Sunday Supplemental #71

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Main Deck Sunday Supplemental #71

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  • #435267
    Fleet Admiral
    Team Player

    Greetings 44th!

    Here is your 71st Sunday Supplemental for Nov. 14th 2021

    First up is the traditional welcome to the newest 44th Fleet Members. Thanks for choosing the Mighty 44th!

    New Members

    @duquettebk, @kittje, @Vigorfang, @davidgreig96#6777

    Welcome aboard and feel free to ask questions! Again, thanks for flying with the Mighty 44th! Also, don’t forget to join the 44th-diplo channel by typing: /channel_join 44th-diplo

    This is how we communicate between our (5) Fed and (2) KDF fleets. It isn’t a rule or requirement, but things will seem very quiet in the fleet without it.

    Also, here is a way for you guys to track the promotion schedule:

    It is viewable by anyone and you don’t need to sign in, create an account or download an app.

    Returning Member


    Welcome back Captain! Let us know if you need anything!

    Fleet Housekeeping

    Hello 44th! A new rule will be implemented on our 44th website/forum and 44th Discord. From now on we will match your names with your @account names in-game. This is a pure visual (text) change and there will be NO CHANGE to your log-in or other account data on the website and Discord. That means for example that if your STO character is named “Phaserdude@VulcanMeister”, your forum tag is “KingofEyebrows” and discord is “CaptainGreenBlood” everything will be changed to “VulcanMeister”, or “aka VulcanMeister”. This will only be visible on our 44th Discord server, so your original tag will be visible on your other channels as usual.

    This so everyone knows who they’re actually talking to and it will be easier to find each other across all platforms and in-game.

    Last thing, Giveaways…. Mr. Incredible aka @Zoroaster111#12448 thought this would be a good topic for this Sunday Supplemental. He mentioned the Temporal Agent Starter Pack in particular, which you can find here: Unfortunately there is also a Tu’Doj Fighter Giveaway Here that does not have anymore keys left at least on Alienware Arena.

    Anyway, you will sometimes see these pop up when a game has new content on offer. I do love a good giveaway…or any giveaway. Its free stuff! And once you have an account set up and Arc installed taking advantage of these giveaways is quick and easy.

    A popular site for giveaways is

    But there is also:

    For Arena, all you have to do is:

    As far as using the Arc client to “activate” your new shiny Product key, it is just this simple:

    You can then find your stuff in the Zen Store usually under the ‘Promotions’ tab.

    PC Patch Notes for Nov. 11th and Nov. 12th 2021

    The Battle For Qo’nos!

    This event runs from Nov. 16th to Dec. 7th and will be the final event in Event Campaign III and your last chance to earn a free or ‘discounted’ T6 Infinity Promotion or Infinity Lockbox ship.

    The Galaxy Goes To Red Alert!

    Runs until Nov. 18th!

    Double XP Event!

    Until Nov. 18th Earn Twice The XP!

    Lifetime Subscription Sale!

    =Not Sponsored=

    Its here again. From now until Dec. 9th you can purchase a Lifetime Subscription for $199.99


    Project One

    Project One has everything from after combat analysis, build help, flying tips and friendly people willing to help you on Missions and TFO’s! Plus more! And you will be flying with fellow 44th Fleet Armada members!

    So, if you are interested in checking out the Project One Discord server for more, feel free to DM Monkeyboy or myself on Discord for a server invite. @Monkeyboy#9015 and @Akula#7709 Remember, this is open to ALL 44th Fleet Armada members!

    There is a Sunday Social Coming up on Nov. 28th if you are interested.

    Star Trek Online Builds

    Here is a new link to the Star Trek Online Builds Discord Server. This is a great resource for quality build advice.

    Wrap Up

    I just want to say thanks to everyone who chose to fly with the 44th Fleet! You make the 44th Fleet what it is! And I want to thank everyone (these wonderful people here) keep the 44th Fleet running smoothly.

    Note: If you have a topic you would like to see in the Sunday Supplemental, feel free to let me know and I’ll see what I can do about including it.

    Take care and have a great week!


    aka @akula2045, @hadron3000#5120

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Thanks Akula, good summary as always. Don’t forget the giveaway fleet!

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    I appreciate the constant updates, thanks.  If only I could go back in time and have created my account through Arc, not Steam.  Oh well.

    aka @Hattori#78390

    Fleet Member

    Don’t know if this is posted anywhere but I used this promotion just the other day for a Mat’Ha Raptor and Elite Services Starter pack. (Bank slots inv slots etc.) / So still a few codes to shake out of that promotion for those who want/need it.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Alco.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Alco.

    aka @Alconium

    Team Player

    Do we need to change our names or is it automatic? Also, my handle is Tek and a #, do I have to add the # if there are no other Teks?

    44th Fleet

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Hi Tek. We will do it in the back-end, and you can ignore the #numbers. As long as the log-in/in-game/discord name(s) are similar enough so everyone understands it’s the same person.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    Take care and have a great week! Akula

    Thanks for the update Shark-Boss 07

    aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian

    Team Player

    Hi Tek. We will do it in the back-end, and you can ignore the #numbers. As long as the log-in/in-game/discord name(s) are similar enough so everyone understands it’s the same person.


    Thanks. Yes, my handles are all Tek.

    44th Fleet

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