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January 20, 2016 at 12:15 pm #155055
While taking the opportunity during maintenance to get some cleaning done through the house I took a break and hit some of the news mediums I don’t go to daily. It’s been announced that the anniversary ship will be a Krenim designed science ship and as many of us knew the omega particle mini game will be making a comeback as well. Possibly more important is that for the week of January 26th through February 1st they will be doing a daily giveaway. So make certain if you aren’t able to log in and play every day to make an effort to at least log in and get your goodies. They’ve given away a lot of good stuff over the years and I won’t be surprised if that trend continues.
January 20, 2016 at 1:05 pm #163743Krenim Sci Vessel is starship I’m VERY interested in. My sci oriented captain already has Annorax so additional set bonus will be welcomed.
I actually expected they would release a ship with console that would be a 4th piece of a unreleased 3-pack. Like they did with Kobali Cruiser and Command Battlecruiser 3-pack. But since there is already one Krenim ship available, it is not likely this would happen.
Giveaways were always great since we get items from the C-Store.
Omega mini-game is, unlike the extremely slow Dilithium mining mini-game, fast paced so I don’t get bored doing it few times a day during the whole event. Yeah, at the end of the event I’ll probably be sick of those particles, but hey, that’s just my body telling me something else is better for me.
January 20, 2016 at 1:28 pm #163744If the minigame gives those juicy universal upgrades again it wil be very lucrative.
We’ll be posting in-game msg updates as a reminder.8)
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."January 20, 2016 at 1:48 pm #163745I’m also very interested to see if the new sci ship offers anything for the Annorax. Even costume parts or hull material would be welcome, but a console that makes a set with the Annorax console would be awesome.
January 20, 2016 at 1:53 pm #163746@Lhivera wrote:
but a console that makes a set with the Annorax console would be awesome.
This could be it:
Krenim Timeline Stabilizer (But there are no other details about the console.)
January 20, 2016 at 2:08 pm #163747One of the quirks of the Annorax is its ability (so far) to use any temporal console from any ship. So hopefully, whether this becomes a two-part set or not, it’ll expand options.
January 20, 2016 at 3:08 pm #163748nice screens; http://i1.wp.com/ghoststorm.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/STO_AnniversaryEvent_02.png (Feat ep?)
http://i2.wp.com/ghoststorm.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/STO_AnniversaryEvent_03.png (Krenim Bridge ?)
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."January 20, 2016 at 4:27 pm #163749Here is image of Krenim Annorax Dread bridge. Those two screenshots could be something from new featured episode. Looks beautiful, can’t wait for new episode. 🙂
January 25, 2016 at 12:46 pm #163750In an unexpected (by me, anyway) twist, the new temporal dreadnought is a Lobi ship. Very interesting. No word yet on stats on either ship, just brief descriptions of their consoles and traits, but I expect we’ll get detailed info tomorrow,
Preliminary info on the Temporal dread:
The Lobi Store now offers the Paradox Temporal Dreadnought [T6]. This Mirror Universe ship is one of the most powerful ships in the Terran Empire’s fleet, using advanced technology from the future to be both durable and nimble. This ship includes a Lieutenant Tactical/Command seat and a Lt. Cmdr. Universal/Intel seat, for extraordinary flexibility.The Paradox Temporal Dreadnought [T6] includes a Temporal Rift Stabilizer, a console that generates temporal anomalies along the forward line of the ship. These anomalies slow enemies and cause kinetic damage as they warp and destabilize the timeline.
Additionally, flying the Paradox Temporal Dreadnought [T6] enables unlocking of the following Starship Trait:
Unstable Anomalies
While this trait is slotted, your Gravity Well and Tyken’s Rift anomalies will cause heavy kinetic damage in a 5km area of effect when they expire. This damage is improved by Starship Particle Generator skill.
***If this ship has a Sci commander seat, and if anything interest results from adding the consoles from the other two sci ships, it may replace my Annorax; I really like the aesthetic. And even if not, I may still collect the Lobi for it for the console and trait, if the console works in the Annorax. Yum!
January 26, 2016 at 12:18 am #163751Making it a lobi ship means lots of keys and plenty of zen and dilithium being swirled around to conjure them up. In some ways this is slyer than a lockbox entry because the certainty will keep people growing their lobi to the magic number. Ferengi trixies 😆 ; They might have hooked me if it was a Romulan or KDF ship but the “generosity” seems to end at universal science platforms unless you are a Fed.
On a positive note I thought the Day 1 anniversary promotion was awesome. I like c-store freebies but I’ve been at this a while and for the most part I already own everything I want. When I first logged on for the 2 spec points I was deliberating over who should get them only to discover all my captains did 🙂 . Awesome! 42 free spec points was a generous and useful treat for the all involved.
I’ve been pretty quiet the past week or so. STO has been behaving badly in combat so I’ve been pretty cranky about playing. Lurking around seemed more fluid than it has in a while so if they did some fixes I may have benefited; I’ll have to put that to the test soon.
January 26, 2016 at 4:30 am #163752There’s been a DDOS ‘issue’ with ARC, that spilled over into STO – they ‘resolved’ it for now but no doubt it’ll come back. Plus we’re in pre-patching mode so expect some more than usual lag in the coming week(s).
The two pics I linked are probably the same; the first picture shows rings in space where the second pic shows a full ringed planet. Concept art work in progress, no doubt. The big room looks like a modification of ESD. Hope we can wander around there, looks nice.
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."January 26, 2016 at 6:55 am #163753My guess on the concept art is the location for the signing of the temporal accords. I like the design; It reminds me of the location for the signing of the original Federation Charter and of Archer Arena down the road.
I heard a little about the DDOS attacks. Word is some bitter little monkey is hitting Neverwinter and the attacks are causing hurt across all of PWE’s servers. Still everything on my end didn’t seem as “soupy” as it has been. Hopefully I’ll give some space engagements a go this evening and it won’t turn into a jerky disaster 🙂 .
January 26, 2016 at 9:44 am #163754Yeah, you can find the DDOS attacker on Twitter, @neverwintergod
I cannot begin to imagine how sad and lonely his life must be.
January 26, 2016 at 1:12 pm #163755Stats are up. I haven’t looked closely at the Tholian ships, but the Krenim event ship and the Mirror dreadnought both look pretty cool.
Here is a quick stats comparison of the Annorax and the Paradox temporal dreadnoughts:
https://www.icloud.com/numbers/000t3AGMDRQzwA6uK–2nmQkQ#Temporal_DreadnoughtsThe Annorax has the edge in a number of ways, but I actually like that the new ship has no lance weapon. The Annorax is kind of locked into Antiproton weapons (to buff the lance) or disruptors (to synergize with the pets, which apply a disruptor-specific debuff). You could use pretty much anything you like without feeling like you were wasting that potential.
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