Forum Replies Created
January 9, 2018 at 4:33 pm #195531
January 8, 2018 at 3:32 pm #195432Thanks for info as always.
As for opinion on Discovery……I cancelled my sub for CBS after the finale for first half. I just couldn’t get into it overall for many reasons I’ve already shared before. I curse like the sailor I never was (Go ARMY!), but it didn’t sit well with me dropping the F’bomb on the show. That took away the family, moral high ground feeling the other shows give off.
Also not really excited about Tarantino for directing the new movie. Never cared for any of his stuff, especially after all his cop bashing he did.
December 26, 2017 at 5:48 pm #194811Merry (late) Christmas everyone!!! Busy holiday for me. A lot of work and getting ready to move to a new house. So I’ll be somewhat MIA for a little bit longer.
December 12, 2017 at 9:17 pm #194432“That’s the guy! He’s the one that threw the snowball at me!”
You must be logged in to view attached files.December 6, 2017 at 9:37 am #194189Thanks for the post as always and the time you put into it all.
My poor poor pulse phasers!!! I hope they get that worked out.
November 11, 2017 at 3:20 pm #193418[[Keep them coming Kevin :). I was just letting people know they could branch out is all. Sorry if I didn’t do so elegant wording it that.]]
November 9, 2017 at 3:25 pm #193318[[This RP post/event is mainly to set your ship into the RP history of the fleet. With that being said, it’s hard to keep posting RP stuff under this, so feel free to branch out and make your own RP post. One suggestion is doing a topic labeled as your ship’s captain’s logs.]]
November 9, 2017 at 3:24 pm #193316Thanks for the post!
November 2, 2017 at 3:46 pm #193158[[OOC: Still more ships available guys or if you like, send me a PM about what ship you would like to use with it’s info and I can adjust the OP to reflect same as long as it follows the guidelines]]
October 27, 2017 at 3:42 pm #193032[[ Updated assigned list. Thanks so far to those that have decided to participate. Still plenty of ships left to take, or have your own ship “assigned” officially to the 44th RP universe]]
October 20, 2017 at 3:33 pm #192610He was really starting to like this assignment to the Carolina. Huckabee had got use to for so long worrying about keeping repairs up, torpedo stocks filled, and flight schedules flowing for a fighter squadron. It was easy during all the heavy fighting to forget the real reason he joined Starfleet. Even though we wasn’t exploring, he was beginning to feel more like his old self when he first got out of the academy.
“Captain, we have arrived at the nebula and have began our scans.” His first officer, Yalon who was a beautiful Trill, informed him. They were given the task of conducting scans on the newly discovered nebula at the edge of the Alpha Quadrant near the Klingon border.
“Great! Hey, have a seat, you can help me with my newest assignment request.”
“Ok, but this better not be you trying to role your desk job work down on me Captain” she said it a sisterly jab.
He slid her the PADD. It was the short service record of Jerin Idaris. He had done a little more digging and spoken with an old academy buddy that had known a little more about him and the invasion of the Sol System by the Heralds. He add included that bit with the report.
“He sounds like you in a way Captain” Yalon said. The response confused him. He wasn’t sure what she meant. There was nothing there he thought that would say the two were similar.
“How do you mean?” he asked.
“Seems to me Captain that he could use a nice new assignment that would take him away from any lingering fronts, away from the fighting.”
She had a point. It was something he had already consider. But Huckabee didn’t realize that Yalon had seen that in him. It made sense seeing how she had been his first officer for the past year and a half, and before that was his science officer since his assignment as Captain. With that, he had confidence he had the best pick now for Jerin based on the information at hand.
“Computer, send authorization codes to the U.S.S. Melbourne NCC-92072 to Jerin Idaris per my command. Authorization Hotel 2-1-4- Tango. Also send him a bottle of the finest whiskey with a congrats on his new command on behalf of the Admiral”
“Affirmative. All codes sent. Affirmative, request has been placed.”
October 19, 2017 at 3:30 pm #192592[[ I edit the OP to add the part about using your own ships if you wish, as long as it isn’t a command class. I can add your ship to the list to be “issued” back out, or you can post about coming into Eden for some reason to jump in on the shipyard theme. If it is a command class and you are all about participating we can work with it on a case by case basis. But the goal is to make this realistic for stories, and a fleet full of Odysseys and Galaxy classes doesn’t make for good RP. ]]
October 19, 2017 at 3:18 pm #192587He didn’t know if he could get use to this new ship smell. Captain Huckabee had grown very fond of the Timberwolf and never really gave it much thought that he could be assigned elsewhere with all the battles that had taken place. But he was impressed. The Carolina seemed to be a fine ship. Being a light cruiser, it was one of the smaller ships in the fleet compared to the rest. But it was more common for Starfleet to field ships of this size since they didn’t require much crew and still had all the abilities of the larger ships. They just couldn’t be away from spacedock as long. Which was something he knew he couldn’t get away from now. He would have to put his ambitions to disappear into unknown space to the side for the time being.
