Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Main Deck › Xaxial’s STO Hardcore Challenge!
January 16, 2021 at 3:07 pm #430730
Greetings Shipmates!
I have come up with a challenge for anyone willing to try. The challenge is simple. You make a new character (Race, allegiance ect. don’t matter but you have to start at level 1 so no Jem’Hadar.) and run through the game! Easy right? But here are the challenges/rules.
1: If you die on the ground, your character is dead! gotta delete it! (yes you can strip it of stuff but that character is “He’s Dead Jim” dead.)
2: If your ship blows up, there is a CHANCE your captain will survive. You have to report your ship’s destruction and have another fleet member (prefer leadership) go here: https://www.calculator.net/random-number-generator.html where they will generate a number between 1 and 100. You then guess the number, if right you live. if wrong, captain went down with the ship. Game Over.
3. You only get 1 ship. Once you complete the Tutorial and can select a new ship, you may pick any T5 or T6 ship you can choose. Once you pick tho, that is it. That is the ONLY ship you can use the rest of the time.
4. You may use any console, build, weapons, ect you want, HOWEVER, you can ONLY change your ship’s equipment in a “shipyard.” IE while on Earth Space Dock or Klingon Shipyard. You CANNOT change equipment any other time.
5. Other characters may craft you gear to use, or gift you items. However, others cannot buy things specifically for you to use.
6. You CANNOT receive any EC from anyplace other than mission rewards or selling stuff you EARN (On the challenge character) to NPC or Exchange. This also means if others gift you items or craft you gear, you CANNOT sell it on the Exchange or NPC it. If you dont need the crafted item/gift, you must either bank it or salvage it.
7. In the event you survive your ships destruction, all gear equipped to that ship and the ship itself is lost to you the rest of the challenge. You must pick a new T5 or T6 ship and equip it from scratch.
8. NO POWER LEVELING! You are only allowed to earn EXP from Missions, TFOs and side quests.
9. Due to how easily it is to power level yourself with it, you are not allowed to use the DOFF system or Admirality until 65.
10. You can only accept missions as they are offered to you and you must complete them in order. If nothing is offered to you automatically, you have to go meet with the mission giver in person.
11. The game has to be played on “Normal” or higher.
12. If a BOff dies on an away mission, sorry, but they dead. You cannot use that particular boff anymore. Once you finish the current away mission, you may strip the Boff of items and then dismiss them.
13. Yes, you may reclaim any event reward or unlock you have for your account. You can even unpack a zen store ship you bought in the past to claim it’s console. The limitation is that you cannot buy (with zen or EC) anything for your character to use. Only things you already have unlocked.
The goal is to reach level 65 and complete the story lines up to and including Gamma Quadrant. If you are able to do this without dying and while following the rules laid out here, you will be rewarded with a forum ribbon and publicly recognized. Depending on how many people join in, we can also do “Deadpools” on placing bets on who will die and when. If a betting pool is made for a particular character, and that character completes the challenges, then all the bets go to the character.
Wanna take it on? Post the following information here to be considered a participant.
Captain Name:
Date Created:
Race/Gender: (this can be satisfied by posting a picture of the captain)
Ship Name and Class:
While there are many chances to cheat or bend the rules, this challenge is for fun. I ask that if you are participating, to be honest about following the rules laid out.
I look forward to seeing people take on this challenge and complete it!
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aka @xaxial#0851
January 16, 2021 at 3:15 pm #430732Captain Name: Dan
Date Created: 17Jan2021
Race/Gender: Alien/Male
Ship Name and Class: USS Gerald R. Ford NCC-201778 Vizier Class Command Assault Cruiser
Faction: Federation/ Present day
aka @xaxial#0851
January 17, 2021 at 2:28 pm #430761Captain Name: Vosukja
Difficulty: Normal
Faction: Fed/Rom
Race: Alien/EngineerShip Name and Class [Tutorial]: [T1] T’liss Light Warbird
Ship Name and Class [Career]: [T6x] Amarie
Ship Build: CSV+1torp [through L20]Themes: Aggressive, Heavies Stalker, Strafer
Music: EBM (Techno & Pop-remix primarily)Completed:
Vengeance [Level 52, 20210121]
Wasteland [Level 44]
In Shadows
From the AshesLosses:
Level 8: 1 BOFF who ran down the wrong corridor (who also had no ground skills active — poor Noob).
