Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Main Deck › Fleet projects – What/When to start contributing as new players?
October 31, 2018 at 8:51 am #292486
Hey guys,
I started playing STO again/properly just 1 month ago or so and was wondering which resources I should not contribute yet, as to not hinder my characters progression/upgrades/equipment acquisition?
E.g. there are white doffs to contribute on some of the projects(44th delta), are they “safe” to give away?
aka @nrzloork#1895
October 31, 2018 at 9:37 am #292490Yes, most projects are just sinks to earn fleet marks to buy fleet items.
(You can also earn 2,475 fleet credts/day doing the mini games on the fleet colony).
If you can donate, great. If you can’t, no problem. We don’t have a minimum or keep tab.
White doff also sell reasonably well on the exchange. Paradoxical has a good “doff grinding for ec” post on here.
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."October 31, 2018 at 10:08 am #292493I know it’s not expected, but I’d like to contribute 🙂
Are you referring to his dilithium run guide? (Which I think included picking up white doffs)
aka @nrzloork#1895
October 31, 2018 at 11:38 am #292495Go to the top of this page Resources/Links, and halfway you see Paradoxicals Doffing for Money, among other useful links. Our own pages have the 44th symbol and you should’ve read at least once, just as a backgrounder or are otherwise recommended.
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."October 31, 2018 at 1:18 pm #292501Duty officers and Dilithium are usually the ones needed. That said, dilithium provides the greatest returns, but is a major investment.
Doffs are a good choice considering they can be acquired cheaply or even free. You can sell them for ec as well.
October 31, 2018 at 2:43 pm #292504Apologies, I just realized I posted in the public section (-_-)
Thanks, will read them!
aka @nrzloork#1895
November 1, 2018 at 5:59 pm #292514Colony World may never complete….seems to be taking forever. Got spare dilithium? (ha ha) Colony is a good place for it.
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