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  • #436317
    Fleet Member


    knew that, I’m just worried I’d end up with some bunch who wear kilts all the time or something.


    aka @dave67783#1664

    Fleet Member


    I’ve been in the temporal lot from it’s birth just about, and put a fair bit into building the holdings up – I think I’d prefer to stay put, at least for now, and help complete the job. I’ll try in game to get somebody to put the mighty bengo onto the promotion ladder in KDF, which is all I wanted really….. there’s no great rush I guess.

    Thanks for the reply,


    aka @dave67783#1664

    Fleet Member


    probably dumb of me, but how do I get a new character added to my existing ones? I asked in game and I was told I could ‘invite’ my character myself, but I’m beginning to suspect that wasn’t perhaps legit?


    aka @dave67783#1664

    Fleet Member

    Taffy has a historical ring to it of course, as a Brit we always used to just say ‘Tee Eff 76’ or whatever, I suspect Taffy is an american thing… there is nothing to stop anyone in a TF from referring to it as Taffy of course. It might be worth bearing in mind that whatever the fleet is named it might be an idea not to paint ourselves into a corner with a name that implies it’s the final one, as there will quite possibly be another such naming thread for the next fleet in  a year’s time. To be honest I’m much more concerned about getting the new starbase, dil mine etc going for the as yet to be named fleet – I’m gradually working out how these things grow.


    aka @dave67783#1664

    Fleet Member


    as I’m new (and therefore in the fleet currently) please go with the Greek alphabet – whichever letter you like, Beta (to fill the gap) would be my choice.

    I watched the fleet names seen in game for a good while before applying to 44th, the reason was that real naval forces (Starfleet is a naval style organisation)  don’t go round calling themselves ‘the 68th Lunar Devils’ and so on, they have task force/group designations – TF38 would have subordate TG’s like TG38.1 and so on. I liked 44th fleet as, frankly, it didn’t follow the all too apparent trend towards ‘yahoo I’m  tough I put marauders in the name’ fleet names. The name was part of the draw, I’m too old and crusty to have a macho gung ho name! (Look at my alt names, you’ll see a trend towards the tea drinking cucumber sandwich eating idiot is strongly suggested rather than Sgt Rock).

    Please, go with greek lettering – or at least avoid things that sound like we think we eat broken glass for breakfast.



    aka @dave67783#1664

    Fleet Member

    Sidra –

    Yes, Been all over the Med a lot of times – Sidra direction we used to look at Hammamet anchorage to see what was doing, Kithera across towards the Greek bit (saw a Sverdlov in there first time we visited, along with a couple of smaller vessels I don’t now remember), and of course lots of time spent in Gib and Cyprus. Had a lot of fun. and it was much nicer weather than  back home at Kinloss!



    aka @dave67783#1664

    Fleet Member

    Hi guys,

    thanks for the welcome.

    Marcase – forgive my crumble memories – Zwaardvis and Tijgerhai was it? Yes, our jet engines didn’t produce the lines that props did, I vaguely remember seeing jez printouts with Bears on and the ‘wet’ men saying Nimrods were relatively invisible. Ealy 90’s I was on 206 sqn, I did a couple of longish ground tours in ops before and after that, started in 1979 out of Kinloss. We probably passed each other a number of times.

    See you all around!



    aka @dave67783#1664

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