Fleet Duty Officers

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  • #432639
    Delsaran Daro
    Fleet Member

    I’m continually rummaging around in aspects of the game I’ve kind of ignored and rediscovered the Fleet Duty Officers one can purchase at Fleet Starbase from the personnel officer. I’ve also recently started grinding out my lower level DOFFs for higher grade and the Recruitment XP. (which Lord Almighty takes forfreakingEVER…it’s worse than Colonial.  Are these people just sitting there chuckling an evil laugh while rubbing their paws together in glee as we grind our lives away trying to finish those two?  I’ve been done with everything else for months.)

    Since I’m still windmilling my way through parts of the game I come upon aspects of it out of logical sequence leaving me ignorant of what might be obvious so my question is: I can only imagine there must be some specific advantage to the Very Rare Fleet DOFFs as opposed to any other Very Rare DOFFs obtained by other means…but what is it?  You know…before I spend TOO much of my hard-earned cash.  🙂

    Your efforts on my behalf are much appreciated…


    aka @talyn#3391

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Oh yes, they are rubbing hands and grinning in a fiendish manner 🙂

    Fleet Duty Officers have a few unique abilities that give some nice boosts. The fact that you can move Doffs around means you can get good use out of them most of the time.

    However, fleet doffs are generally still inferior to certain lockbox doffs. It’s the fleet BOFFs that are awesomesauce.

    Some decent fleet doffs are the K13 23rd Century ones which have a chance to apply a stacking boost to most Skills – so everytime you mash your space bar/keybind you may trigger that.

    The Krenim Fleet Research Doffs have a nice Trait: Perfectionist (used in Fleet Research Lab duty officer assignments) and have a choice of R&D School speciality (determined based on their Specialization). Helps with research and crafting.

    Fleet Embassy has Romulan ground doffs which give a nice buff to Ambush (Tac captain).

    Fleet Spire has those Voth R&D doffs that again help with R&D/crafting.

    Fleet mine’s Horta doffs are meh. they are geared for the ‘mining’ doff missions there, which is nice, but your fleet credits/dilithium are better spend elsewhere.

    You can get a lot of doffs doing the recruitment doff missions – these appear random-ish whenever you travel sector space. A good one is the Caitian diaspora chain. If you can get a purple one to run it you can then trade the resulting purple carrier/pet doff reward into more useful (random) blue ones.

    What your “go to” Doff crew should be is something like this:
    3x Technician: Auxiliary to Battery CD Reduction (Aux2Bat ‘power’ builds, could be obtained via B’tran Cluster chain for free or via commendation ranks store)
    Energy Weapon Officer: Chance for CRTH (expensive, rare is usually good enough)
    Energy Weapon Officer: Chance for CRTD (expensive, rare is usually good enough)
    Emergency Conn Hologram: CD Reduction for Evasive Maneuvers (phoenix store, just get one!) and/or
    Shield Distribution Officer (Agent Nerul): Attack Pattern Beta restores hull when firing energy wpns. Nice to have.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Delsaran Daro
    Fleet Member


    Thank you for the time and the information.  You’ve given me a great deal to digest; I’ll be picking my way through.  I honestly had no idea there was that much to crafting your doffs.  I just bought as many slots as I could, filled them and started slowly making them all purple.  Clearly there’s more to it than that.  🙂

    Again, mate…thanks for your time.



    aka @talyn#3391

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