Discovery- Opinions? Avoid for spoilers!!!!

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  • #191127
    Fleet Member

    I watched it.  It’s Star Trek.  The visuals are impressive.  I’m finding it very hard to appreciate it because it isn’t terribly original.

    The elephant in the room is Axanar.  When that production was going through production, then court proceedings there were mixed opinions on the propriety of the production.  They were using Star Trek IP and as a result they got slammed.

    So what happens when the premises of the former’s story are boiled down into a less compelling wrapper with high end effects and some new characters?

    I want to like it but I’m not sure I can.  I will continue to watch it because I am a horridperson and my phutlockering will gain them no revenue.  I’m eager to hear what any of you think about Discovery.  In contrast to other Trek shows I really didn’t get that excitement I felt watching any other Trek for the first time.  There were neat moments and images but it just didn’t do it for me as I felt it should have.

    Team Player

    I liked it.  The court proceedings kind of bothered me.  But Tom Paris was brought out of prison for Voyager.  So it is not unprecedented.  The thing that bothers me the most is the look of the klingons.  At that time period they didn’t look like that.  These klingons look like deevolved versions of modern klingons.  They didn’t even look this bad in Enterprise.  And their ships are not even close to that time period.  Never did the klingons care about their dead. after they did their scream they said the body was just a shell and dispose of it.  So many other problems.  I do like the way they tied the Enterprise era transporters in with the ones we know now.  The bridge of the shinanju looked awesome.  I suppose that the Discovery will not look very TOS like.  This show also give you a evolution from the akiraprise style of ship to an evolutionary step towards the connie that we know.  But at this time the Enterprise is under the command of Robert April.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    I really liked the 1st episode, the tech, the procedures – it’s all good scifi. The 2nd episode/part was dramatic/”cool” enough to draw in a new crowd, and that’s worth something. Also, ever since ‘Crouching Tiger’ I’ve been a fan of Michelle Yeoh – I think she was a dynamite choice for her role !

    Is Discovery ‘real’ Star Trek ? The first parter was pointing to the explorer roots of the Federation and I would have loved if they would continue on that path, but the 2nd parter they threw it out of the window.

    Did I enjoyed it ? Oh heck yes ! And I’ll watch the rest of the series because I see and appreciate that the production is up to current ‘4K’ standard, Hi Def etc etc. It’s a great SciFi series to be sure. But I have to reserve judgement if I will consider Discovery ‘Trek’ enough to allow it to fit in ‘my’ overall Star Trek universe. Like Enterprise or the JJ-verse, it’s more of a spin-off to me while TOS/TNG/DS9/Voy is true Star Trek. But that’s just me 🙂

    Not fond of the future direction Discovery is going if I understood the seasons preview right; too much drama and conflict which feels forced, as a signature move just to ‘stand out’. Kind of reminded me of what Voyager with its Maquis could have been. And don’t get me started on Axanar – I will forever have a grudge vs CBS…

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Captain Huckabee
    Fleet Member

    I will continue to watch, after all it is Star Trek.  But I do have issues which seem to go in hand with everyone else.

    The Klingons…….they didn’t feel like Klingons.  The looks of them, the glamor and sparkle look of their armor and ship interiors….it just wasn’t Klingon to me at all.  The ship covered with their dead (as stated the body was just a shell to Klingons), the design of their ships, just aweful.

    At least with the Federation they seem to stick to similar ship lines, but not a huge fan of the uniforms.  Even JJ, after all the stuff he did to hack stuff up, kept the classic colorways and lines.  Which this show seems to go toward the JJ flare, without all the lens flare.

    I don’t mind a different take on things, but I just wish there was more roots to the old when it comes to the Federation on uniforms and they didn’t, in my opinion, completely re-do the beloved Klingon race to the point they lose what people love about them visually and their culture.

    Side note, still not a huge fan at all of the Discovery model.  However I really liked the ones shown so far for the Federation.

