[RP Discussion – Signup Thread] – Star Trek Supremacy

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    Fleet Member

    I just thought up of an interesting way for us to do a bit of a RP based on a game that is considered the ‘Birth of the Federation 2’ kind of game, called Star Trek Supremacy. It is free to download and they are still, ever so slowly, working on it. But it just came to me of this idea and I would like to give it a try and see how things go :D.

    Here is the idea I have in mind, but first let me throw down an EXAMPLE:

    As the settings state:

    United Federation of Planets

    Galaxy Size is Tiny
    Shape is Irregular
    Star Density is Dense
    Planet Desnity is Dense
    Tech Level Early
    Minor Races Early
    Home Quadrant Canon (Basically where would our home planet, Sol, will be cannonly located.)
    Research Rate Normal
    Starting Facilities Default. (I haven’t tested it yet but I assume BEST would mean very very good Facilities or a LOT. Not sure.)

    Here is where we are located now after the game was initiated:

    So Sol is located in sector 3,13. Map size is 23,23. When the game starts with all races, you start with 1 colony ship and 1 scout ship. And you get to see what’s outside Federation Space (Sol System’s sensor range. Systems have sensor range and Distance range, also variable to what ships can handle in distance or something like that. I’ll explain in the next screen shot shortly.)

    Anyways in this shot, you see that we have a Wormhole just outside of Federation Space. Quickly though, you may be wondering how Sector grids work, if you don’t know that is. if you do, awesome. Anyways, Horizontal is the (#,13). So to the left of Sol, is (2,13). To the right is (4,13). Vertical is the (3,#). So north of Sol is (3,12) and south of Sol is (3,14). Thus, just from looking at the location of the Wormhole, it is in Sector (5,15).

    Being that I will be the game master, I will of course give everyone sector information of key systems that are found by the Scout and other vessels. Like so:

    Turn 1: Beginning of the Federation 😀

    Unexplored Star Systems Located:
    Sector (1, 11) – Outside of Federation Controlled Space.
    Sector (2, 14) – Inside of Federation Controlled Space. (What does this mean?)

    Unexplored Wormhole Detected:
    Sector (5,15) – No Faction Control


    Points of Interest:
    Star System in sector (1, 11) – No Faction Control (NFC)
    Star System in sector (2, 14) – Federation Control (FC)
    Wormhole Sector (5, 15) – NFC

    Inside Faction Controlled Space means that opposite factions MAY NOT build stations and/or colonize star systems

    Outside Faction Controlled Space means that ANY faction has the opportunity to build stations and/or colonize star systems.

    Now to show how far some ships can go. Two screen shots will be provided.

    If you look at what I highlighted and numbered, the Scout’s Range is 5 from the Shipyard. This is where the ship can continue receiving supply of fuel and thus be able to go as far as it can. If you try to leave the range, it won’t let you. So every ship with a range is applied to the shipyard AND STATION that is available. Right now all we have is the shipyard at Sol.

    It is the same for the Colony ship, it’s range is 3 and can go as far as 3 sectors FROM Sol.

    But do you see the speed wise and sensor range? For right now, these Type I vessels takes 1 turn to reach 1 sector. Later on, vessels will be able to go further in 1 turn. Scout’s sensor range is valuable. It reveals sectors even outside of the Scout’s movement range. So if we were to send the scout to it’s MAXIMUM movement range, it’s sensor range will expand beyond that and give us some sort of information of what is beyond our range and how we shall plan things, like where should we build a station and such.

    Look at the Colony ship stats. It has 0 sensor range, and as you can see, when I sent it to that sector, it can’t see any further than that. So let’s stick Colony ships to what they are best at.

    Back to this screenshot. See that menu I brought up? It lists of what we can get into for such categories.

    How would this RP game work you say? Well let me run an example.

    Okay so that menu shows System, Embassy, Science, and Intelligence. Main brings us back to the Galaxy Map from whatever category we are in. And Menu leads to the game menu of course. To Save the game, retire or quit. etc.

    Basically as the game is being set up, people can choose which they would like to be.

    Someone can volunteer for System management, which includes (Production, Structures, Build List and Ship Building)

    Now we can have 1 person to manage ALL systems, or 1 person for each system. We can decide that at some point later on.

    As Game Master, I will simply state this.


