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July 12, 2012 at 11:24 am #153482
i play STO frequently and since STFs require 5 i often find myself in a PUG. they are very convenient in order to have instant play ability. as Forrest Gump would say, “PUGs are like a box of chocolates; you never know what you will get.”
i have come to appreciate the PUGs primarily because i can get an instant 5 together to do an elite STF. i live and die in those things and i have an insatiable appetite for prototype. i only do elites and probably win more often than lose with the exception of cure space elite (and IGE), which is another one of my favorite topics; what part of protect kang do they not understand??? i digress….
sometimes in a PUG i get an elite group and sometimes i get the exact opposite. i have taken donatra out in minutes and i have fought her as long as an hour, maybe more. it all depends on the mix. a sure sign of a really bad mix is the “flamer/noob name caller” once they start you know it is going to be a rough mission.
unfortunatley, some people pay attention to these flamers. i have extremely thick skin (from working in accounting) and anyone on a game cannot hurt my feelings, but i think many people are rattled by these flamers and are overly sensitive so they avoid PUGs.
i started looking for a fleet even before season 6 came around because i wanted to develop strategy and learn from better players, but primarily to get an elite group together where i would always win the mission.
i have come to discover though that i love the PUGs because it is always different and never a dull moment. i go to CSE knowing there is a slim chance of winning becuase there will be rainbow boats, skittles, flamers, people playing for the very fisrt time, but i have come to love it.
i also think PUGs make you stronger; a better player. you have to be willing to step up and take responsibilty because you are not sure if you can count on anyone in your PUG or not. of course, the downside is you waste a lot of time because you lose regularly due to other members not pulling their weight.
don’t get me wrong, i am really looking forward to working with the fleet to develop a group that can’t lose, but i want PUGs around for a long time.
July 12, 2012 at 11:48 am #155640The frustration of PUGs is the main reason that I wrote this http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=282071 some time ago. And that’s when doing ‘normal’ versions. Elite? don’t get me started.
I’m thinking of posting a preparation thread here on our boards on the topic of ground STFs. Seems that most in the fleet know what to do in space STFs, and are reasonably geared. Ground, however, not as universal. Might try if I have some time today.
July 12, 2012 at 12:23 pm #155641The ISE run last night was the best I ever was a part of, we had like 6 full minutes to spare on optional times. I think previous best was like 5 at that was worlds ahead of any other. Good times. STO doesn’t have enough to encourage fleet grouping IMO, people tend do their own thing so speak up in chat and get it rolling if you care to. Get out what you put in I suppose.
I have done a few ground missions, but they seem to take lots longer and much less reliable so I generally stick to IGN but IGE is probably not much harder. Never been able to do the options tho, somebody always screws it up. My ground gear is not as good as space but will be working on improving both. A good break from the space missions at least.
July 12, 2012 at 12:31 pm #155642i bumped that thread you posted. maybe it will get us some recruits. 🙂
i was so ready to do the vault at lunch and STO is down for maintenance. 😥
July 12, 2012 at 1:22 pm #155643@CodeWarrior316 wrote:
The ISE run last night was the best I ever was a part of, we had like 6 full minutes to spare on optional times. I think previous best was like 5 at that was worlds ahead of any other. Good times. STO doesn’t have enough to encourage fleet grouping IMO, people tend do their own thing so speak up in chat and get it rolling if you care to. Get out what you put in I suppose.
I have done a few ground missions, but they seem to take lots longer and much less reliable so I generally stick to IGN but IGE is probably not much harder. Never been able to do the options tho, somebody always screws it up. My ground gear is not as good as space but will be working on improving both. A good break from the space missions at least.
interesting. i wss on a great ISE last night too. everything went perfect. i was expecting some good prototype, but got none, but received 4 EDCs. i have EDCs by the hundreds now, but nothing to use them for really. i buy borg sets and sell them.
oddly enough after the ISE i tried khitomer elite and it was miserable, but did get a prototype. makes no sense.
we should develop a great ground team for the 44th so we can all get PSG shields out of IGE. i practice jumping daily. i have a mental block or something going on that STF. i get in there and choke everytime.
