Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Main Deck › Sunday Supplemental #34
March 1, 2021 at 11:31 pm #431491
Greetings 44th!
Here is your 34th Sunday Supplemental for Feb. 28th 2021.
First up is the traditional welcome to the newest 44th Fleet Members. Thanks for choosing the Mighty 44th!
New Members
@ringleader117, @Hanges#65673, @Deus6247, @runner24, @genesiczaku, @gfball75
Welcome aboard and feel free to ask questions! Again, thanks for flying with the Mighty 44th! Also, don’t forget to join the 44th-diplo channel by typing: /channel_join 44th-diplo
This is how we communicate between our (4) Fed and (2) KDF fleets. It isn’t a rule or requirement, but things will seem very quiet in the fleet without it.
Also, here is a way for you guys to track the promotion schedule: https://trello.com/b/caMTvkl3/44th-fleet-promotions
It viewable by anyone and you don’t need to sign in, create an account or download an app.
Fleet Housekeeping
I hope everyone in Texas and anywhere else effected by the cold weather are getting back to normal. I wish you all warmer weather and no more bursting pipes!
I also wish everyone good luck on the latest Event / Grind for STO. Details below under the patch notes and the Voth Advance header.
One very important tip (thanks Marcase) concerning the event. Don’t warp out until you have picked up the reward box in Breach and Storming the Spire or you will miss out on the event reward.
So as far as fleet housekeeping….
We are going with a (4) character limit on the 44th Assault Squadron for now. As you know, our main KDF Fleet’s roster is nearly full which is why we created the 44th Honour Guard.
So, if you have more than the character limit in the Main KDF fleet, you can keep them there as we currently have enough roster space as of now. Obviously if you decide to move your least played characters to the new fleet, that would certainly help out the fleet and the roster situation down the road.
However, if you are over the limit and want to move a character into the Assault Squadron, we simply ask that you swap your least played character(s) to the 44th Honour Guard. Basically 1 for 1, or two for two, ect. This way we won’t run out of roster space as fast. The goal is that new 44th Fleet members who are currently being funneled into the new KDF fleet will be able to move their characters over to the Assault Squadron after 6 weeks and take advantage of completed holdings with plenty of provisions.
Anyway, we will see how this goes and possibly make changes along the way. If anything does change, I’ll be sure to let everyone know!
Thanks 44th!
PC Patch Notes for Feb. 25th 2021
The Voth Advance!
The Janeway Class!
=Not sponsored=
New Record for Arena of Sompek!
44th Fleet Ships Registry Project
The Registry is active once more! If any 44th Fleet members would like to add their captain to the registry, post your information here: = 44th Fleet Registry =
Note that the ship list is a work in progress and may not be updated immediately.
Xaxial’s STO Hardcore Challenge!
Our own fleet mate Xaxial has put up a new challenge for fleet members Xaxial’s STO Hardcore Challenge!
There is a forum ribbon for anyone who can complete the challenge. There are quite a few rules (please be sure to read them) to make it a real challenge and it is very much based on the honor system, so please no cheating. Check out the links below for more info.
44th Fleet Sunday Speed Runs
Any fleeties need help with a particularly difficult mission? Or do you just need to speed run a mission a few times to get a full set for your build? Simply request a speed run in the 44th-diplo and we will get a group together to help you! Whether it be for farming drops or completing Endeavors, a team is only a request away!
Crafting Services!
ETK has kindly offered to lend his crafting services to everyone! Check out the link below for details.
Wrap Up
I just want to say thanks to everyone who chose to fly with the 44th Fleet! You make the 44th Fleet what it is! And I want to thank everyone (these wonderful people here) https://startrek.44thfleet.com/fleet-officers/who keep the 44th Fleet running smoothly.
Note: If you have a topic you would like to see in the Sunday Supplemental, feel free to let me know and I’ll see what I can do about including it.
Thanks everyone and cheers!
aka @akula2045, @hadron3000#5120
March 1, 2021 at 5:01 am #431511Good summary, thanks Akula, always appreciated.
Still waiting on the last details of some registry submissions (I pm’d those concerned) before publishing.
This registry will then be closed, and a new one started in a few months.Originally this ship/captain list was intended as a resource for Roleplaying/story telling, as a reserve to pull from of actual ships in the Mighty 44th. It kind of ballooned from there. The next one will be more like a yearly snapshot of most popular ships at the time and will have a seperate layout, including registry and @account names, but that’s for later.
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."March 1, 2021 at 8:40 am #431514Thanks everyone and cheers! Akula
Thanks for the update. And a FYI I had to take Discord off my I-Phone, so I will not be on Discord much anymore – Nothing is wrong it is work related.
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aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
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