Application for Luc2

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Luc2

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Author
  • #436437
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Luc
    • Age: 30
    • Location: GMT+2
    • Characters: FED: Luc@archon#2084
    • Previous fleets:
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? nice website
      PC version game
    • Tell us about yourself: Star Trek fan
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Luc.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Luc.

    aka @archon#2084

    Fleet Admiral
    Team Player


    Attempting to invite Luc@archon throws “Player not found” errors. Is the name correct? are there numbers after that have been missed? Is the character through the tutorial mission? If the character is Rom or Jem, has it gotten to the point where you’ve had to choose a side yet? Has the character been logged in within the past couple of weeks? These are all things I can think of that could cause the error. To help us get you an invite, feel free to edit your post to make corrections, or reply here, or speak up ingame in our 44th-diplo chat channel (instructions to join it are in the post above).

    Fleet Member

    Hi! Thanks for the quick response. I forgot that I have automatically received #2084 after “archon”.

    Please try Luc@archon#2084

    aka @archon#2084

    Fleet Member


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by BreakingForce. Reason: removed html gobbledygook

    aka @archon#2084

    Fleet Admiral
    Fleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Welcome aboard!

    aka @phoenix#6622

    Team Player

    Hi Luc,

    I am @Sensei_Krieger and I am the fleet instructor. If you need or want to get shown around the The Starbase and various fleet holding, just let me know. I would be more than happy to also help you with any build or equipment questions that you have. All of the command staff is really knowledgeable about the game. Welcome to the 44th. Fleet, we are a friendly fleet with a great membership.

    Welcome Aboard!!!


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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