Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › The Oasis Recreation › But I have pretend spaceships to fly darnit!
June 23, 2015 at 11:24 pm #154870
My ISP has taken it upon itself to abandon me tonight. Left with only a dusty old to do list that I’ve neglected for some months I set out with glue, a file, and a paper towel to begin work on the first item of the list. Fix my daughter’s jewelry box.Perhaps not as much fun as being the daring captain of a starship. Solving the galaxy’s problems with my dashing good looks and lasers.
So about 5pm my time my internet service took a nap. It still works but I took a picture of the screen after the longest internet speed test in recorded history in case I decide to take a trip to my cable provider’s office to ask why. There’s just not much you can do when your download speed is 0.03 Mbps. Figured it’d clear up but 6 hours later and it’s topping out at 2.13 Mbps.
I felt the need to share my blues with those who may understand. So do a favor for a fleetmate currently lost in the void…Punch a Herald for me and wish me luck. I’ll be back for the other arm soon enough T’Ket. Right now I got a My Little Pony jewelry box that needs this captain/handyman’s attention.
June 23, 2015 at 2:21 am #162672Whenever I get cut off and start having withdrawal symptoms I tend to break things, so kudos to you for actually fixing stuff instead 😀
No worries, I for one will bash some Heralds and catch some extra rays on Risa on your behalf till you get back. Tough job, but hey, that’s what the fleet is for ^^
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."June 23, 2015 at 8:59 am #162673On several occasions I’ve been without internet or even computer. In times without internet I would mostly focus on playing single player games, working on my ST novels, creating and editing pictures in photoshop…
When I was without computer, things were even more difficult for me, so I had to find another ways of entertainment and the most common ones were going out with friends or girlfriends, watching TV, drawing spaceships (which I still do from time to time), cycling and so on.
So yeah, there are always alternatives, you just need to find which ones are best for you.
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