Sharing enthusiasm

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  • #176917
    Fleet Member

    Hello all fellow players, today I applied to join the 44th Fleet and @Marcase was so nice and welcoming! She (or his female avatar) guided me around the starbase and holdings, patiently explained me the features of the places, showed me many places, gave me presents and I felt very spoiled. I am quite bad at using a chat system or playing in a team, I always played alone, yet @Marcase has been very kind and patient notwithstanding my lack of experience. So thank you @Marcase, and thanks to all the welcoming fleetmates, you make me feel part of a very nice group!

    I am proud to be in the 44th Fleet 🙂

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Well I hope you’ll still be proud when it’s your turn to clean out the zero-gravity toilets after the next late night fleet party – all part of your initiation, you understand.

    And just to be clear, don’t let these skirts and high heels confuse you, I am a red-blooded male. 🙂

    Seriously, I’m happy when you’re happy to be with the Mighty 44th. We’re one of the oldest fleets in STO and we hope to keep going for quite a little longer. The only way that happens is participation from you all and the general no drama and good nature that has been the core of the 44th – it’s a joint effort by everyone of our members and I’m proud to be part of the staff that runs this fleet.

    And I cannot, and do not, do this alone; without Sargon, Damix, Defcon, Palcioz, Blackout, Fatman and Horridperson I would’ve plundered the Starbase bar and ran off with some Orion girl on the next ship available long ago – running a fleet is hard work !

    Carry on Captains.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    But, I can’t clean the zero-G toilets, I mean, the Federation calls me only for important jobs like spraying the insects and count the epohhs while they jump all around. And this is why I studied so hard at the Academy!

    I am surprised to see that you were wearing a red T-shirt in that photo, it’s amazing how you are still alive after that!

    I strongly suspected that you were a male player because my husband told me that many players are males even if their characters are not, and after that I started to notice a positive correlation between the size of the avatar’s boobs and the % ratio of male players… 😀

    I like the rules of this community, I don’t need a place with trolls or boasting players, and I am not one of those. I am the kind of person who really appreciates the Star Trek world for the spirit of union and friendship, together with the sci-fi side. And this is why, beyond the game, I am always happy to find a community with this spirit.

    And thank you all for playing with me yesterday! ^_^ I was quite sick of playing alone in a MMOG…



    Fleet Member

    Hi Beares,

    Yes these guys are awesome. I too am mostly a solo player (Most MMOs I have played in the past) but ever since I joined STO and the fleet I have really enjoyed fleeting with these guys. They make it fun and stress free!. That’s why I try to run with them when real life allows it.

    Marcase is always happy to help. So are most of the veterans in the fleet. I ask a lot of questions and they have amazing patience with it all.

    Yes I agree that we don’t need Epeen or elitist players and that’s what makes this fleet so chilled, relaxed and fun to be in.

    Like I said, I’m happy to fleet up anytime as long as real life allows it. Just ask in diplo chat :D.

    See you in game


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by ichie4969.
    Fleet Member

    Hi Hichie! Nice to meet you. Good to have a confirmation of the positive impression I had of this place from you too. Today I played with other members of the fleet and were also very nice and patient. Even if I am an old fan of videogames, and I mean since the age of PacMan, I never played team missions and similar. Usually I don’t even play games with much action, so I am not expert at all and I put in the shoes of expert players who have to wait for me to understand and do the right move: I take it as a kind favor.

    I do have plenty of things to ask, I think I’ll make a list and post a thread!

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Yes, make that list, and ask, and keep asking questions ! I know that a lot of things in STO are hard to understand for especially beginning players, things that we ‘veterans’ take for granted. Knowing how we can assist / guide new members will improve overall gameplay – and more importantly fun !
    There’s a growing risk that STO will turn in nothing more than a grind-fest, where collecting dilithium is taking up all our play-time. I see a drop in joint fleet-runs because everyone ‘must’ do Crystalline and Featured Episodes (on multiple alts). That’s all fine, but you’ll start hating the game if it becomes another job – and heck, I already have two! 😉

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    Jup, Marcase rulez….

    Fleet Member

    I’ve already became too lazy to collect Dilithium 😀

    While I like very much to follow the stories (missions), as they are the most similar thing to a new Star Trek series that we have nowadays.

    I completed the Cristalline event, my first event so far. It’s a very fast pew-pewing that gets repetitive after a while, but now I know that there are further events in the future for us players.

    I think this game is very various and even if I am very changeable, I could stick for a long time to it, just like I did for Oblivion and Skyrim, The Sims series or Minecraft. And I notice that like these games, STO has a pleasant music backround, wich for me has a certain importance.

    Last month I played a new game called “Anno 2205”, wich is a nice strategy space game, and wow, how boring is the music… after an hour or so I get so tired of that russian-like chorus! But I find myself singing the music of STO, also when I am not playing 🙂


    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Ah poor neighbors 😀

    But if you really can’t get enough:

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    Thanks Marcase! I did wonder if there was some source to downolad the theme music from STO, and here it is.

    My neighbors are hearing impaired and probably happy for that because of me… 😀


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