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August 26, 2019 at 4:20 am #424663
Well the next two days I am working 12hr Shifts so I will not be in game much so I thought I would start a discussion on this topic. I seen all the debates on Reddit, “Killing the Romulan Faction”, “death of the game”, “Lazy Game Designers”, etc..
I am kinda in the middle of this, I have a Reman Commander (KDF Allied) with Shamshir. So part of my thoughts is “Cool the Rest of my KDF Commanders can use it“, but at the same time I wonder if Cryptic is taking steps towards no factions, which is something I do not like the idea of. I think it would lead me to lose interest in the game.
So what do all of you think?
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
August 26, 2019 at 4:50 am #424665I am not amused.
The whole idea was to have a truly unique gaming experience when you choose a specific faction. It also forced you to build differently and think out of the box. Rom warbirds for example are hampered by lower power reserves, but receive warbird powers.
You will now see Fed builds ported over to warbirds which won’t work and then a drop off in Rom ship popularity. This is one of the reasons Cryptic isn’t in investing much in Rom ships anymore.Instead of ignoring the Rom factions I’d rather see the Red/Blue factions dissolve. Since it’s hardcoded in the game software that won’t happen.
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."August 26, 2019 at 5:57 am #424666I understand, where you are coming from @Marcase. Until now there was only two things I did not like about the Romulans it was the Singularity Warp Core (BUT I liked the Warbird powers so I learned to deal with it) and not being able to get rid of Tovan Khev (nothing is wrong with him just want my own crew).
And I looking forward to have my Shamshir for the rest of my Commanders, but still this feels like a short cut on Cryptic’s part; instead of expanding/improving the Rom’s ships, story line, etc..
Cryptic: So instead improving the Rom Republic; Let’s just give the Rom Ships to the Feds and KDF.
My biggest worry what does this entail for my beloved Klingon Empire’s Ships? Am I going to see Fed D7s? Or KDF Enterprises?
EDIT: And for me this makes the game as a whole less appealing for me.
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
August 26, 2019 at 4:37 pm #424673My reasons for disliking this idea is more canon than anything. You don’t see Federation Captain’s and their crew sporting around the galaxy in a Romulan Warbird … better chance of seeing them in a Klingon ship than anything Romulan. I just feel like its taking away from the actual Star Trek feel if you start seeing Federation (Romulan) ships. Its kinda part of the reason I quit a couple years ago, every time I would log on and looking around at all the ships reminded me of Babylon 5.
Mysticor ~ Female Vulcan Fed Tac (65) ~ NCC-122822 U.S.S. Stan Lee (Fed Heavy Fleet Escort Carrier (T6))
Varok ~ Male Klingon Fed Eng (65) ~ NCC-72090 U.S.S. Harley Quinn (Odyssey Operations Cruiser)August 26, 2019 at 5:11 pm #424674Very good point @Fourtwenty, I very confused why Cryptic would do this (besides money), would it not be better to improve the whole Romulan/Reman Faction – with new ships, stories,etc? Well all the factions IMO.
And what about new Romulan Ships (thinking Picard here) are they going to be on the open to every faction or just the Republic or the Rom Empire?
And far as backgrounds for characters, while the Republic/K. Empire/Feds are sharing tech, I would have a hard time believing that any of them would just give all the plans to one of their ships let alone one of the built ships itself!
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
August 26, 2019 at 7:36 pm #424675I am not a big RPr, so for me it’s a great thing. It doesn’t bother me how others want to play in terms of keeping to canon builds or not, whatever they want to do is fine.
For me it just gives more options, more admiralty cards, and I can save money on crappy ships bundles with good traits/consoles by just buying the Romulan ships. All good things.
The reality imo is that the game is not strong enough to support much new content, so they need to focus on creating content that benefits all players.
August 27, 2019 at 8:08 am #424678Well @G’Luv, I am not a huge RP, I am a little slow typing in game so it makes it hard to be a “good RPG’er” in the Computer Worlds. But saying that, I do like a game to make some sense.
So I can understand the idea “of sharing tech”, but whole ships? As a old pen and paper RPG’er, it just does not make sense. It would be like the US Navy giving one of our Subs to the Chinese Navy!
But again, this is my RPG’er talking, I will learn to deal with, and since I have not seen any other games that have any appeal to me, you gals and guys will be stuck with me.
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
August 27, 2019 at 12:33 pm #424680I guess we should have seen this coming after romulans were allowed to fly fed/kdf ships. Few years ago I was against the idea of combining factions like this – I wasn’t happy when they gave Leech console to feds, for example. Over the years we have seen more and more examples of faction merge – either by giving us same story episodes or by having access to same equipment (reputation, lockboxes).
Now I don’t mind because it just adds more options to people that want to play that way, and I’ll continue using Fed ships on my Fed character. For example, my Reman captain is still flying warbirds, although he has access to Kdf ships.
Maybe we see Cryptic creating more warbirds now that more players have access to it.
August 27, 2019 at 4:56 pm #424684Maybe we see Cryptic creating more warbirds now that more players have access to it.
That would be nice, I just have the one (Shamshir) and most likely will not get more. I like the ship a lot but I am not a “Hard Core” Rom. Player.
I might make a later Orion Captain (KDF) who used her “wiles” to get a Shamshir from a Romulan Official 🙂 It sounds like a good base for a background story.
Right now my all STO thoughts have been on my Ferasan Commander and earning her ship traits. About a hour left to this 12Hr day, two in row not as easy as when I was 40, (now almost 60).
aka @sgtken60 "AKA Grumpy Old Klingon/Andorian
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