“Computer, any messages?” he inquired as he sat down in his quarter’s chair at the desk.
“Affirmative, 1 message from Starbase Eden.”
He opened the message. It was his first time he would be helping get a ship an assignment. Captain Daniel Barr was about the be transferred to the fleet and was needing an assignment. After looking through his records, it seemed that Captain Barr might have the skill needed to captain one of the escorts in dock. It took a good Captain to command the bigger ships with their crew size, but it took real skill in his opinion to command the ships built for battle.
He sent a quick transmission to Admiral Vrann on his recommendation. She also agreed with his assessment.
“Send authorization codes to the U.S.S. Sun Tzu, registry number 89324, to Captain Barr per my command. Authorization Hotel 2-1-4- Tango.”
“Affirmative. All codes sent. Captain Barr is now in command of the U.S.S. Sun Tzu.“
October 18, 2017 at 3:12 pm #192535>>> Captain’s Log, Stardate 95398.91. U.S.S. Carolina, CO Capt. Huckabee <<<
Well, leave it to the Admiral for another “surprise” meeting with what seemed like a usually re-supply stop for us at Eden. The Timberwolf was running low on munitions and needed a replacement of 2 Peregrines that were finally beyond repair. But that seems to not be my concern anymore. The Wolf is to receive it’s 1st refit in the 6 years since it’s deployment, which is much needed due to the combat it seen with the 7th and since being assigned to the 44th. The war put a hold on a lot of refits. Along with that, she’s to receive a new Captain. It was bitter sweet when the Admiral broke the news to me. I had grown very fond of the ship and it’s class. But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t ready to come off the frontline after all the wars. Someone is going to be lucky to have the ol’ Wolf, that’s for sure. I don’t care what they say about the newer classes based off the frame of the Akira.
The Admiral decided it was time for a new ship assignment for me, and a majority of the crew. At least I get to keep most of my command staff, thank God. When it was first mentioned to me in our meeting I got excited in a way. I happened to notice a few of the larger exploration classes docked at the shipyards, but wasn’t quite sure what they were there for till the news was broke to me while the Admiral slide me a PADD with all the newly assigned ships to the 44th needing spots filled. The Horizon and even the older Defiance were quick to catch my eye. After all, you join Starfleet to explore, right??
And that’s when the Admiral went from talking about ships………to wanting me to help with Operations some within the fleet. I was devastated when he said that. All I could think was my good war record ended up giving me a slow death in the end riding it out in a starbase assignment. If 10 more seconds had of gone by, I’d probably got Yalon to beam me out and convince the crew to pull a Kirk and steal the Wolf and head for the far reaches of the Delta Quadrant.
But then the Admiral finally said I was to receive one of the new Reliant classes. Said I was too good a Captain to ride it out on a Starbase! At least the Admiral has a soul.
Fresh off the docks, it was Starfleets attempt to re create the success of the aging Miranda classes in fleet that were long over due to be phased out. From buddies in the fleet, the reports on them were good so far. Nimble and strong enough to be a good tactical ship, but big enough to fill a wide range of roles needed in a fleet whose ships were getting too big to even keep fully manned. That and of course to have some breathing room unlike the Defiants and Valiants. The Admiral said this would give me the ability to support the fleet where needed and make me mission able when the need arised. So the Carolina was to be mine.
One surprise that the Admiral did leave out, was that the Carolina was equipped with the experimental pulse phaser that Starfleet has been trying out. It was a nice surprise to see that this girl had some teeth to her. Even if I didn’t have a squadron of fighters at my fingertips. The ship carried the namesake from the destroyed Centaur class. If memory serves, I believe that ship had something to do with the Voyager when she was lost to the Delta Quadrant. The fleet also received the Saratoga, which seems to be it’s sister ship having being constructed together.
So while I’m settling in to the new command, I still have to worry about the other part from that meeting……..the me helping with Operations part. It seems I’m to help the Admiral go through those needing an assignment or re-assignment to get these ships out there. Since repairs have been caught up and the wars coming to a close, it’s at least not a huge rush so I get to run the Carolina out for shakedown. Just wish I didn’t have to worry about helping with the assignments in my off time. I’d really like to crack open this new holodeck. Didn’t get much time for that on the Timberwolf. ”
>>> End Log <<<
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by
Captain Huckabee.
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by
Captain Huckabee.
October 15, 2017 at 9:08 am #192260Later today I might try to start this up in another topic. Turn it into a case by case basis for any members who want to do it and Roleplay an assignment to a ship for RP purposes within the fleet. I will be participating naturally since it was my idea.
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by