    7 type 1 Automated Farms, All Active, 175 Food
    4 type 1 Replication Plant, 3 active, 75 Industry
    4 type 1 Plasma Reactor, All active, 125 Energy
    4 type 1 University, 2 active, 50 Research
    1 type 1 Databank, 0 active, 0 Intelligence


    I could provide Screenshot


    because that will take considerable amount of effort on my part, haha, I will simply state that:

    7 T1 Auto farms, All Active
    4 T1 Rep Plants, 3 Active
    4 T1 Plas Reac, All Active
    4 T1 Univ, 2 Active
    1 T1 Data, 0 Active

    Pop is growing with +15 Food
    Pop is at 160 out of 300 Max.

    We have NO Structures at this time, so little need for Energy.

    Build List shows that we can build more T1 Facilities, all requiring 2 turns to build unless we build more Rep Plants to reduce turns down to 1 turn.

    Structure: Immunology Centre – Build Cost 200 (wouldn’t worry about it) Energy Cost 10, Bonuses +1 Growth Rate, Restrictions ONE per SYSTEM


    ONE Shipyard – Can Build
    Colony Ship I
    Troop Transport I
    Construction Ship I
    Scout I


    So for EXAMPLE, the System Manager wants to do this:

    Move 1 labor Pool from T1 University to T1 Rep Plant. This reduces SOME TURNs on SOME of the Buildings.

    Que 3 Rep Plants first, then 3 Plas Reactors next, 3 Auto Farms next, and then Immunology Centre in the Build List Que

    And Build 1 Scout vessel in Shipbuilding.


    Production: -1 Labor from Uni, +1 to Rep Plant
    Build List: In order; +3 Rep Plant, +3 Plas Reac, +3 Auto Farm, then Structure: Immunology
    Shipbuilding: 1 Scout Vessel

    Embassy Player! If you want to control the Embassy, then you may end up waiting for a little while until the Scout Ships find Minor or Major races. In the Embassy, once a Minor or Major race is available, and once you have a Envoy (they get recruited automatically over time.) you can select an Envoy to conduct diplomatic missions with that Race. From there, once the Race becomes ‘Worshipping’ or ‘Worshipful’ to the Federation, you, the Embassy Liaison, can send a Membership to the Federation to the Minor race, or Alliance to the Major Race, or Peace Treaty, Non-Aggression Pact, Declare War, etc.

    So the Embassy can be pretty powerful when the time comes O:

    In Science department, you have control to keep everything balanced, or pool all research resources into ONE or TWO research categories at a time. Though you will need to work with the SYSTEM Manager so that those universities are being used. It’s not much responsibility in that area I suppose, but the one who is the Starfleet Commander, will probably ask for a certain category to be researched right away so that a certain ship is unlocked that can be built!

    Now this can all be a group effort or everyone relying on the other person to do their jobs and hope to get what they need and can use. In a sense, as how this progresses, I’m sure if we went to war, the System Manager of all or Each System manager of controlled systems will likely produce warships for the Starfleet Commander :P.

    Starfleet Commander will be able to issue orders to the available vessels we have. Even rename vessels (like why just Scout I? Why not USS Reliant or USS Botox lol!!) Whatever works :D.

    OR Starfleet Commander could send recommendations. Simply put, Starfleet Commander will still have 100% control of Troop Transports and Colony ships. But for Cruisers, Destroyers, Survey, Scouts, etc. We could assign SOMEONE to COMMAND THOSE SHIPS :D.

    So for example, Scout I is renamed to USS Farragut and the Commanding Officer decides to set course to the unexplored star system outside of Federation Space, in sector (1, 11). Which the Game Master will then say, ‘You will arrive in the system in 2 turns, Commander/Captain.’

    Starfleet Commander issues the order of the Colony ship to enter the unexplored system inside Federation space, in sector (2, 14). Game Master, me, would then say ‘Colony ship will arrive in One turn, Commander.’ (but in this case, since I moved it to show its lack of Sensor Range, it will actually be 2 turns.)

    From there on, NOTHING can be done!

    We could play the game where I report Game Summary or Reports every FIVE turns. Or report every critical information at the time.

    Basically we can also play this like an RP, right at the birth of the federation, and just go from there. Play it how it turns out.

    So for example:

    Player of the USS Farragut Posts:

    Captain -name- just received command of the first Starfleet vessel since the United Federation of Planets was formed. Along side a colony ship that will launch the first colony outside Sol System, to allow the Federation to start spreading its wings.

