Application for connfire

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for connfire

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  • #178565
    Fleet Member
    • Real name: Rob
    • Age: 47
    • Location: Connecticut
    • Characters: In order of creation: Miles@robofearth (Fed lvl 60 Eng); K’Resh@robofearth (Kling lvl 60 Tac); Gene Pierce@robofearth (Fed lvl 60 Eng); Venna@robofearth (Rom-Fed lvl 51 Science); Thran@robofearth (Fed lvl 60 Tac Temp. Agent). Also 2 minor ones under lvl 40 I don’t do much with.
    • Account type: Silver
    • Previous fleets: Never, unless you count the 3 seconds my Temp Agent answered a random fleet invite in order to get the Temporal Agent objective, then quit once I realized there were only 2 people in it.
    • Why join the Mighty 44th? I have never been in a fleet. I am painfully shy online, but this seems to be a friendly group. I’ve been lurking the 44th website for some time – appreciate the history, seriousness (where it counts) and flexibility (again, where it counts). If I’m going to join a fleet, I’d rather it be a respectable one like the 44th rather then some fly by night thing with a silly name. I’ve been debating for some time whether to join, I guess I decided now is the time to get involved. I also don’t like joining groups just for the sake of joining, so I do plan to contribute when and how I can, just not sure how that will be because this is my first plunge into the fleet aspect of STO.
    • Tell us about yourself: I am an urban public safety professional with a family and a busy workload. I am also a life-long Trekker, having watched every episode of every series in its first run (except TOS, not THAT old!). Sometimes I feel like I’m from a different time when I’m online, as I’m not very savvy with the latest trends, lingo, etc. I also am a lifelong role playing and tactical gamer, and tend to obsess for years on only a couple games at a time. Right now it is STO, which I have played since 2012 (the only MMORG I ever played) and War in the Pacific Admiral’s Edition, which is a very complicated turn-based strategic game I play by e-mail against an opponent. I probably spend too much time playing STO, even though I run hot and cold depending on work and other commitments. My handle on STO is Connfire.
    • Do you accept the rules and regulations? Yes

    aka @robofearth

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Hello Rob,

    Thanks for applying to the mighty 44th, your invites have been sent.
    (Edit, system can’t find your KDF alt, ask for a KDF Fleet invite in our 44th-diplo channel).

    Join our 44th chat channel “44th-diplo” by typing the following into the chat window: /channel_join 44th-diplo.

    This is used to communicate with our 44th Fleet, 44th Delta Fleet and our 44th Assault Squadron (KDF) – we don’t use the in-game fleet channel. Any questions, don’t hesitate !

    As a new Federation Fleet Ensign you will be stationed for 2 weeks in the 44th Delta Fleet, (KDF’s go directly to our 44th Assault Sqn). For a promotion to Lieutenant and fleet store unlock you just need to meet 2 requirements:

    1) Must have either logged into the game or posted on our 44th forum at least once during the review period of 2 weeks (which starts today);
    2) Must be in good standing with the fleet.

    Full access to the 44th forum has now been unlocked, feel free to look around. See the recent State of the Fleet to catch up.

    As a mature, no-drama fleet the 44th caters to casual and hard-core players, so I’m sure you’ll fit right in.

    Season’s greetings and welcome aboard !

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

    Fleet Member

    Welcome to the fleet! It really is a great group of people. I joined for similar reasons as you and never regretted it.

    Fleet Admiral
    Founder 44th Delta FleetTeam Player

    glad to have you.  welcome!

    Fleet Member

    Thank you, I appreciate the feedback. All my Fed characters have joined. I think I joined the chat channel correctly, never joined a channel before. Sometime in the future I may need some guidance on the voice aspect.

    Also think I sent the request for my KDF alt correctly, if not please let me know.

    Proud to be a member! Looking forward to participating!

    Addendum: Oops, never mind, I got the KDF request while I was typing this. That was fast! Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Connfire.

    aka @robofearth

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