Level 40: 2 BOFF in Wasteland/The Undying — they pulled the ‘arena’ npcs somehow and left me running the rest of the machine in a combat state. We took out the entire bar, but those two were goners. Moving the crew up to more planned builds now.Close Calls:
Allies/Tradecraft — fleet fight moment where I tried to fly through the middle of the pack in alpha strike/survive mode, only to watch a lag spike rubberband me incessantly for a minute. Survived and ended up far away, but I may avoid flying *through* the packs on hardcore in the future.Confirmations:
* Recruitment gains are somewhere between power leveling and gear reclaim. Gear reclaim appears to be approved in this ruleset (using any gear) but how would you align recruitment claims?
* Due to the base restrictions, is it fair to assume that this is a 1-ship-trait-from-ship-mastery maximum? (As it precludes changing ships, this would presumably also mean no temporary swapping). Should this also disallow account-wide ship traits (legendary ships) or leave those as an available option?
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January 17, 2021 at 3:22 pm #430762Confirmations: * Recruitment gains are somewhere between power leveling and gear reclaim. Gear reclaim appears to be approved in this ruleset (using any gear) but how would you align recruitment claims? * Due to the base restrictions, is it fair to assume that this is a 1-ship-trait-from-ship-mastery maximum? (As it precludes changing ships, this would presumably also mean no temporary swapping). Should this also disallow account-wide ship traits (legendary ships) or leave those as an available option?
If it gives you exp or a pool of bonus exp, it’s a no no. you can reclaim any gear and/or traits you want but you cannot reclaim EC bonuses or EXP for your character level.
Yes, you cannot just swap ships to unlock masteries. However, if you can unlock a starship trait without swapping ships, that is ok. IE,tyou unlock “The Best Defence” from the House Pegh mission or if you have a spare onboard dilithium recrystalizer and you give it to your character, that is fine too. The catch is, you cannot buy ANYTHING from the exchange for the challenge character unless it is with EC that character has earned without outside assistance.
aka @xaxial#0851
January 17, 2021 at 6:14 pm #430768I’ll also give a try. Let’s see how far I can get 🙂
Captain Name: Skremor
Date Created: 19.01.2021
Race/Gender: Pakled/Female
Ship Name and Class: USS Hootsforce, Vorgon Ryn’kodan Carrier
Faction: Fed-2409
We must change ship equipment only on ESD or other stations qualify too?
aka @anganysamavu#4972, @kjoiner#6008January 18, 2021 at 8:24 pm #430772I’m too incompetent (especially on the ground) to qualify for this challenge, but can’t wait to see how it goes. Best of luck to everyone! =)
January 18, 2021 at 8:35 pm #430773We must change ship equipment only on ESD or other stations qualify too?
Only in places that do “repair” work or “outfit”
Examples include ESD, DS9, Fleet Starbase, KDF Shipyard, ect.
aka @xaxial#0851
January 18, 2021 at 10:45 pm #430775I have some questions.
1. I see sukobi asked about this already, but I want to be sure about your answer on this part: would the participating character be allowed to use starship mastery traits that have already been unlocked account-wide from Legendary ships?
2. Also to clarify your response to sukobi’s other question, I’m assuming that account-wide items you already obtained from the Zen store are usable by the participating character, e.g. consoles, weapon packs (such as the Crystal Power Pack), BOffs, special tribbles, and so on, but single-use items like XP boosts or Master Keys would not be allowed. I take it that Master Keys or any other single-use items the character purchases from the Exchange with EC they’ve earned on their own could be used, however.
3. Are there limits on crafted items created for and gifted by other characters to the participating character? Can the other characters reengineer mods on items as desired before giving them to the new character? Can other characters make upgrades, such as Superior Tech Upgrades, for the participating character to use? Could another character “pre-upgrade” an item for the participating character, i.e., craft and reengineer the item as desired at Mk II or whatever mark level is desired, apply an upgrade to it but not increase its mark, then give it to the participating character? (This might be something to consider allowing if the participating character is playing at Advanced or Elite difficulty.) Can other characters craft new equipment for the participating character as they advance, or can they only gift equipment to the character at the very beginning, and the participating character would have to upgrade their equipment (or obtain new equipment) on their own?