    Now while the Sol Systems planetary sensors had already detected a system inside Federation Space, the Farragut’s Long range sensors detected another system and a wormhole just outside Federation Space. It would be interesting to see where the Wormhole will lead to, but for right now, due to the importance of the Federation’s Expansion, I have ordered the helm officer to set course for Sector 1, 11 to explore the star system and see if it is much better for a first Federation Colony.

    *GM*: Captain. Your ship has gone to warp and is on course to enter Sector 1, 11 to explore the Star System. Your ship will arrive in 2 turns. Due remember to report to Starfleet Command of anything your long range sensors detect.

    Starfleet Commander:

    Admiral -Name- just finished appointing a Captain to the USS Farragut, and already they are under way to an unexplored star system. While he waits for the report on Sector 1, 11, he has issued an order to the Colony Ship to go to Sector 2, 14 to see the potential value of that system for our first Federation Colony. He is also interested in what the Wormhole will lead to, hoping it will lead to an unexplored friendly space. If it leads to a hostile region of space, he may have to put in a request for a Construction Ship and build a Station at the wormhole to safe guard Federation’s security.

    And such goes on from there.


    Well this was a little unexpected. Minor races were set to FEW but let’s see how this plays out.

    *GM*: Attention, New data has arrived

    Points of Interest:
    Star System in Sector (0, 9) – NFC
    Star System in Sector (4, 10) – NFC

    I do have to note though, the game more or less does not show other faction controlled space until you meet them. So we could practically place a station in a sector we believe has no faction control, until we meet say…the Klingons…and then suddenly see that their controlled space reaches our station. Of course the Station will still be there but it would make things rather odd. This game is still in Alpha/Beta stages so, its not perfect. But combat system is implemented :D.

    Minor Races Found:
    Star System (1, 11) is called Padara, inhabited by the Padarans. Founded by USS Farragut.
    Star System (2, 14) is called Barzan, inhabited by the Barzans. Fonded by Colony I. Warning: Unable to Colonize Star System.

    Embassy Liaison, you now have a job to do but unfortunately, we do have have any diplomats recruited at this time. You will be informed immediately as soon as one is available to you. So until then, consider which races you wish to send a diplomat to.

    Otherwise you do have the power to try and send gifts to the Minor races. Credits. Or Declare War. But please consult with Starfleet Commander before making such decision.

    Sol System Population is now 170 out of 300.
    Padara System Pop is now 106 out of 235.
    Barzan System Pop is now 114 out of 325.

    System Manager. If you wish to know more, such as Growth Rate, you may relay that request.
    Starfleet Commander. If you wish to know about Orbitals and Shields, you may relay that request. (Though at this early of the game, there is bound to be 0 orbitals and 0 shields.)

    Starfleet Commander could recommend USS Farragut go to sector (0, 9) and explore the star system or let the Captain choose. But you will have to decide what to do with the Colony ship.

    Thus, Farragut’s Captain chooses to go to Sector (0, 9.) *GM* Captain, your ship has gone to warp on course to Sector (0, 9) and will arrive in TWO turns.

    Starfleet Commander ordered the Colony ship to Sector (4, 10) *GM* Commander, the colony ship is on course to Sector (4, 10) and will arrive in FOUR turns.


    *GM* Attention, new data has arrived:

    Points of Interest:
    Star System in sector (2, 8) – NFC

    Star System in Sector (0, 9) is now called the Albali System, Max Pop is 140, Growth Rate is 1.3%, system is Uninhabited.

    Sol Pop is 181/300
    Parada Pop is 113/235
    Barzan Pop is 125/325

    Sol Shipbuilding Que is Now Empty. System Manager what is your request?

    Starfleet Commander, you now have a second Scout ship available. Feel free to assign a Captain to it, and rename it or allow the Captain to name it. Your choice.


    That’s basically how things would play out. We could definitely do it in a form of RP, as much as a GAME!!

    I do not know how Multiplayer works well with this game, we could try it at some point but I figured doing a game like this would be fun :D.

    And because the game is free to download, next time someone else could be Game Master and I’ll choose something xD.

    What would the victory goals be? Conquest or Alliance? It all depends on what route you guys choose!! Since you guys will be the ones in control of Planetary build, Starfleet, and Diplomacy!!

