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October 10, 2013 at 8:09 am #154261
Reading the dev blog on the Voth got me thinking, so I thought I’d start a speculation thread.
Two things of interest in Voth physiology is their ability to fire spines from the lower arms that are coated with a paralytic poison and their ability to enter a rapid hibernation state to avoid danger. Our warriors should use caution when engaging them in close combat.
I think we will see an innate poison spike attack which will cause a hold or root, and perhaps a crystalline entity type absorption phase which may convert incoming damage into regained health.
However, this religious devotion to Doctrine could be a weak point for the Voth. Voyager logs indicate that the Voth will reject technology that is counter to Doctrine. We can use this to our advantage. The Voth are very slow to change and adapt, and their adherence to Doctrine exacerbates this issue. We must be more agile and more willing to try new tactics to defeat them
Clearly new sets of specialized weapons, almost certainly another rep to grind.
. In addition, they have the ability to build massive city ships. These “Fortresses” can house entire fleets, in addition to thousands of Voth. It would take a small fleet to assault one of these, and we need to consider such engagements carefully before we undertake them.
This means we’re getting stfs based on attacking the city ships. I’m thinking a ship with similar capabilities to the unimatrix ships, though heavily beefed up. The ground mission will likely involve sabotaging internal systems or something like that.
They seem reluctant to engage unless it is a question of Doctrine or survival, and find combat distasteful, preferring to attempt to overwhelm their foes quickly with superior technology.
This screams lots of disable and hold effects. I’m not sure how I’d feel about going up against a fleet of science ships with what’s sure to be escort dps. Maybe APO and Polarize Hull will be more necessary in this event?
Sources among the Hirogen have told us of Voth battle suits and saurian creatures trained for combat that the Voth use in war, but we have no direct evidence of these phenomena.
New piece of ground armor, boring. Fighting rampaging dinosaurs, crazy fun sounding.
I wonder why this is a KDF communique. I assume the Voth would be most interested in a holy war with humans to retake Earth. Though they’d have to reject or modify doctrine to accept Earth as their homeworld, an effect of the good doctor from the voyager episode perhaps. It could be as simple as alpha quadrant powers exploring the delta quadrant and encountering the Voth, pew pew ensues.
I hope the introduction of the Voth threat causes the “war” between the Fed and KDF to end, but that can’t be as decloaking and alpha striking enemies in pvp is a Klink’s bread and butter. But really, in terms of storyline, there is little reason for the KDF and Fed to remain at war. Especially in light of the Romulan Republic allying with both, this action should be a bridge to peace. I mean, come on, my KDF toons funnel resources to Fed toons and they funnel other resources back… it’s a well oiled machine, not some cutthroat war.
Any thoughts, counter arguments in areas where I went wrong or further speculation?
"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe." - Marcus Cole, Babylon 5
October 10, 2013 at 8:51 am #159445Good stuff 😉
Yeah the whole Fed/KDF War is becoming moot and outdated, but simply put the game has invested too much and just needed a Blue/Red Good guy/bad guy side so you had someone to beat up. NPC roasting is just not going to work in an MMO.
It’s been discussed elsewhere ad nauseum, and to end the war a total STO episodes “story arcs” rewrite would be necessary.
The evil word *reboot* comes to mind.Still, a common threat/episode mission(s) for Fed & KDF to unite is possible, but in a way that could have been the Tholian threat – or even the Borg – and the KDF didn’t bury the Batleth for them either.
I’m very looking forward to the 5-person ground Voth “STF’s”, end especially the Dyson Sphere “space” battles.
Hope that Featured Episode will go live soon.
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..." -
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