Sunday Supplemental #45

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Main Deck Sunday Supplemental #45

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  • #432857
    Fleet Admiral
    Team Player

    Greetings 44th!

    Here is your 45th Sunday Supplemental for May 16th 2021.

    First up is the traditional welcome to the newest 44th Fleet Members. Thanks for choosing the Mighty 44th!

    New Members

    @derekro1, @pythonpoto#1246, @daner2#2647, @rexking#4125, @trDezrek

    Welcome aboard and feel free to ask questions! Again, thanks for flying with the Mighty 44th! Also, don’t forget to join the 44th-diplo channel by typing: /channel_join 44th-diplo

    This is how we communicate between our (4) Fed and (2) KDF fleets. It isn’t a rule or requirement, but things will seem very quiet in the fleet without it.

    Also, here is a way for you guys to track the promotion schedule:

    It viewable by anyone and you don’t need to sign in, create an account or download an app.


    Fleet Housekeeping

    First up, I would like to direct your attention to JJ’s Team 44th Initiative Here

    This is basically a dedicated team of 44th Fleet members who are interested in breaking DPS and time completed records for STO’s end game TFO content. Be sure to check out the link for full details as my description is very much a rough summary.

    Current recruited members are:


    To make the initiative more manageable, the team has been capped at 10 members for now.

    Because it makes sense for so many reasons, The Team 44th Initiative also has its own dedicated Discord Server.

    So now that you know about The Team 44th Initiative why not head over there and give them your support? Check out the message below for details on how and who to contact. This will also pop up now and then in the 44th News Room on our Discord server.

    The Team 44th Initiative would like to invite all those interested in the project to the Team 44th Discord server. Those with STO space combat knowledge and starship builds are all more than welcome. Fleeties that are more interested in following along are also welcome.

    For those interested in the project or wish to make themselves know for future expansion of the project, the server now has an observer role. With this you can communicate in the main chat, build chats and on voice.

    If you’re interested in supporting the initiative with your own STO knowledge, good vibes or are just plain old interested feel free to message @JJ_Jiminey or @Veratisu to request a server link and role.

    I’d like to wish you good luck captains! I know you will represent the 44th Fleet well! Give ’em hell! (Especially those shield draining Borg)

    Lastly for fleet housekeeping, I would like to remind all of our newer members that you may purchase fleet gear at the rank of Lieutenant. You gain the rank of Lt. after two weeks (14 days). You’ve waited your two weeks and we feel that you’ve earned that access, so if the fleet you are in doesn’t have provisions or an unlocked holding, we can give you a temporary invite to one of our fleets that does.

    As far as getting access to gear early…. The answer is always going to be a no. We do this mainly out of fairness to all of our other members who went by the rules and waited. But also because….who would want to be in a fleet that doesn’t follow its own rules and doesn’t treat its members as fairly and as equally as possible?

    And that concludes fleet housekeeping for this Sunday.


    PC Patch Notes for May 13th 2021

    There were quite a few fixes in the latest patch. I thought the ‘stuck’ Zipline thing in Dragon’s Deceit was gonna be around forever…heh Nice to see some of the ancient bugs being addressed.

    It says there was a search filter added to the Accolades list in the Journal, but I don’t think it is working as intended. The UI looks good, but the accolades aren’t displaying for me…..or anyone else I suspect. If you are looking to check your accolade progress, you may be out of luck for now. Hopefully they can get this working because I really like what they are trying to do here. Oh well. Maybe next patch?

    Tholian Trouble!

    Event Ends Tuesday, May 25th at 7pm CEST (9ish days)


    Upgrade Weekend!

    Take advantage of 100% additional Technology Points when applying Tech Upgrades to All Items this weekend….

    This event ends Monday, May 17th at 7pm CEST


    20% Ship Sale!

    =Not Sponsored=

    Sale ends Monday, May 17th at 7 pm CEST


    New TFO: Remain Klingon

    Coming soon….



    Wrap Up

    I just want to say thanks to everyone who chose to fly with the 44th Fleet! You make the 44th Fleet what it is! And I want to thank everyone (these wonderful people here) keep the 44th Fleet running smoothly.

    Take care and have a great week!

    Note: If you have a topic you would like to see in the Sunday Supplemental, feel free to let me know and I’ll see what I can do about including it.

    Thanks everyone and cheers!


    aka @akula2045, @hadron3000#5120

    Fleet Admiral
    Team Player

    Just an update. It looks like they are fixing the accolade UI in this next patch.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Akula2045.

    aka @akula2045, @hadron3000#5120

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    That would be nice, at least one item on the long list. Progress, not perfection 😉

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Admiral
    Team Player

    Indeed. Better before best and all that.

    aka @akula2045, @hadron3000#5120

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