    Not only that, the Redeployment of ships, during time of war, Starfleet Commander can start issuing orders for Captain’s to follow, bring them all in ONE sector, and then FORM A TASK FORCE 😀 by combining such ships together! I don’t know if you can rename the Task Force but if ya could, you could name it the 44th Fleet lolololol~! OR other Fleets. ha.

    If you are a System Manager, Starfleet Commander, Researcher and Embassy, you can also request to be a Starship Captain too of a Scout, Cruiser, whatever. Or become a Starship Captain of whatever ship that becomes available and what the Starfleet Commander assigns you to!

    This is basically what I ended up with in 41 turns to show how things can turns out XD

    Basically I found another minor race, the Meridians and 2 major races, the Cardassians and Dominion. And as you can see, I am now at War with the Dominion because the Benthos system in (8, 10) is a nice place to colonize, with Max pop of 280, Growth rate 3.2%. And the Dominion wants to Colonize that system! That close to Federation Space?! You Nuts?! So I first had the USS Farragut there defending it, but now I have both scout ships, USS Farragut and a Scout I that I have not renamed yet, while the 3rd Scout ship, USS Spitfire continues exploring.

    So a lot can happen!! Who’s interested in giving this a test run? 🙂

    Yup, I made this 😛

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    tl: dr 😆 But looks interesting.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    Sum it up, think of it as DnD, but Star Trek based off of Birth of the Federation, there are positions/jobs available, and for right now, I’m the game master 😛

    Think of it as you are in control of certain resources, but not control of the game entirely. Details come to you when they are revealed, thus you have the option to choose what action to take. Depending on what job you have 😛

    Yup, I made this 😛

    Fleet Member

    Well if anyone is interested, think about it as you guys get to determine the path of the Federation or other factions if you want to be Klingons or Romulans haha, and I’m the universe xD so whatever happens, happens and you’ll find out from me, so could be right away or later or do you know if a ship is lost or what haha.

    How about a test run? I’ll set it up and guys choose whichever open position and go from there.

    Right now, Game One:

    United Federation of Planets

    Tiny galaxy with a grid 23×23. Irregular Galaxy, Star and Planet Densities are Dense, Tech level Early, Minor Races are Few, Home Quadrant Canon, Research Rate Normal and Starting facilities default.

    Sol Starting location is sector (9, 21). As usual, start with 1 x Scout and 1 x Colony Ship. All Tech starts at Type One, including starships.

    Points of Interest:
    Sector (8, 19)
    Sector (8, 23)
    Sector (10, 19)
    Sector (11, 20)
    Sector (11, 22)

    Decided not to tell what is in those sectors, unless you guys want to make it simple and less challenging, then I’ll let you guys know :P.

    Starfleet Commander In Chief: OPEN
    System Manager: OPEN
    Embassy Liaison: OPEN
    Researcher: OPEN

    Commanding Officer Positions are always Open. So you can always throw your name into the list. The Starfleet Commander may then appoint someone to command the next available vessel. If you wish to take 100% control of Troop Transports and Colony ships, that is your choice. If you want to give someone command of those vessels, that is also your choice.

    This game is saved as 44th Fleet’s First Game. You guys are in control! How will you make the Federation? 😛

    Yup, I made this 😛

    Fleet Member

    Neat idea. Birth of the Federation was a pretty awesome if flawed game; Microprose gold 🙂 . Good memories of playing that when it was released. BotF also went freeware and there were some fairly ambitious reworks of it as well by modders.

    Sitting in front of a screen I liked this very much but it’s pretty number crunchy for RP; Although I am a huge fan of grand strategy games like Europa Universalis and Crusader Kings. Oh when it releases I’ll be all over Stellaris because it’s a GS in space :).

    Fleet Member

    I’m cool with it honestly. I wouldn’t offer to be Game Master or bring this up if I didn’t think we can do it. That’s why I offered we test it out, thus why its a TINY map and all that jazz.

    Thing is, its still Alpha/Beta I think, not sure which yet, so the other factions don’t come rushing at you with hordes of ships or constantly attack you or things like that. There is combat, so that way you can defeat/conquer the other faction, just not much ‘retaliation’ just yet. All the AI factions really do is colonize a number of systems and then that’s it.

    It’s not much fun doing it by yourself, because you constantly advance in technology, have little conflicts, and just basically build a massive fleet without any sort of resistance nor any attempts to slow you down. So it gets a bit redundant.

