Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Main Deck › = State of the Fleet, August 2015 =
August 1, 2015 at 6:17 pm #154922
Greetings 44th,
Join me and welcome our newest members from July;
eeethree from Canada
nsleone from Canada
Renanf0 from Brazil
wilhemdevere from the UK
Quadraticone from the US
gguuii1 from Brazil
Utherkai from the UK
rodimus from the UK
bdunaway67 from Mississippi, USEven with the usual vacation/holiday seasonal dip we’re attracting new members, and we wish those of us that are taking a break good times.
On fleet projects; they are all chugging along nicely. 44th Main and 44th Assault Squadron focus on the Research Lab, while the focus for the 44th Delta Fleet is on the Tier 3 mine, so all Delta members can benefit from the dilithium discount on projects (already done on both Fed main and KDF mines). The Admiralty keeps slotting provisioning projects so when we do hit tier 3 there will be ample provisions for everybody.
The new Armada is in play, and after a rocky start I’m happy to announce we finally found some fleets of kindred spirits of the no hassle, no drama variant.
Go to the fleet Tab / Armada and click on any fleet / Holdings and you see a list of available projects you can donate to; there are no restrictions for donating.A big, wet, sloppy, fangs-out Nausican kiss for our fleet ambassador Damix for his hard work laying the ground work finding these fleets.
If any of you know of Fleets that want to join our growing Armada, we have some Beta and Gamma spots available but, just like the Orion dancer of the Month, they’re in high demand. Post on our forum if you see/know a potential candidate.Benefits to our fleet and players are some discounts and easier access to various fleet projects to earn Fleet Marks. In the near future we’d like to use the Armada as a pool of no-drama players to hook up with when doing STFs etc, and perhaps even fleet vs fleet pvps.
Another added benefit is that some fleets added a lot of new “Tier Low” sub-fleets just to open up easy projects that require a lot of Doffs (these fleets may be disbanded and re-formed just for the easy projects). White Science and Engineering Doffs are in rising demand so get your free ones from the Academy and you can sell them for +40K ec each. If you have the Fleet Credits to spare, buy random white doffs at our 44th Main and KDF starbase (Ops, personnel NPC) and you can earn a decent amount of ec.
A downside of the Armada is the security mechanic that dictates that *all* fleet leaders must agree on certain decisions; that’s why we’re forced to demote (but not remove) some of our retired fleet admirals like Latinumbar, Zippy and Grouchy. They stay on the roster as Vice-Admirals.
As I write this, the zen/dili market is favorable at 217 – this naturally won’t last so keep an eye out for (sale) announcements which will make it shoot up like a tribble in a frying pan. This might be the time to trade in some refined dilithium.
After a bit of an admin snafu of yours truly, the Tier 2 Tournament is well underway and has given us some fun battles: epic encounters of Constitution cruisers fighting de-cloaking Bird Of Preys – can’t beat the classics.
I’d like to salute all participants for their gentlemanly behaviour and allround sportsman-like attitude. A salute to all!As always, questions and comments are welcome.
Per ardua ad astra,
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."August 2, 2015 at 12:15 pm #163054Welcome guys! 🙂
August 5, 2015 at 6:30 am #163055Welcome to the fleet !
August 9, 2015 at 4:35 pm #163056Thanks Marcase, this deserves a Talaxian hug ^^
August 25, 2015 at 4:09 pm #163057Kamxam
Fleet MemberWelcome also!
(Sorry i’m not on much. Been a lot of stuff in life going on and i try to get on when i can) -
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