House IHurDagh – My Attempt a Lore

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    House IHurDagh

    (A Klingon Minor House)

    The following report was transcribed after my conversation with the Klingon Lore-singer Olal of House IHurDagh – Vina Kum, Trill Xeno-Historical Institute.

    Well, Trill you wish to know some of the Lore of my House? So long as the Bloodwine flows so be it! My House was formed during the age of Emperor Sompek it was after transformation of the First City from a defensive fortress encompassing the Great Hall into a proper city, it was then that Sompek pick the first of my House as the IHurDagh (rough translation – Guard Captain) of the City’s Guards.

    This was G’ok, and he renamed his house that of his title, and he was remembered as a great and noble warrior. But after his death in battle his son – Gruvin, decided that he would not rename the house and in order to honor and remember both Sompek and his father the House, so it would always remain House IHurDagh.

    And for many a year this remained so, until the Second Empire when any fool could become a City Guard. So, we became like many of the other Houses of the Empire, raising and falling on the whims of history, honor, blood and the intrigues of the Klingon High Council.

    BUT we have always remained, from (L’Rell to J’mpok) loyal to the Empire, our fortunes rising and falling as times changed. But our loyalty has been tested and at times cost us, like when Martok became High Chancellor the Head of House – Taloss, linked our two houses as allies which we remain loyal to this day, but when J’mpok became Chancellor this alliance cost us greatly.

    But now with the Mother of Klingons has returned to us and J’mpok gone, Perhaps our time renews again?

    From my research I found the following extra information on House IHurDagh, from some very old records the early House Leaders foresaw the chance of losing its political power. So, to enable the House to survive they spread out into other areas, such as weapon manufacturing, farming – but mainly as merchants, and using this wealth they are able maintain the House, and while they are no longer a “Great House” the House has greater influence on Klingon High Council than a normal “Lesser House” – Vina Kum, Trill Xeno-Historical Institute.

    Key Members of House IHurDagh

    G’ok Qul’vaj, Son of Jaros – One of Klingons that used to followed J’Ula from the earlier times, while his return to this time caused a great deal of disruption, he now Current Head of the House after “removing” Javek when it was found that Javek was working with House Torg; G’ok Qul’vaj is known for his quick mind and quicker temper.

    Ajash, Daughter of Krard – Qul’vaj’s Be’nal (Wife); Lady Ajash is known for her firm hand and ability to guide her mate’s temper. She is also to one who runs the House’s Day to Day operations from its factories to it farms. But in battle it has been shown that her skills can out pace many who have tried to take her.

    Tarsul, Daughter of Krard – Half Sister to Ajash – Known as the mongrel, she was born from one of their father’s trysts with a Romulan Merchant, she serves as her sister’s first officer, who she is seemingly loyal to the House. But her first loyalty has always been her sister.

    Garm’iclan – Jem’Hadar – known as Maqoch to Qul’vaj, this former Dominion Warrior serves House IHurDagh now, instead of the “Old False Gods”. He mainly serves the house as its guardian of its growing interests in the Beta Quadrant.


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by SgtKen60.
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    aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian

    Fleet Member


    aka @Zoroaster111#12448

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Nice indeed. Qap’la!

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member


    Thank you 🙂

    aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian

    Fleet Member

    Nice indeed. Qap’la!

    Thanks Marcase

    aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian

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