Got a good game play video? POST IT!

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  • #428701
    Crypto 136
    Fleet Member

    I finally had an idea for a post and here it is, made this video for it and everything. We always see each other’s builds but we rarely see them intimately in action, so here’s my Tholian Tarantula Dreadnought [T6] being awesome.

    Got video for one of your ships in action? Share so we can see it!

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    (aka @piett777)

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Nice video, but how can you see anything with all those trays blocking your view? 🙂

    We can also give you some pointers on how to improve your build; your weapon power is way too low – it was often fully depleted and that meant your beams were just a pretty lightshow tickling the NPCs hullpaint.

    Post your Tarantula build here and we’ll suggest some notable improvements so you can clear maps on Advanced in no time.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Crypto 136
    Fleet Member

    Best I can do for the pictures without spending an hour making a fancy build layout. Also it should be noted that the Tarantula is not my main ship and is still being worked on. My main ship is a Khopesh Tac Dreadnought [T6]

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Crypto 136. Reason: adding DOFFs
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Crypto 136.
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    (aka @piett777)

    Crypto 136
    Fleet Member

    And sorry about the UI, not all of us have good eyes or can afford a massive or second screen 😛

    (aka @piett777)

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    This is fine, and my comments weren’t to critique you, but as a fellow fleetie you also now have the right to melt your targets with little effort and maximum fun instead of just being a shiny discoball, and that’s where your fleet comes in. Any blame is with Cryptic as they don’t explain the mechanics of the game in any way leaving us players to figure it out ourselves.

    And my UI comment was about that huge chat window that was blocking your screen in your youtube video. But hey, if it works for you, roll with it. 🙂

    The Tarantula is a wonderful dreadnought (I have one too) which will serve you well, and I must first compliment you on the all-epic kit you have equipped it with: that must have been some serious dilithium investment.
    You have however overspecialized in tanking and except two tactical consoles nothing in damage. The Tarantula can have a good balance between firepower and survivability.

    What follows is a vanilla build, meaning I won’t include traits/rep gear or exotic powers for now.

    First of, you have to run a “Drake” build; alternating 2 copies of Emergency Power to x, where x can be Shield, Weapons, Engine or Auxiliary power.
    Support these two engineering powers with 2-3 Damage Control Engineers duty officers that reduce EPTx power.

    If you have the Doffs use EPTS (Shields) and EPTW (Weapons). If you don’t have the DOffs use 2 identical EPTS (for tanking) or 2x EPTW (for damage).

    Ideally you put these EPTx in a keybind, either one you already have (programmable mouse/keys, software) or by using the Hilbert keybind.
    If you haven’t already use that one: it’s a very old site but it still works, Just copy -paste the .txt file there and follow the instructions and you’re STO experience just got a massive boost.

    Your bridge officer setup needs some tweaking by retraining some of your Boffs – you can find the manuals at the Bridge officer trainer on ESD (under Adm Quinns office). It should look something like this:

    ” alt=”” />

    LTN Tac – Tac Team 1, Atk Pat Beta 1
    LTC Tac – Tac Team 1, Fire at Will 2, Beam Overload 3
    LTC Sci – Hazard Emitters, Science Team 2, Gravity Well 1
    Ens Sci – Tractor Beam (unchanged)
    CDR Eng – Engineering Team, Emergency Pwr to Shields 2, Emerg Pwr to Wpn 3, Reverse Shield Polarity

    Keybind: Tac Team, EPTS2, EPTW3 Tac Team (try to keep this running 24/7)

    Power setting: Weapons.
    Pets setting: Attack.

    1 – Consume Auxiliary Battery, Gravity Well
    2 – Brace for Impact, Tac Team, Atk Pat Beta, FAW or Beam Overload.
    (keep that keybind running)

    Hazard Emitters – plasma cleanse (HE1 is fine, higher is a waste)
    Science Team + Reverse Shield Polarity (Shield heal/buff in combo with EPTS)
    Engineering Team (Hull heal)
    Evasive Maneuvers (keep moving in/out of 10km range)

    With the above heals and buffs, you can reduce your tanking consoles. Move the 2 Tholian consoles to Engineering, and keep 1 RCS and 1 armor of your choice in there.
    Replace 1 (preferably 2) science console with a Console – Science – Graviton Generator: this will increase the pull power of your Gravity Well.
    Tactical consoles should be ALL Phaser Relays – you cannot have too many tac consoles, ever.

    Quick word on console stacking, in STO 1+1+1 does NOT equal 3, but 2.5. There is a diminishing return for using identical consoles with the exception of Tac consoles, since moah damage is always bettah.

    If you use these tips you will notice an improvement in your build.

    Btw this setup (the keybind, Bridge officer powers etc etc) also works on your Khopesh Scimitar.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Btw the Tholian web cannon can be made into a one-shot blaster, but it needs some serious support. First it needs as many Science Exotic Particle Generators as you can fit (3x) plus extra in the form of universal consoles with (EPG). In your current build your Grav Well will collect, and your Web Cannon will hold targets and your Fire at Will will do the slice and dice.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Crypto 136
    Fleet Member

    Wow that’s a-lot to process haha. Gonna take me days to figure this all out. Thank you for taking the time to go so in depth on this 🙂

    Sorry if I seemed hostile, sarcasm doesn’t translate well into text haha.

    Sadly, I don’t have very many (good) DOFFs so I’m limited in my choices atm. Came back to the game after a very long absence and had no idea they played such a big role, so I’ve been attempting to add some nice ones to my roster.

    As for my BOFFs, they have every skill that can be bought from the NPC at ESD. The reason they have those active skills running is because my response time is very slow and I need all the local heals I can get. My focus was never damage anyway so that hasn’t been a huge concern for me, as I prefer soaking up all the damage the enemy can offer. My response time won’t change, I have some limits beyond my control.

    But, as I move forward in building a purpose fit setup for the Tarantula I’ll definitely be using your post as reference material. For now I’ll be sticking with my Khopesh.

    (aka @piett777)

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