Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser Build

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  • #428769
    Delsaran Daro
    Fleet Member

    So…not crazy about losing the turn rate on my current warbird but the Tal Shiar ship just looks soooo bada#s.  I’m like three lobi crystals away from being able to purchase it and I’m looking for insight on what some of you might consider an optimal build.  Anything that increases turn rate would be top of the list I’d say.  My game play seems to be mostly…well…I love tearing around blowing up bad guys in space…so as much muscle, defense and the like.  Any insight would be appreciated.


    aka @talyn#3391

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    This would be my vanilla setup, not knowing where you would focus your damage: beams, cannons, torps etc, so replace the Beam FAW/BO with Cannon Scatter Volley/Cannon Rapid Fire.

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    Running two copies of Aux2Damp back-to-back will both increase turn-rate and give you a slight buff. You could get away with one copy and replace the second Aux2Damp2 with EPTW3, and replace one listed copy of EPTW1 with an Engineering Team for better hull heal.

    A simple thing to increase turn rate is to keep your engine power above 55; that’s the threshold turn get’s a (small) increase.
    You could even add an EPTE (Engines) as below:
    ” alt=”” />

    Drawback of this is unless you have a good ‘rythm’ going EPTE will be like a drunk co-driver stomping down on the gas when you’re not needing it, resulting in an overshoot/flyby when you least need it. But it does make you sprint and turn a lot better.

    Another way to improve turn rate is to minimize the cooldown of Evasive Maneuvers as much as possible; there are 2 special Doffs you can slot to do that. One to reduce cooldown of Evasive itself, the other reduces Evasive cooldown whenever EPTE is triggered. I use something similar on my Vonph which turns like a brick house.

    And of course, you should ‘consume’ Deuterium Surplus like a speed-junkie: you can either craft it yourself (R&D Engineering school lvl 15) or pick up four after completing the Defense Contract mini-mission.

    Hope this gives you some ideas.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Delsaran Daro
    Fleet Member

    Ok…Marcase, I’m going to go with “that’s exactly what I asked for…”.  So thank you…I see I have some homework to do.  🙂

    As I stumble around learning a new language…I hope I can continue to count on you for insight.  And maybe a walk through with a wrench on some of it..?

    And…just for the sayin.  I used to be the sysop for two different BBS’s that I built and maintained myself.  Gives me pause to reflect on how long I’ve been online.  I remember the swelling pride when I got my first 2400 bps modem.  I’d forgotten how much fun it is to get into the guts of things.

    Thank you for the help…


    aka @talyn#3391

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Hehe, well just throwing it out there. As always, any questions, never hesitate to ask. We’ve all been there, and looking for clear cut answers in the World of STO is a swampy jungle we’ve all got (and often still get) stuck in.

    Just remember that there is no One Ship or One Build To Rule Them All. You can have the ‘best’ ship fully equipped with gold/epic weapons and dynamite bridge/duty officers, it won’t do much if the captain flies it like a drunk Pakled. You have to figure out which playstyle suits you best and include that in your build and even ship choice.

    Other than that, we love geeking out over ship builds so keep it coming.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    I have no idea what ship kit you have, but if you’re on a “STO budget” (no Reputation gear, few if any reputation marks) you can buy some fairly cheap Fleet gear as a stop-gap.

    Your Fleet starbase (both Fed and KDF) has Fleet Engines, and although I don’t suggest Advanced fleet gear (overtaken by better Elite variants so a waste of resources) there is a (Turn)x3 Advanced engine that gives you a bit more turn. Again, just as a stop gap. Alternatively you can have something similar crafted or bought on the exchange.

    The same goes for Fleet Deflectors and Fleet Shields (go for a Resilient Shield), and you can find some good Singularity cores on the Fleet mine – make sure you get a core with the (AMP) mod which adds damage.

    Once again a vanilla setup which works well but does not require any expensive lockbox/exchange/lobi/whatever investment.

    Cheap setup based on beams, with a Gravity Well for funsies which is boosted by 2 Grav Generators to increase its pulling force. Includes EPTE for extra Turn

    Weapons fore/aft – 4/4 Romulan Plasma beam arrays

    Subspace Field Modulator, Shield Battery, Weapons Battery, Deuterium Surplus

    Eng – 2x Neutronium Alloy, 2x RCS Accelerators
    Sci – 2x Graviton Generators, 2x Shield Emitter Amplifiers
    Tac – 3x Plasma Infusers

    Weapons are Romulan Plasma beam arrays which will quite often drop from just doing the Romulan Reputation daily’s – so they’re basically free. Besides Plasma they also have a disruptor proc which is a nice combo. Add maximum Plasma Tactical consoles as well.

    The next step-up would be replacing the above kit with their superior Fleet variants, eg Enhanced Neutronium armor and RCS consoles from the fleet mine, superior tactical consoles from the fleet spire etc etc and then upgrading everything to Mk XV purple/gold.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Delsaran Daro
    Fleet Member

    So…got the Tal Shiar ship.  Jeezus…and I thought my Warbird was big.  What a lumbering hulk….but…like flying it.  There’s certainly a place and a reason for a ship that can just stand there blasting away and taking almost no damage while like five million bad guys are whaling away at you.

    Was a good purchase…

    Gonna work on your recommended build.


    aka @talyn#3391

    Delsaran Daro
    Fleet Member

    Am I correct in concluding there is no specific Fleet variant for this ship?


    aka @talyn#3391

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