Romulan/KDF Fleet

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  • #154410
    Fleet Member

    Hey everyone, I just registered and submitted an application. I’m interested in getting involved in a fleet. On the STO forums the recruiting said there were Romulan/KDF fleet

    “The 44th Assault Squadron and 44th Fleet are recruiting for allied Romulan players.

    Please note that we have a “One-fleet” policy. We value the PLAYER, not just the character or alt. Thus, we do not permit “multi-fleeting”. We welcome all your alts to the 44th Fleet and/or the 44th Assault squadron.

    As a KDF allied Romulan, you will have access to near fully unlocked fleet holdings with the following exceptions (at the time of this post):
    – T4 Comm array (soon to be T5)
    – T4 Starbase (to be upgraded after comm array upgrade)
    All other holdings are fully unlocked for gear.

    As a Fed allied Romulan, you will have access to FULLY unlocked fleet holdings.

    Have a look at our site for more info.”

    I’m just not seeing anything about Romulan/KDF fleets on here. Maybe i’m just missing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Fleet Member

    Generally this site is dedicated to the 44th Fleet as a whole. So anything posted in the forums is kind of for both. Once you get your main invite, after being accepted, you can just hop on the fleet chat channel and ask for invites to the Fed or KDF fleets for your alts. Too bad there are no blanket invites to accounts.

    "You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe." - Marcus Cole, Babylon 5

    Team Player

    Hey Joeshabadoo, members of 44th Fleet on Fed side have their alt characters on Kdf side (and vice versa). So it is the same fleet with different name. We have shared chat channel where members of both fleets can communicate.

    But sorry for the confusion, as Fatman said, everything that is written counts for 44th ASQ. If you have any question, let us know.

    We are waiting for our fleet Admiral to come online so he can invite you to the fleet.

    See you in game soon (:

    Fleet Member

    Thanks everyone. Appreciate the help. Looking forward to getting in game with you guys.

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Yup, 44th Fleet is Fed, 44th Assault Squadron is KDF, and your Rom can be allied with either. That’s why we use one chat channel – the 44th-diplo channel – so we can communicate no matter which fleet you’re in; often fleeties like myself hop form faction to faction several times a minute.

    Truth be told, the seperation between both is vague and just there because the game demands it.

    KDF aligned Romulans have of course full access to our KDF starbase, Spire, Embassy and Mine.

    STO seems to loosen the ropes so multi-faction PVE/PVP gaming will be more possible in the future than the previous strict blue/red faction line, a further reason Fed/KDF will join in common missions.

    On a side note, I never understood why the Roms couldn’t have their own faction; the Rom Flotilla can act as a Rom fleet starbase and the Rom HQ as the homeworld/homebase (akin ESD and Qonos). But much of the game re PVE and episodes still need a blue/red enemy model I guess.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

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