Forum Replies Created
September 13, 2022 at 7:17 pm #437349
I’ll suggest 44th Reunification Fleet, the idea being that for thematic reasons it can be for Vulcan and Federation-aligned Romulan characters (but “44th Romulan-Vulcan Reunification Fleet” is cumbersome ). I wish I’d understood earlier that the 44th Delta and 44th Gamma Fleets were named for the recruitment events relevant to the associated galaxy quadrants, as I was always confused before learning that about why there wasn’t a 44th Beta Fleet. I like the idea of having themed fleets, even if not every character in a given fleet is necessarily in it for the theme, though that would mean we’d want to come up with a different name for 44th Epsilon.
aka @etk#6256
December 23, 2021 at 1:55 am #435676I have successfully completed the challenge with my character Laant and am happy to provide whatever screenshots will serve as proof. He completed all main story arcs up to and including Gamma Quadrant, as well as all five “Galaxy at Large” side story arcs (Wasteland, Spectres, Lost Dominion, Cold War, and Kobali Crisis), all in as close to the “correct” chronological order as possible. Many bridge officers perished on the way, and they were immediately stripped of equipment and told to stay out of the way (as much as possible) upon being knocked out, but Laant himself was never knocked out or died and his ship was never destroyed.
Closest calls:
For space, definitely the closest call was a few months ago when I was playing the Days of Doom TFO on Advanced. It was clear none of the other players knew what to do at the end, so despite the extra risk, I took the big warp core and dropped it in front of the doomsday machine. I knew it was about to fire and I got as close to the edge of its firing arc and as far away as I could, but still caught much of it; it knocked the ship down to 4% hull.
For ground, it was actually unexpected and near the end of the journey, during one of the several combats with the mutant hur’q in Tenebris Torquent. Maybe the hur’q got a critical hit on him but his health was knocked down to maybe 15%, though a quick large hypo and running away got him out of trouble.
Another close call on the ground was the last portion of Dust to Dust where you have to go across a number of retractable platforms without falling. I was able to use Mudd’s Time Device to get through most of them (and it saved Laant several times), but the last one is so long that for the last few platforms, if you fall, you’re done, because the 30-second timer on the device would have run out by then, so good thing I didn’t mess that up when I got that far.
For BOff losses, the roughest was on What Lies Beneath from the Spectres side arc, where I lost all four BOffs (two in one combat, then the remaining two in another) and had to complete the mission alone.
That was a long grind but I think I will continue the story missions with this character and see if I can still keep him from dying or losing his ship.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by ETK.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by ETK.
aka @etk#6256
September 12, 2021 at 4:23 pm #434166I don’t know why Alpha and Beta were skipped.
This was something I too wondered, at least about Beta (I figured the main 44th Fleet was implicitly the alpha fleet), and just learned the answer recently: Delta and Gamma fleets were named such not for their progression in the Greek alphabet, but because they were created to accommodate characters for prior Delta Recruitment and Gamma Recruitment events.
In principle, I like the idea of having themed fleets, such as a temporal fleet for the new one, a Romulan/Vulcan reunification fleet, maybe fleets with other reputation-related themes (e.g. an anti-Borg fleet, an anti-Undine fleet, etc.) but I realize that we would have problems properly balancing numbers of characters across fleets going that route.
Still, I would suggest something like 44th Temporal Defense Fleet, 44th Temporal Task Force, or 44th Temporal Vanguard for the new one.
aka @etk#6256
April 17, 2021 at 8:17 pm #432252My character is still alive but the rest of the away team bought it in What Lies Beneath, which is deadlier than I remembered. They all had VR Mk XII or better equipment but three of them got knocked out at once by the photonic and Kolez got it in a fight against some Devidians moments later. At least my captain was never close to death, but it hurts to lose four BOffs at once. RIP Doazbaz, Doursos, Kolez, and Runk…
I thought their equipment would be fine for Normal difficulty, but apparently not, so I’m going to go even slower and get reputation ground equipment sets for my next away team members and make sure they’re all Mk XV.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by ETK.
aka @etk#6256
March 24, 2021 at 11:54 pm #431881I thought of another question. Rule #6 says that the character can only sell items they earn, and can’t, for instance, be gifted valuable items by other characters for the purpose of selling them on the Exchange to earn EC, or, presumably, for the purpose of salvaging them. But is the challenge character allowed to craft items using their own R&D abilities (and materials they’ve gathered on their own) to sell them on the Exchange?
aka @etk#6256
January 23, 2021 at 1:03 am #430867T’Vrell stupidly died in the makeshift prison on Nimbus III by running into one of the cells on her own. I had to remove her stuff from her body and dismiss her, but fortunately had another science officer waiting to commission.
aka @etk#6256
January 22, 2021 at 8:30 pm #430834I’ll give it a try.
Captain Name: Laant
Date Created: 2021/01/21
Race/Gender: Tellarite male
Ship Name and Class: U.S.S. Perseverance, Verity-X Legendary Command Dreadnought Cruiser
Faction: Federation
aka @etk#6256
January 22, 2021 at 7:46 pm #430831I’m going to answer this in what I think is the spirit of the challenge, and hopefully Xaxial will correct me if I’m wrong.