    But if converted into an RP style like this, and like DnD style (just not with all the crazy STATS, that will take FOREVER to create…) just … Someone takes charge of something, like Starfleet Command for example, or the Embassy. And ANYONE can be a starship captain. So basically,

    When Sol finishes building the Cruiser I (aka NX Class), Starfleet Commander can either assign someone to it or someone can take it. More realistic, the Starfleet Commander would put someone in charge of it. And who ever is the Commanding officer of that Cruiser I, can either name it themselves, or the Starfleet Commander can. And with the available information that I, the Game Master, provides…the CO of that said ship can choose what course of action he should do that would benefit the Federation.

    Or if we played the Romulans, what would a Romulan Commander of a Destroyer vessel do if there was a Faction, say the Klingons, attempting to colonize a Huge population value system SO CLOSE to Romulan space. (For example, a System with a population of 425+, i’ve seen some systems ranging almost 600 without MOON HABITATION technology.) Any system with a HIGH population value, is capable of pooling a LOT of labor force into INDUSTRY and ENERGY, that way they can build structures faster, and power very important structures as well.

    Another example. If say they did make the factions able to fight back, build fleets and such. Let’s say we were the Dominion, and all four factions, Federation, Klingons, Romulans and Cardassians were against us. We lost our homeworld, the nebula of sorts. But we were able to acquire a system with a population of 525…and when we added Moon Habitation, we increased pop over 600. We have 4 Ship yards already, and most of the basic structures powered. That gives us a LOT OF ENERGY left over for ORBITAL DEFENSES and PLANETARY SHIELDS. To the point we have a planet capable of holding out against enemy fleets and build out own massive fleet to fight back and retake what we lost.

    So in a sense right now, the idea I am presenting is, we take this game in the condition it is right now, and instead of doing multiplayer where I’m playing Klingons, someone is Romulans, someone else is Federation, like that sorts… we play One faction like its DnD. I’m the game master, you guys are in control of key elements. Someone is in charge of Starfleet Command, other is System Management, Research and Embassy. And ANYONE ELSE who joins, not just those 4 key elements, can be Starship Captains. Even those 4 that have those important jobs, can still be Starship Captains. (Honestly there isn’t much in research to do…its really automated so technically we don’t really need anyone doing it. But who ever is holding that position could determine what technology we focus on first, rather than trying to research all 6 technologies at the same time.)

    That’s basically the idea I’m presenting, is a RP game in a game lol. Least until they make the other factions more capable of fighting back, then that might make things a little tricky.

    But this test run could help us determine what really is important, what is not, and how to make it better and more understandable. Thus make it easier to play for everyone 😀

    Yup, I made this 😛

    Fleet Member

    I know some seem reluctant but I promise to take it slow and easy, and be as informative as needed. Simply ask away and I’ll answer to the best of my abilities and I really think this would be fun.

    @@Jamesmaxwell wrote:

    Well if anyone is interested, think about it as you guys get to determine the path of the Federation or other factions if you want to be Klingons or Romulans haha, and I’m the universe xD so whatever happens, happens and you’ll find out from me, so could be right away or later or do you know if a ship is lost or what haha.

    How about a test run? I’ll set it up and guys choose whichever open position and go from there.

    Right now, Game One:

    United Federation of Planets

    Tiny galaxy with a grid 23×23. Irregular Galaxy, Star and Planet Densities are Dense, Tech level Early, Minor Races are Few, Home Quadrant Canon, Research Rate Normal and Starting facilities default.

    Sol Starting location is sector (9, 21). As usual, start with 1 x Scout and 1 x Colony Ship. All Tech starts at Type One, including starships.

    Points of Interest:
    Sector (8, 19)
    Sector (8, 23)
    Sector (10, 19)
    Sector (11, 20)
    Sector (11, 22)

    Decided not to tell what is in those sectors, unless you guys want to make it simple and less challenging, then I’ll let you guys know :P.

    Starfleet Commander In Chief: OPEN
    System Manager: OPEN
    Embassy Liaison: OPEN
    Researcher: OPEN

    Commanding Officer Positions are always Open. So you can always throw your name into the list. The Starfleet Commander may then appoint someone to command the next available vessel. If you wish to take 100% control of Troop Transports and Colony ships, that is your choice. If you want to give someone command of those vessels, that is also your choice.

    This game is saved as 44th Fleet’s First Game. You guys are in control! How will you make the Federation? 😛

    Yup, I made this 😛

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