I’m kind of close to snapping now….

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Main Deck I’m kind of close to snapping now….

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  • #155256
    44th Fleet Oracle
    Team Player
    Fleet Member

    Yeah. It’s going to cost a billion EC (or more) on the free market…

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Heh, I know, it’s one of those things…

    First they do the TOS (Holo) Boffs exclusive (meaning zilch chance we can get them) and now we have to feed the RNG Overlords and play the lockbox/R&D pack lottery.

    After the announcement, zen shot up from 390 to 420 in a heartbeat, prob will balloon even more after Thursday.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    They have to pay for this game somehow lol. Blessed are the whales!

    "You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe." - Marcus Cole, Babylon 5

    Team Player

    So what do you think about ship stats? 3x LT.Commander seats – interesting, although not for Romulan captains who will have one less Superior Rom Operative boff trait. I hoped for Intel seat for Connie, but 5 fore weapons is a nice addition, although I’d probably broadside so there isn’t big difference compared to 4/4. +Damage console for Engineering seat, could be nice addition.

    Fleet Member

    The ships are good. I like the D7… but not gamebreaking. Connie is an excellent tank though.

    Fleet Member

    I want a D7. I think I’ll have to engineer a fluke to the best of my ability because I don’t even want to know what the asking price will be on the market other than maximum allowable. There is a risk of geting taken to the cleaners in either case but I think I will have to decide on a, “speculating budget” where I get in within the range or accept that it’s not meant to be. In the past I have got some of the nice things and sometimes I got nothing. Whatever the case Daddy’s imaginary spaceships have never resulted in my little princesses going hungry 😀 .

    Captain Huckabee
    Fleet Member

    I’m not liking this. I didn’t like faction ships in lockboxes, but the JJ ships made sense being there. Fans have been screaming for a top tier Connie for years, and you reward that with getting the ship on chance? Not cool. This is too greedy for my taste when it’s obvious you would make money selling it straight out.

    Fleet Member

    So, you effectively enter a lottery to get a ship that could possibly allow you to complete pve content you’ve completed a million times before just a little bit quicker……..or you effectively enter a lottery to get a ship that could possibly allow you to win in pvp that no one participates in.

    If Tyrion Lannister played STO, then I think he would have said…..

    ‘Someday, if you decide not to uninstall STO, I’ll tell you all about why I bought this ship. And on that day, should it ever come, we’ll need more wine than this.’

    aka @sabreoneone

    Captain Huckabee
    Fleet Member

    @Sabre wrote:

    ‘Someday, if you decide not to uninstall STO, I’ll tell you all about why I bought this ship. And on that day, should it ever come, we’ll need more wine than this.’

    haha love this.

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