July 12, 2012 at 1:49 pm #155644bodgeup
Fleet MemberYeah you will definitively find that doing the elite public queue events that normally you wont achieve all the objectives, Ive come to accept this now as the norm. So when i manage to come online when the others are on its a relief to play as a fleet. Then the elites just glide along without any hassle, every one knows what they are doing & nearly everyone is on TS so communication is not an issue. The prototypes then start rolling in. The grounds are a different story as we don’t always hit the objectives but we always finish the mission. It shows you just how much more difficult ground missions are compared to space missions, but the challenge is half the fun.
I was chatting with some one the other night when we did the deferi dailies together and asked how come they had there game set to normal difficulty? I know i used to play on normal the majority of the time simply so i didn’t have to carry the repair kits & regen packs around and also it made the dailies go quicker which can make grinding easier. But i realized playing on normal just made me get bored to quick so I changed to elite and haven’t gone back since. It definitely keeps me interested now, also it gives me more practice for when i play elite STF’s. When u master playing on elite is when u know u r good.
Also Ive found that I can TANK in my Heavy Escort Carrier now, those Shield repair units really do the trick in elite STF’s along with Transfer shield strength 1, emergency power to shields 1, reverse shield polarity 1 & Tac team 1 x2. With those abilities I can keep my shields up for ages and now I dont die even once in elite STF’s.
I’m definitively up for playing more Ground Elite STF’s as I really need to improve my ground combat skills & find the right weapons to use. At the mom i’m carrying around my OMEGA carbine which i don’t remove as i use the OMEGA set perks 1, 2 & 3. Also my Energy Whip but still unsure about this for general use, its brilliant against the Borg at Deferi invasion zone. But its not so great for general combat for one it don’t have the range as other weapons. Also I carry an Energy Blast AP MK XII & a Blast Assault AP MK XII gun, those i like the knock backs they give me but i tend to favor the Energy Blast for its Blast effect. But again they are poor long range.
Anyway I’m definitely there for Ground STF’s next time i’m on.
July 12, 2012 at 2:03 pm #155645i have EDCs by the hundreds now, but nothing to use them for really. i buy borg sets and sell them.
You *do* know that you can also buy Blue/Purple Borg DOFFs with EDCs ? and dili as well ?
Just checking.Speaking of Deferi, it’s ridiculously easy to get some serious loot there, especially for all non-VAdms out there that are still hunting for resources.
Simply go the powerstation and enter on EASY. Don’t select any mission, just enter on Easy level. Grab your Pulsewave and have at it. I did it once out of boredom, and got a bucket load of Borg elements for crafting. An equal amount of X and the odd XI items dropped as well, which I sold off.
I found this “free looting” behaviour only indoors at the powerstation and not during any outside levels. It helps if you’re already an VAdm (50) as your guns appear to have an insane DPS as in 2 pulsewave shots = dead borg – try that during Elite STFs!
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."July 12, 2012 at 2:23 pm #155646@Marcase wrote:
i have EDCs by the hundreds now, but nothing to use them for really. i buy borg sets and sell them.
You *do* know that you can also buy Blue/Purple Borg DOFFs with EDCs ? and dili as well ?
Just checking.the last time i tried to buy a purple doff it said something like i could only have one of those unique items. i will double check though, just in case.
i have just about run out of things to buy dilithium with, but i think you can sell those for c-store credits? i have not looked into it.
i hoard EDCs and rare borg salvage in hopes that it will become worth something more later, but not holding my breath. 🙂
July 12, 2012 at 3:12 pm #155647Yes you can (or at least could idk about today… lol) buy credits with dilithium from various offers. It was about 400 or something per credit but it saves you the cash if you just have dilithium coming out of your ears.
And puslewaves are AWESOME. I crit on a heavy for like 1000 (flank bonus) and dropped him like nothing. I will start posting in game about that if we aren’t all distracted with new fleet/starbase stuff.
July 12, 2012 at 3:44 pm #155648Im relatively new to the STFs. I’m about a month into doing them infrequently. My participation has been with PUGS and on Normal Space exclusively.
I haven’t found it too bad. I had heard so many horror stories about them I avoided them for my first 4-5 months of play. Whether a secondary was accomplished or not it tends to be dependent on the group as a whole. I mostly play science so I tend to move the crowd control jobs. More often than not the degree of coordination between teams I’ve been involved with is pretty random.
I’m guessing the 10% rule is more commonly implemented at the elite level. I never ran into really abusive or ignorant people, just monor stuff. The worst was a pretty messed up team that was all over the place where one guy piped up after the fact and gave everyone a tonguelashing. I replied that if he wanted to play leader a good time to have done it might have been the onset of the mission.