    Fleet Member

    What they did to the Klingons is what kills me.  Visually I’m not letting it bother me.  The bar is higher for something, “other” for aliens when dealing with modern special effects and the budgets that are being pumped into these properties.

    I thought the Klingon obsession with bodies was ridiculous.  A major plot point in this story relied on flipping canon on it’s head.  At best is was lazy writing.  You don’t piss all over established alien culture because you paint yourself into a corner as a writer.  If the Captain was such a moral icon I can’t see her booby trapping the dead any way.  If she was so strongly opposed to attacking first but a terrorist act came so easily to her I am a bit confused.

    That albino asshat.  What was he doing burning his hand like that?  What kind of bitch Klingon would cook his hand?  If it actually didn’t hurt it was just stupid.  If he was damaging his hand he was reducing his ability to fight and it was as least as stuid again.

    Team Player

    So At this time in 2256.  The Enterprise was 11 yeaars old.  It was christened in 2245 and commanded by Robet April until the early 2250’s at which time Christopher Pike took over the center seat.  An interesting fact Johnathan Archer was at the Christening of the Enterprise NCC-1701 and died the next day.  It was in the making of star trek.  The Enterprise Production crew made a display with that info but never used it on screen. In 2264 Jame T. Kirk became the captain.  After the 1st refit of the enterprise. As is evident by the differences in the ship between The Cage and Where no Man has gone before which was the unaired pilot, that later became the 3rd. episode in an edited form.

    So  I guess what I am saying is why so much difference in philosophy.  Is this like the starfleet that doesn’t go out into the unknown and hence not the best of the best or officers not vetted for long term deep space exploration missions.  Are these the older ships that stay in federation space like the Excelcior class did in TNG.  And why the radical departure from the Connie design in the discovery.  At this time the Connie was the most successful starship design.  So why the Triangular hull.  And you have to wonder did they change the Klingon Ship design just so it doesn’t look like Discovery.  How stupid to make a Federtion ship look Klingon just to change the Klingon ships to something totally alien to Trek when you have an establish guideline.  I understand changing and modernizing, but follow the established Racial and Faction guidelines.  But I will watch because I am a sci-fi Junkie.  But this is not my Trek.

    Fleet Member

    I don’t think the series has established it’s feel and tone yet. We still haven’t met most of the main cast or even seen the title starship. The first two episodes were intriguing enough to keep me watching, though, and I am curious how the groundwork they laid plays out. We should have a better idea of what the series is about after a few more episodes. Also bear in mind most likely Episodes 1 & 2 have the heaviest influence from Bryan Fuller, who is no longer with the show.

    I admit to being a bit befuddled by the Klingons’ appearance. I did enjoy the “Klingon intrigue” episodes from TNG and DS9, so I found their storyline was interesting. I also appreciate they’re making them more than just 2-dimensional villains who must be blown away before they kill the good guys. But their appearance is taking some getting used to. I hate to say it, but a viewer from 1967 could look at Sarek in Discovery and say “That’s a Vulcan!”. The same viewer would look at the Klingons from Discovery, as well as their various appearances over the last 50 years, and think they are several different species. I don’t know why they keep changing their appearance.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Connfire.

    aka @robofearth

    Fleet Member

    One thing to keep in mind is that this is a fifteen hour story. What we’ve seen so far is roughly the equivalent of the opening setup scenes before the credits of a one-hour episode in the previous Treks.

    I liked it, I think it has a lot of potential. I was bothered by the same things as others. If it were set thirty years before TOS, the ship designs would make more sense; a big, overengineereed hull could be a sensible test platform for tech that is later used on the Constitution class. We’ve had to get used to a new Klingon appearance before, but we have a canon explanation for that and this ruins it.

    Supposedly, they have a team of professional fact checkers going through Trek canon to preserve continuity…I can only assume their advice is being ignored.

    Captain Huckabee
    Fleet Member

    One thing that comes to mind, that I hope will happen, is the thought that maybe the start of this war causes the Klingons to throw the lavish “design” to the side and build their “look” more for war.

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