Application for Garlion

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Garlion

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  • #155273
    Fleet Member

    Main character’s name: Drem Galvaire@Garlion Drem Galvaire@garlion#2577

    Real Name: Marius

    Age: 22

    Location: Norway

    Are you Silver, gold or Lifetime?: Silver so far. Might sub should I get absorbed into the game.

    About myself: Dunno if I’m allowed to call myself an MMORPG veteran, but I’ve been playing several of them over the course of the last 6 years. I’m pretty new to the star trek universe, but after a marathon with watching the three latest movies, and growing increasingly tired of the direction of SWTOR, I decided to come on over here to give STO a go 🙂 You’ll find that if I grow attached to the guild/fleet you’ll have a member for life, and I learn at an apparently scary rate according to old guildies 🙂

    Why did you choose the Mighty 44th: Because since I started looking for a place to call ‘home’ in this game all I’ve come across is unsociable and dying fleets. You guys seem to have a fair amount of activity, and don’t require that I throw a profanity filter on myself (I use curse words pretty casually)

    Previous Fleets: STO Academy (Too big, and no one talking) 11th order (no activity)

    Have you read and accept the Rules and Regulations: Seems to be some pretty basic stuff, so yeah, that’s an easy one to accept 🙂

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Hello Marius,

    Thanks for applying to the mighty 44th. Your in-game invite(s) will be sent soon(tm).

    Note that the game requires your character(s) to be level 10+, regardless you have been accepted.
    Reaching level 10 is quite fast, let us know when and we’ll re-send the invite.

    Join our 44th chat channel “44th-diplo” by typing the following into the chat window: /channel_join 44th-diplo

    This is used to communicate with our 44th Fleet, 44th Delta Fleet and our 44th Assault Squadron (KDF) – we don’t use the game provided fleet channel.

    As a new Federation Ensign you will be stationed for 2 weeks in the 44th Delta Fleet, (KDF’s go directly to our 44th Assault Sqn).

    For a promotion to Lieutenant and fleet store unlock you just need to meet 2 requirements:

    1) Must have either logged into the game or posted on our 44th forum at least once during the review period of 2 weeks (which starts today);

    2) Must be in good standing with the fleet.

    Full access to the 44th forum has now been unlocked.
    Please bookmark the “Active Topics” page of this forum to keep up-to-date on 44th Fleet news.

    See the recent State of the Fleet to catch up.

    As a mature, no-drama fleet the 44th caters to casual and hard-core players, so I’m sure you’ll fit right in.

    Welcome aboard !

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    Thank you for the hasty response 🙂 I’ve already hit rank 41, speeding my way through the stories because they’re actually a bit interesting.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    In that case, make sure that you left your previous fleet, and your given name@character here is correct as I copy-paste it for the fleet invite.

    The system can’t find you, which is why I thought you were level -10.

    Alternatively, just shout out in our 44th-diplo channel and we’ll figure it out 😀

    Edit, it was your name – Drem Galvaire@garlion#2577

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

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