Preferred Hanger Pet

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Main Deck Preferred Hanger Pet

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  • #272618
    Fleet Member

    Hi all, i’m really enjoying running escort carriers at the moment, and thought i’d ask what peoples preferred hanger pet is.


    i’ve currently got the Elite Tholian Widow fighter equiped, but have also used the Elite romulan scorpians.


    i’m considering frigates but was wondering if they are a effective?

    aka @bob#3296

    Fleet Member

    I run the Tzen-Tar so it came with Shuk-din Frigates.  So far, they work really well and don’t die as often as the Hu’rq swarmers I have on the Vedcrid. Seem to do a fair bit of damage too.


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    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Bazz.
    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    If you can get frigates, go for Frigs as they are more durable. But ofcourse quantity has a quality of its own – having 12x Elite Scorpions buzzing around is delicious…

    Unfortunately unlike KDF and for Romulans, for Federation captains there aren’t many fighters or frigates that really stand out – the only true Fed ones that I’ll use are Yellowstone runabouts because of their tractor beam and warp plasma. The Callisto frigates are another but those are unique to the Jupiter carrier. So for Feds I generally use Elite Scorpions or just Elite Peregrines if I want to stay canon.

    My main Fed Sci toon flies Tholian ships and that means Elite Mesh weavers.

    For Romulans obviously the Scorps but whenever I can the Elite drone ships – those are wrecking balls.

    For my KDFs and KDF Roms the Elite Orion Interceptors are my go-to fighter pets – they too have a disable/grab ability to tie down your target.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    I expect the Scorpions are much like the Hur’q swarmers.   live fast, die young.

    Team Player

    I get about 20k dps on my J with 12 Fleet Elite Swarmers. Wonderful pets. I do have. Both launch buttons on my spacebar macro, so there is no downtime with em.

    Fleet Member

    Yep same here.. Still trying to figure out if I like the Ytijara or Tzen-tar best.

    Noisy Cricket
    Fleet Member

    I have fond memories of the Kar’fi’s hellish little fighters… can’t remember the name.  It was fun to see all the fire trails.  These days, I’d have to say the Romulan drones or To’Duj fighters.

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