Personally I’m not confident enough that I’d want to tell other people what they should do. I like it when a more experienced player commands the fleet and assigns tasks or gives a prompt. There are too many times I’ve been left scratching my head and wondering what went wrong when a secondary goes red that I should be in command.
My “main” has a vet set and mk 11 gear but so I’m wondering if I’d be read to try elite with some coaching. I have never tried ground except for story missions and an accidental PvP a couple days ago (I thought it was a space PvP challenge and got stomped 15-6 by a guy who was 10 levels higher than me 🙁 ). Not a big fan of ground but it would be nice to try and earn cool costumes 🙂 .
July 12, 2012 at 3:52 pm #155649horridperson
we need to get together on some elite STFs. i have got those down pretty good. cure space elite is still somewhat of a wild card and i have been protecting kang so long i don’t know what else to do on CSE. i just know if i protect kang i win more often. my usual rant; “what part of protect kang do they not understand??!!”
i got the ground missions down pretty good too except for infected ground elite….my nemesis.
you have got to do elites for the prototype and prototype tech; level 12 stuff and that is why i only do elites.
July 12, 2012 at 3:58 pm #155650bodgeup
Fleet Member@Sargon wrote:
@Marcase wrote:
i have EDCs by the hundreds now, but nothing to use them for really. i buy borg sets and sell them.
You *do* know that you can also buy Blue/Purple Borg DOFFs with EDCs ? and dili as well ?
Just checking.the last time i tried to buy a purple doff it said something like i could only have one of those unique items. i will double check though, just in case.
i have just about run out of things to buy dilithium with, but i think you can sell those for c-store credits? i have not looked into it.
i hoard EDCs and rare borg salvage in hopes that it will become worth something more later, but not holding my breath. 🙂
also you could exchange dilithium for C-points (now just ZEN) and then buy master keys, then sell those on the exchange for 750000 EC last time i looked
July 12, 2012 at 4:01 pm #155651bodgeup
Fleet MemberYeah you guys should def get TeanSpeak up and running then run STF’s with us, that way we can just talk you through the elite STF’s. Also you was right about the 10% thing, its an elite thing. Normal STF’s are really easier as you cant really fail normal’s. But remeber thats what were all here for, if u get in trouble or need any advice just ask either on here or in game via the fleet chat or even better using Team Speak.
July 12, 2012 at 4:26 pm #155652@bodgeup wrote:
Yeah you will definitively find that doing the elite public queue events that normally you wont achieve all the objectives, Ive come to accept this now as the norm. So when i manage to come online when the others are on its a relief to play as a fleet. Then the elites just glide along without any hassle, every one knows what they are doing & nearly everyone is on TS so communication is not an issue. The prototypes then start rolling in. The grounds are a different story as we don’t always hit the objectives but we always finish the mission. It shows you just how much more difficult ground missions are compared to space missions, but the challenge is half the fun.
Actually, ground STFs are not that hard once you know what to do. I’m sure space feels easier, but it’s probably most likely due to having run them so many more times than the ground. Last night’s IGE was extremely unusual. It’s the first time I ever seen Noraal fall into the goop, and we can almost run it in our sleep. Meh, we all have days like that.
I will say that the optional on IGE is the hardest to get. A single screw up, and it’s usually blown. That’s why it’s important to know the trigger lines, and not cross them until it’s time. Once you cross, you have 15 seconds to kill the workers that are assimilating the Starfleet guys. If you haven’t cleared enough of the room beforehand, you are either going run out of time, or you’re going to run in to the room and get team wiped.
The other optionals are easy. Khitomer ground, with a good team is a 15-20 min run. Cure ground, easy optional as well. Armek can be a pain sometimes, but everything up until then is piece of cake with a good team.
July 12, 2012 at 4:31 pm #155653@bodgeup wrote:
Yeah you guys should def get TeanSpeak up and running then run STF’s with us, that way we can just talk you through the elite STF’s. Also you was right about the 10% thing, its an elite thing. Normal STF’s are really easier as you cant really fail normal’s. But remeber thats what were all here for, if u get in trouble or need any advice just ask either on here or in game via the fleet chat or even better using Team Speak.
what do i need to do to use this teamspeak? i talk to people all the time on my pc without using anything since it has a built in speaker and mike. i also have headphones with a mic so my wife does not have to listen to the borg rant and rave endlessly.
do i need software or what??
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