Direction of STO story plot

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  • #154887
    Team Player

    So what are your theories? How will the Iconian war end and what happens after we create the Krenim tech? What comes after the Iconians?

    Different parties may want to get hold of Krenim tech, especially if it has power to temper with time.

    In Tales of War #3, there is interesting line from Romulan scientist A’dranna:

    We have to have more time, but we can’t waste any time … it’s the unsolvable puzzle. I feel like I want to plunge my hands into time itself, shape and bend it to my will, change all that’s happened and all that will happen … but I can’t. The technology to do that simply doesn’t exist.

    It sounds like Romulan could try to “…change all that’s happened” or in other words, restore New Romulus to state before it was destroyed since Iconians and Hakeev were working together.

    In same blog it is also mentioned that A’dranna will “…have an appointment with Admiral Kererek this afternoon. If D’Tan won’t sign off her research, maybe Kererek will.“.

    Fleet Member

    I learned something from that post. That I really should read those blogs. I’m hoping to see the Gamma quadrant at some time. But I would imagine that is more likely going to be an expansion which is a way off yet.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    The Krenim will rebuild their timeship and all factions will fight over it. In the end, someone will push the button and the timeline will reset – to JJ’s Trek universe… 😆

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Team Player

    Oh, that would be nightmare. Lense flares everywhere.^^

    Thanks to time travel possibility, they could introduce guest star whose character isn’t alive in 2410.

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