dil refinery), that’ll probably come around fairly quickly (at least, compared to getting t6 in any reps :D)

    Fleet Member


    Well shoot, I was hoping for a free respec. Yeah I will have to grind for it then. I liked the “Double-D”, but it and Ha’apax except for the turn rates.

    I like to able to stay on the target’s weakest shield side, I also love mines – I am not sure how many will disagree with that. But it seems to help when you are solo.

    I have notice there are times the “mob” will shoot at the mines instead of my ship or if they ignore the mines it can damage the shields along with my torpedoes.

    And sorry about all the quotes 🙂

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by SgtKen60.

    aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian

    Fleet Member

    Sorry I have not posted in a while been busy with work related stuff, against my original plans I made some alts. I was feeling a little frustrated with my main Captain.

    So I made some alts and joined the fleet with them, and well back in the day I did not get watch a lot of DS9 due the job/shift I had, so the Jem’Hadar did not have much interest for me.

    But I thought this morning what the heck, I will make one – well on a whim, my 1st Jem’Hadar – Science Career, some else I have not played, well He did not last long, I am not knocking the Career, but jumping to level 60 in it was not a smart move on my part.

    So I made a new one Garm’iclan/Engineer, the Garm part of the name is from one of my old pen&paper Shadowrun Characters (a Troll Street Samurai). So this one I got though the whole “pick you alliance” spot, so what do I pick – I ask on chat, no answer, so I am on my own.

    So the one episode, I remember that I did watch of DS9 with the Jem’Hadar in it was “The Jem’Hadar”, and I remember that one line “I was really hoping to meet a Klingon.

    So I picked KDF as an ally, the Jem’Hadar and Klingons (to me) just seem to fit.

    And now the I figure out and am using keybinds (Thanks to @Marcase and @Breakingforce) this game very interesting.

    So thanks for the help, and for putting up with me, I am still trying to get out lone wolf mode from the other games I have played, so thanks letting me into the Fleet and putting up with me.

    BTW – this Jem’Hadar Escort, am I the only one that thinks it looks like a beetle? At least from the rear?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by SgtKen60.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by SgtKen60.
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    aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian

    Fleet Member
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Somehow I’m glad that we still have new things to discover about the game 🙂

    And yes, the Jem’hadar ships do look like bugs, I remember thinking the same when I first played startrek armada. I think bugships is the slang for them within the universe 😛


    The longest journey is the discovery of oneself

    Fleet Member

    @Shohom, cool I was wondering if I was the only one that saw the “bug look”. LoL

    aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Hehe, in-game that ship is still referred to as The Bug or Jem-Bug-ship. ^^

    Bug ships attack.

    There’s really no difference anymore which side you pick, storywise, except that you have a different fleet starbase and different alliance ships to pick from – your KDF Jem Hadar will be able to use almost all KDF ships when you tire of The Bug.

    You don’t have to have watched DS9 (although it helps) to enjoy the Dominion origin arc. It actually reaches back to a few TNG and even TOS episodes (…)

    Because the Jem Hadars jump to max level on Day One, you will have skipped a myriad of episodes which would have given you a number of episode-reward traits, weapons, armor and other unique kit that would normally boost your character sufficiently to deal with ‘end game’ lvl 65 content. So yeah, you’re jumping in with one arm tied behind your back from the get-go. It’s a common complaint from the player base in general, so don’t blame yourself if your Jem feels a bit too squishy. It was the first time Cryptic tried something like this and no doubt they’ll adjust.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Admiral
    Team Player

    on the other hand, Jem’Hadar Vanguards (purchased playable species) have the most potent racial traits in the game right now, so it can be worth it.

    Fleet Member

    on the other hand, Jem’Hadar Vanguards (purchased playable species) have the most potent racial traits in the game right now, so it can be worth it.

    That actually answers a question I was going to post, so thanks 07

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by SgtKen60.

    aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian

    Fleet Member

    As far as the alliance, for me it is a case of my old role playing roots (AD&D, Champions, Shadowrun, etc.) I have to like the basic idea of a race in order to play it. And the race’s look as well.

    So here is the Jem’Hadar on “this side of the wormhole”, and known as hard core professional soldiers and while I will admit that I was tempted by the Starfleet, the old role player can just see the Jem’Hadar and the Klingons having more in common, just my own opinion.

    Now some questions – I have read on the forum and seen not to get/use (if I understood right) the retrofit 5U star-ships so what should I do with the V.A.S.R. Token? Just use it for a Admiralty Ship?

    And when I first joined with my Jem’Hadar, someone in chat said something about it unlocking ships for the rest of my toons? I have been trying to fine it in the Wiki with no luck can anyone point me in the right direction?

    And last questions, the missions that was “jumped over” is there anyway for me to play them, with my Jem’Hadar? I know with my other toons I can “replay” some missions.

    And if some one is willing I would like to try some TFO, show me the ropes as it were, with my Jem’Hadar, I would like to level out my little bug ship.



    aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Not sure what you mean by V.A.S.R. Token…?

    You can always use a T-5/T-5U ship, just don’t spend zen/$ on them unless you really-really-really like it for some reason. T-5/T-5U ships are overtaken by their T-6/Fleet variants.

    You can always replay older missions.

    Completing the Level VI ship mastery unlocks Vanguard starships for use by any character of any faction on the account (see its ship ‘card’ info). So they’re a good investment even if you don’t use them, as all your (future) alts can use them for admiralty at the very least. Note that this DOES NOT apply to the starting Bug ship.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    Not sure what you mean by V.A.S.R. Token…?

    Vice Admiral Starship Requisition 🙂

    So, Marcase which of the KDF’s ships would you get with the Token? I was looking at the Kar’Fi Battle Carrier (AKA – Ugly beaten with a ugly stick – LoL), but I do not know to much about carriers.

    And I think I will still level out my bug ship, I would like to see how far I can get in it 🙂


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by SgtKen60.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by SgtKen60.

    aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian

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