T6 Ops Com Battlecruiser

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  • #155009
    Fleet Member

    I need some help with my build for the t6 ops command Battlecruiser i am still using the same build i used on my Voth bastion
    here is the link:

    Fleet Member

    I’m sure others can tell you a lot more, but the two things that jump out at me immediately are:

    – get a second omnidirectional beam (crafted) for an aft slot
    – get stuff upgraded. Mk xiv damage is much higher than mk XII. (But first make sure you’ve got the mods you really want!)

    If you’re building an AP beam boat, you probably want to fill your Tac slots with AP vulnerability locators. Also, last I knew, the Polaric Modulator doesn’t work (you need to reslot it every time you change maps or the bonuses don’t take effect).

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    As Lhivera said, get a second crafted AP omni-beam; you can buy it on the exchange or you can ask a fleet-mate to craft one for you if you provide the resources. Also get the Omega Reputation Kinetic Cutting beam – 3x Omni-beams aft; moah beams = moah damage.

    On builds, take a look at our keybind guide, this is a must-read for STO (don’t worry, you only have to do this once) 😉 http://startrek.44thfleet.com/forum/index.php?f=12&t=1131&rb_v=viewtopic

    The beauty of this is that this will free up console space and Boff space and simplify your tray: win-win-win.

    This is my T-6 Battlecruiser (Tactical) layout, it won’t differ much from your Ops variant.
    [attachment=2:17l7eb0c]cmd boffs.JPG[/attachment:17l7eb0c]
    This is an EPTx build, meaning I only have to use one copy of Emergency Power to Shields1 and -Weapons3, as their shared cool-downs are reduced by 3x purple Damage Control Engineers (3x 35% chance), each with:
    [attachment=1:17l7eb0c]Doffs DCE.JPG[/attachment:17l7eb0c]
    This synergy keeps my shield (EPTS1) and weapons power (EPTW3) at near-max nearly 24/7.

    If you don’t have these particular Dmg Ctrl Engs you can use another EPTS3 (shields) instead of the EPTW3. Cycle both EPTS1 and EPTS3 via the keybind (guide above) and your shields will be rock solid.

    Besides the 2x EPTx I also run two copies of Auxiliary Power to Dampeners; these improve turn and boost armor. Another win-win.
    So by gently mashing my space-bar I hit; Tac Team, EPTW3, Aux2Damp, FAW, EPTS1, Aux2Damp, Atk Pattern Beta.
    For heals I use Hazard Emitters (cleanse), Science Team (emergency shield heal), Eng Tm (hull heal) and Reverse Shield Polarity as my “oh sh!t” button.

    I don’t know how far along you are with your Pilot Specialization Tree, but it has this nifty unlock:
    Attack Pattern Expertise:
    Activating any Attack Pattern grants Temporary Hull which absorbs a fixed amount of all incoming hull damage, until depleted.

    And you may have noticed the Attack Pattern Beta slotted with my Tac Boff; so it not only boosts my damage but also heals my hull. Win-win 😆

    This is just a quick run-down of the main mechanics of my build, which should serve just as an example.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Team Player

    Is that Concorde Command Battlecruiser you have?

    Here is a suggestion if you want to fly it as Aux2Bat build where 3x a2b Technician duty officers reduce cooldown of your boff powers. This build is still very useful but there are some other way of reducing your cooldown – Reciprocity or Krenim boffs for example which is alternative that doesn’t take 3 doff slots.

    If you have Kemocite-Laced Weaponry I, you can slot that instead of T:Spread I since you don’t have torpedo on your Bastion.

    How much resources do you have for your build?

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