no dilithium armada donations for 44th assault squad?

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Main Deck no dilithium armada donations for 44th assault squad?

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  • #155056
    Fleet Member

    So I was trying to earn some fleet credits by donating dil to some armada members. Says no dil donations allowed to armada members. Can we change this? The Fed 44th fleet is allowed to make dil donations to armada members so i’m not sure what the reason on restricting it for KDF 44th. Please help. Want to try and buy some elite pets but need about 200k in fleet credits.


    Team Player

    Type of currencies allowed are chosen by fleet you want to donate to. If all Kdf fleets in our Armada chose to not accept Dilithium, we can’t do anything about it. Is there any fleet project I could open on our side?

    edit: I opened the “Station Brig Officer on Starbase project” on Kdf side

    edit2: could be it is on our end about the dilithium, not sure where to check

    off-topic: I just figured out your name is from the Simpsons ^^

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Some Armada Fleets have locked donations, incoming and outgoing, of both dilithium, fleet marks and xp – like Damix said, that’s on their end and we have no influence over that.

    We had some dili projects on our side locked primarily because we have still many hungry dili projects open. It was a way to channel donations but overall we allow unlimited cross-donations across all (Armada) Fleets and factions – with 2 Fed and a KDF Fleet we need to.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

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