Application for Altrae

Our Fleet Forums Public Lounge Recruitment Academy Application for Altrae

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  • #153454
    Fleet Member

    Main character’s name: Xatu@altrae
    Real Name (first name only): Timothy
    Age: 21
    Location (at least time zone): EST
    Alt character names (and please indicate Fed or KDF):
    Xatu@altrae [Fed]
    Timothy@altrae [Fed]
    Timaew [Romulan/not allied]
    Are you Silver/gold/ or Lifetime?: Free Player
    Tell us about yourself (trek/game history, whatever you want us to know about you):
    I am an Science Vice Admiral Vulcan who pilots a Temporal Science Vessel. I log on daily & am quite sociable.

    Why did you choose the Mighty 44th: I am used to highly organized high level fleets, and after taking a long break after losing my home to a fire, I returned to STO unable to get into contact with my old fleet: Starbase 192 who kicked me due to my long absence. Hence, I moved on seeking an equally organized and experienced fleet to participate in. Looking through several high level organized fleets, I decided to apply for the 44th Fleet. I hope to make plenty of new friends, have good times, and contribute to the fleet itself.
    Have you read the rules (the rules and regulations are located under the ‘About Us’ tab at the top): Yes
    Are you willing to use Teamspeak?: Yes

    Admiral (Retired)
    Team Player

    Thanks for applying to the 44th.

    Your invites have been sent. You should receive it the next time you log in. In the meantime, see this thread on how to join our private chat channel.

    Also, for you unaligned romulan, would you consider allying with Klingon side? There are different missions on the KDF side, and it’s a lot easier to get dilithium too. Plus we could use help with our KDF starbase.

    Fleet Member

    I was thinking to do so as I never seriously got into the Klingon side before.

    Fleet Member
    Team Player

    much easier to get dilithium and contraband as KDF, but anything kdf specific in the que is usually crazy slow. not so much a problem if you have a good fleet behind ya tho! 🙂

    Admiral (Retired)
    Founder 44th Delta FleetFleet Shindig Risa 2019Team Player

    Join the Dark Side!

    Welcome aboard.

    "Boldly bashing Borg to bits since 2012..."

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