Our Fleet › Forums › Public Lounge › Recruitment Academy › Application for kermy@ladykermy
January 8, 2015 at 8:40 pm #154692
Main character’s name: Character-kermy@ladykermy (FED)
Real Name: Angela
Location: CST
Full Alt character names: (and please indicate Fed or KDF): N/A
Are you Silver, gold or Lifetime?: No
Do you have Teamspeak? Yes
Tell us about yourself (trek/game history, whatever you want us to know about you): Wife of Critter
Why did you choose the Mighty 44th: Critter made me LOL
Have you read the rules: (the rules and regulations are located under the ‘About Us’ tab at the top): YuppersJanuary 8, 2015 at 1:52 am #161639Hello Angela (hey, the whole Critter family complete 😀 )
Thanks for applying to the mighty 44th. You should receive your invite next time you log in.
Join our 44th chat channel “44th-diplo” by copy/pasting or typing the following into the chat window: /channel_join 44th-diplo
This is used to communicate with our 44th Fleet, 44th Strategic Logistics Division and our 44th Assault Squadron (KDF) – we don’t use the in-game provided fleet channel.
For Teamspeak details visit – http://startrek.44thfleet.com/forum/index.php?f=12&t=30&rb_v=viewtopic
As a new Ensign you will be stationed for 4 weeks in the 44th Strategic Logistics Division.
To get promoted to Lieutenant and transferred to the main 44th Fleet – and its access to the various Fleet stores and facilities – you must meet 3 requirements.1) Must have either logged into the game or posted on our 44th forum at least once during the review period of 1 month (which starts today);
2) Have an in-game leaderboard donation of 50,000 fleet credits minimum (either by one, or by your total alts combined);
3) Must be in good standing with the fleet.
Please bookmark the “Active Topics” page of our forum to keep up-to-date,
Welcome aboard!
"Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..." -
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