Music anyone?

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge The Oasis Recreation Music anyone?

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    Fleet Member

    Ok, confession time. I love music more than your average person. Anyway, I thought of a song for all of you in the 44th that I think is relevant. Its the Black Crowes (my favorite band) doing the Joe Cocker classic, Space Captain. Enjoy!

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Nice! My tip for our fleet anthem;

    It cost me the 1990s to get over the 1980s with its bad hair and shoulder pads fashion, but our affable fleet snowman @Akula 😀 had to reactivate that nightmarish period by recalling “Major Tom” from Peter Schilling.

    The original German version is of course far superior (and was a big hit here in Holland too), but the ’80s “Major Tom” has that cringing, toe curling, hair-raising awefullness that has that peculiar charm. Best enjoyed with friends during a Romulan Ale induced sing-along.

    A revamped modernized version by… uh, who…?

    And of course: a Shatner version! 😀 (Warning, will cause nightmares and other discomforts)

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    I couldn’t make myself watch the Shatner version but the best version is Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield preformed on the ISS

    The first person to sing about being in zero gravity while in space

    aka @armageddon771

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    Different song, right? And re: 80’s music – HAHA I just saw The Molly Ringwalds at the HOB good time!

    Fleet Member
    Team Player Something STO appropriate 🙂

    Fleet Member Everyone should know this one.

    And if you don’t, it’s now burned into your brain and slowly taking over 🙂 Also you’re welcome lol

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Joe Satriani +1 😀

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    my wife really like the Black Crowes. the only band i have seen 3 times in concert. i will get her to play that for me.

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    I can listen to a lot of different kinds of music (from electronic music and pop, all the way to black metal :mrgreen:), but I’m mostly into rock and metal. One of my favorite bands is Running Wild (German pirate metal). Two years ago I was on Iron Maiden concert and it was great 😀 (would be better if I was able to acquire tickets for a place closer to stage, but it was ok considering the low price I payed :mrgreen: ). And while I do love some of STO’s music (especially that main theme which is awesome), I do like from time and time put some of my own song into music player.

    An example of a perfect song for heavy fight in STO:

    Fleet Member

    My tastes were largely formed in the 90’s — I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s, but not much of the music then really got to me. I’m actually going to see my first live music in probably about ten years in April, when Sleater-Kinney comes to town.

    Throwing Muses and the Jazz Butcher Conspiracy are other old favorites.

    Lately, it seems like almost every band that really grabs my attention is a duo with (mostly) female vocals, including:

    Sleigh Bells:
    Purity Ring:

    A couple that I’ve recently come to enjoy that don’t fit this pattern are:

    Dum Dum Girls:

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    I also use soundcloud to just check out the new stuff from artists I like, in this case Armin van Buuren.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Team Player

    Music? Yes, please. It depends on my mood, life situation I’m currently in, etc. It can really bring me to magical places and I like to give myself to it.

    These days I’m on Nick Drake for example:

    Fleet Member

    Do any of you use 8tracks? Kind of like a streaming radio app, except instead of being algorithm-driven, people essentially create mix tapes on the site, and you listen to those. It’s no, which sadly died a year or two ago, but it’s pretty good for getting an idea of somebody’s tastes and doing some music discovery.

    Team Player

    Haven’t used that before but I’ll have a look.

    Fleet Member

    STO song? Here’s a real oddity the even the CRTC would approve of. It’s a bit of Canadiana recorded live in 1976 by FM. I’m not even sure what you would call this but I’ll go with prog rock/electronica. The mandolin player is Nash the Slash without bandages. I was surprised to hear that he had died last year. Oh, the music; FM, Phasors on Stun.

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