4. Can other characters make consumable devices, such as batteries, hypos, shield charges, etc. for the participating character, or only durable equipment (weapons, consoles, DECS pieces, ground armor, etc.)?
5. You say you’re only allowed to earn experience points from story missions, TFOs, and side quests (which I assume means the Galaxy at Large missions such as the Cold War ones). Am I correct in assuming that Deep Space Encounters, patrols, and adventure zones/battle zones are all disallowed, with exceptions for any such activities that have a story mission wrapper?
6. If the participating character is playing the challenge at Advanced or Elite, are they disallowed from playing TFOs that are only playable at a lower difficulty, such as Romulan Imperial Minefield, which can only be played at Normal difficulty? (Presumably a one-time-only exclusion would have to be made for a story mission that serves as a TFO wrapper.)
aka @etk#6256
January 18, 2021 at 10:56 pm #430776Evan. In order.
1. Yes
2. Also correct on both halves
3. Yes, as long as you did not buy it off the Exchange, Zen store, Lobi, you can gift what ever you want. You can upgrade or customize the items as long as you made it.
4. Consumables are ok IF YOU CRAFT THEM. otherwise, your challenge character has to buy them with EC you earn.
5. Correct. It has to be EXP from a mission or side quest. TFOs are ok too since you run a much higher risk of death but hey, if that is your shtick
6. The rules are simply at least normal. If you want to further challenge yourself with advanced or elite, then be my guest. as long as you keep it at a minimal of Normal, the rules are satisfied
aka @xaxial#0851
January 19, 2021 at 9:50 am #430790Dead. Should have been more cautious.
I think I’ll give another try in a bit
aka @anganysamavu#4972, @kjoiner#6008January 20, 2021 at 8:38 pm #430801Obituary written, rest in peace(s)
aka @xaxial#0851
January 20, 2021 at 11:28 pm #430805I will give it a go:
Captains Name: Dexx Varren
Date created: January 20, 2021
Race/Gender: Human/Male (no clue on how to do screenshots sorry.)
Ship Name/Class: U.S.S. Midway / Legendary Crossfield Class
Faction: Federation Discovery Era
I have a question as we level are we allowed to upgrade items? If so which upgrades are we allowed to use?
Also are we allowed to have another character craft specializations for us? Like temporal or pilot?
aka @dexxis7
January 20, 2021 at 5:38 pm #430823Another question: is there an exception for the Red Angel Revive ability of the Red Angel Suit? That is, if your character (or a BOff using it) gets knocked out while using it, and the revive ability brings you back, does it still count as a death for the purpose of the challenge? Also, and I forget what it’s called, there’s some kit module I forget the name of (a science one, I think, either from a reputation or lock box) that will resurrect unconscious BOffs and even NPCs who have fallen in combat – would using that on a fallen BOff likewise be an exception?
aka @etk#6256
January 21, 2021 at 8:00 pm #430829I love how this has captured the whole fleet – Nice one Xaxial – you returned from your Final Fantasy hiatus with a bang!
I may have to join the fray and give this a go… We shall see.
aka @jj_jiminey
January 21, 2021 at 8:46 pm #430831I’m going to answer this in what I think is the spirit of the challenge, and hopefully Xaxial will correct me if I’m wrong.
I have a question as we level are we allowed to upgrade items? If so which upgrades are we allowed to use? Also are we allowed to have another character craft specializations for us? Like temporal or pilot?
For upgrades, I don’t think there would be any restriction against using them, as long as the upgrade was not one purchased by another character; that is, you could craft an upgrade (such as a Superior Tech Upgrade – Cannon Technology) with another character to give to the participating character, but you couldn’t buy Phoenix boxes on another character, get Phoenix Universal Tech Upgrades from them, and then give those to the participating character. Likewise, I don’t think you could buy upgrade accelerators from the Exchange to give to the participating character, since you can’t craft those, but anything you craft with one character can be given to the character who’s doing the challenge, as I understand it. I think this would extend to specialization manuals your other characters make too, since they are crafted items, and I assume the same would go for PADDs and BOff ability manuals that can be crafted (e.g., Training Manual – Engineering – Emergency Power to Weapons III), but my interpretation would be that you couldn’t gift manuals that can be directly purchased from a vendor from another character to the participating character.
aka @etk#6256
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