I have a question as we level are we allowed to upgrade items? If so which upgrades are we allowed to use? Also are we allowed to have another character craft specializations for us? Like temporal or pilot?
For upgrades, I don’t think there would be any restriction against using them, as long as the upgrade was not one purchased by another character; that is, you could craft an upgrade (such as a Superior Tech Upgrade – Cannon Technology) with another character to give to the participating character, but you couldn’t buy Phoenix boxes on another character, get Phoenix Universal Tech Upgrades from them, and then give those to the participating character. Likewise, I don’t think you could buy upgrade accelerators from the Exchange to give to the participating character, since you can’t craft those, but anything you craft with one character can be given to the character who’s doing the challenge, as I understand it. I think this would extend to specialization manuals your other characters make too, since they are crafted items, and I assume the same would go for PADDs and BOff ability manuals that can be crafted (e.g., Training Manual – Engineering – Emergency Power to Weapons III), but my interpretation would be that you couldn’t gift manuals that can be directly purchased from a vendor from another character to the participating character.
aka @etk#6256
January 21, 2021 at 4:38 pm #430823Another question: is there an exception for the Red Angel Revive ability of the Red Angel Suit? That is, if your character (or a BOff using it) gets knocked out while using it, and the revive ability brings you back, does it still count as a death for the purpose of the challenge? Also, and I forget what it’s called, there’s some kit module I forget the name of (a science one, I think, either from a reputation or lock box) that will resurrect unconscious BOffs and even NPCs who have fallen in combat – would using that on a fallen BOff likewise be an exception?
aka @etk#6256
January 19, 2021 at 9:45 pm #430775I have some questions.
1. I see sukobi asked about this already, but I want to be sure about your answer on this part: would the participating character be allowed to use starship mastery traits that have already been unlocked account-wide from Legendary ships?
2. Also to clarify your response to sukobi’s other question, I’m assuming that account-wide items you already obtained from the Zen store are usable by the participating character, e.g. consoles, weapon packs (such as the Crystal Power Pack), BOffs, special tribbles, and so on, but single-use items like XP boosts or Master Keys would not be allowed. I take it that Master Keys or any other single-use items the character purchases from the Exchange with EC they’ve earned on their own could be used, however.
3. Are there limits on crafted items created for and gifted by other characters to the participating character? Can the other characters reengineer mods on items as desired before giving them to the new character? Can other characters make upgrades, such as Superior Tech Upgrades, for the participating character to use? Could another character “pre-upgrade” an item for the participating character, i.e., craft and reengineer the item as desired at Mk II or whatever mark level is desired, apply an upgrade to it but not increase its mark, then give it to the participating character? (This might be something to consider allowing if the participating character is playing at Advanced or Elite difficulty.) Can other characters craft new equipment for the participating character as they advance, or can they only gift equipment to the character at the very beginning, and the participating character would have to upgrade their equipment (or obtain new equipment) on their own?
4. Can other characters make consumable devices, such as batteries, hypos, shield charges, etc. for the participating character, or only durable equipment (weapons, consoles, DECS pieces, ground armor, etc.)?
5. You say you’re only allowed to earn experience points from story missions, TFOs, and side quests (which I assume means the Galaxy at Large missions such as the Cold War ones). Am I correct in assuming that Deep Space Encounters, patrols, and adventure zones/battle zones are all disallowed, with exceptions for any such activities that have a story mission wrapper?
6. If the participating character is playing the challenge at Advanced or Elite, are they disallowed from playing TFOs that are only playable at a lower difficulty, such as Romulan Imperial Minefield, which can only be played at Normal difficulty? (Presumably a one-time-only exclusion would have to be made for a story mission that serves as a TFO wrapper.)
aka @etk#6256
November 13, 2020 at 7:54 pm #429994Welcome to the fleet! If you’d like any free crafted items for your characters, please let me know, I’m happy to make some for you, anything MK X or lower. Just message me on Discord or in the game.
aka @etk#6256
September 24, 2020 at 9:17 pm #429137Welcome to the fleet! I sent you an in-game mail, but in case you see this first, please let me know if you’d like me to craft any equipment for you, as at least for some things, what I can craft will be better than the random loot you will pick up and definitely better than what you can buy from most vendors.
aka @etk#6256
August 16, 2020 at 5:13 pm #428222I liked the idea someone mentioned on Discord the other week about making the new fleet a Romulan/Vulcan reunification one, though I don’t know how feasible that would be. On the one hand, we could have players move their Vulcan and (Federation-aligned) Romulan characters to it and thus the fleet would have characters who already have resources to put into the fleet projects, though of course the drawback would be that those characters would no longer have access to the various items only available at fleets with more advanced facilities.
aka @etk#6256
December 13, 2019 at 3:50 pm #425742Hi everyone, thank you! Sorry, I thought I put the right numbers in but I must have goofed up. I’m etk#6256 if that helps. Akula, I’ll try sending you an in-game message when I log back in.
aka @etk#6256